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我记得BC的碳税是自由党开始搞起来的。网上查的:However, in 2008, it was the Liberals that introduced the carbon tax and tax shift, which was thought to be a more market-friendly method of regulating carbon than the competing idea of cap-and-trade, which the NDP supported. During the 2009 British Columbia election, the NDP suggested replacing the tax with a cap-and-trade system, and the BC Conservatives also made repealing the carbon tax part of their platform, but the Liberals won another majority government.。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 今天 BC United (原BC自由党) 停止竞选!集中力量支持BC保守党! +6

    BC10月省选,原先有4个党参与,支持率分别大约是 NDP 40% 保守党 40% United 10% Greens 10%。 如果全部United选民改投保守党,NDP肯定下台。BC将告别恐怖的毒品政策。
    • 叫花子党干的绝,连同是左左战友的智忧党人都受不了了,呵呵 +8
      • BC总体上很左。BC是全国第一个征碳税的省,比土豆早很多年。 +1
    • Great politicians! Make BC Great Again! +4
      At a news conference in Vancouver, John Rustad, the leader of the B.C. Conservative party, discusses an agreement that will see the B.C. United Party suspend its provincial election campaign and throw its support to the Conservatives. The effort to consolidate voter support under the Conservative banner comes two months ahead of a provincial election scheduled for October 19. (August 28, 2024) (no interpretation)
    • 联合党这么绝望啊。 +2
      我记得BC的碳税是自由党开始搞起来的。网上查的:However, in 2008, it was the Liberals that introduced the carbon tax and tax shift, which was thought to be a more market-friendly method of regulating carbon than the competing idea of cap-and-trade, which the NDP supported. During the 2009 British Columbia election, the NDP suggested replacing the tax with a cap-and-trade system, and the BC Conservatives also made repealing the carbon tax part of their platform, but the Liberals won another majority government.。
      • 步小肯尼迪的后尘 +1
    • Great move! 就看明年PPC的表现了,不过估计悬。 MAX 和包头的是同一类,只关心自己口袋。就看PPC选民了。 +4
    • BC聯合黨因爲疫苗大將出走保守黨盤活保守黨,最終終結聯合黨。歸根結底是疫苗太不得人心。現在就等著保守黨上臺把兔博関進監獄。 +4