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  歌中写的那个老板娘,会让我想起《新龙门客栈》里的金香玉,一样的风情,一样的神秘,少的是她那种的狠毒和杀人不见血的江湖气,却总是一样有着太多的经历与现在的冷漠。记得歌中写到“她很美丽,有很多的男人在她身边,她称他们是朋友。” “在夏日微风的晚上,他们在后院里跳舞,有的人是为了记住,有的人是为了忘却的记念。。。”


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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / "新龙门客栈"与"加州旅馆" ---------很奇怪自己的脑子现在是怎么了,会把这两个东西想到一起,估计进水的可能性占67.8%...:)
    • 怪不得专家每每Yin唱加州旅馆的时候,脸上都会呈现一种奇异的妩媚......
      • 胡言乱语的,权当是灌水吧:)

          歌中写的那个老板娘,会让我想起《新龙门客栈》里的金香玉,一样的风情,一样的神秘,少的是她那种的狠毒和杀人不见血的江湖气,却总是一样有着太多的经历与现在的冷漠。记得歌中写到“她很美丽,有很多的男人在她身边,她称他们是朋友。” “在夏日微风的晚上,他们在后院里跳舞,有的人是为了记住,有的人是为了忘却的记念。。。”


    • 联想得不错。不过这首歌跟旅馆,老板娘毫无关系。多年前有人告诉我它描述的是一个教堂,但我一直认为它暗喻的是每个人的心魔。附文有较详细的讨论,参见连接。
      • 有人还说加州旅馆是戒毒所呢.真正含义只有作者知道,任何听众都可加上自己的恮释.
    • 大家都是人在旅途啊,有这样的联想,真的不奇怪。可能,每个人心深处,也不仅仅是良家妇女心深处,有浪迹天涯当一回不管不顾客栈老板娘的冲动和向往吧。
    • 有点不感苟同。张曼玉是在演完《阮伶玉》(获得柏林影后)后接拍《新龙门客栈》,她的戏路比林青霞宽。
      • 同感,当初看《新龙门客栈》,觉得最出彩的就是张曼玉
        • tonggan
      • agree
      • 太同意了
      • 仅仅是张曼玉令人难忘么?整部电影都是经典啊.还记得周怀安客栈重逢莫言一幕."醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营"的吟唱荡气回肠,烛影灯红中,青霞身姿摇曳;杀机四伏里,家辉目驰如星.瑰丽雄奇,不可方物啊.
    • 不错..有想法...至少hotelcalifornia的歌词表面上是这样的. 很多同学热衷挖这首歌词的思想根源...但是据说eagles自己都不说...很可能就没有什么根源...没有什么深度...嘿嘿, 我比较赞成网上的一种说法, 说这个hotel是个技术学院
    • 写得不错。
    • I dont know why when I was at that age, I like this music too. Listen to it times and times. The whole transcript is inside.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛On a dark desert highway
      Cool wind in my hair
      Warm smell of colitas
      Rising up through the air
      Up ahead in the distance
      I saw a shimmering light
      My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim
      I had to stop for the night
      There she stood in the doorway
      I heard the mission bell
      And I was thinking to myself
      This could be Heaven or this could be Hell
      Then she lit up a candle
      And she showed me the way
      There were voices down the corridor
      I thought I heard them say

      Welcome to the Hotel California
      Such a lovely place
      Such a lovely place (background)
      Such a lovely face
      Plenty of room at the Hotel California
      Any time of year
      Any time of year (background)
      You can find it here
      You can find it here

      Her mind is Tiffany twisted
      She's got the Mercedes bends
      She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
      That she calls friends
      How they dance in the courtyard
      Sweet summer sweat
      Some dance to remember
      Some dance to forget
      So I called up the Captain
      Please bring me my wine
      He said
      We haven't had that spirit here since 1969
      And still those voices are calling from far away
      Wake you up in the middle of the night
      Just to hear them say

      Welcome to the Hotel California
      Such a lovely Place
      Such a lovely Place (background)
      Such a lovely face
      They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
      What a nice surprise
      What a nice surprise (background)
      Bring your alibies

      Mirrors on the ceiling
      Pink champagne on ice
      And she said
      We are all just prisoners here
      Of our own device
      And in the master's chambers
      They gathered for the feast
      They stab it with their steely knives
      But they just can't kill the beast
      Last thing I remember
      I was running for the door
      I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
      Relax said the nightman
      We are programed to recieve
      You can check out any time you like
      But you can never leave更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢,正打算找这首歌的歌词。每天早晨走路上班,都要听这首歌。
    • 喜欢HOTEL CALIFORNIA的调儿--典型的小痞子,和王朔 春波颇有一比.