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Help! How to access oracle 9i from com+ component?

oracle 9i R2 running on windows 2003 server;

V$XATRANS$ has been created and granted select priviledge to public;

registry HKLM \ software \ microsoft \ MSDTC \ MTxOCI has been set as the following:
OracleOciLib = oci.dll
OracleSqlLib = orasql9.dll
OracleXaLib = oraclient9.dll

MDAC 2.8 RTM installed on the same machine

When I tried to open an OleDbConnection to Oracle inside a com+ component running on the same machine, a OleDbException was thrown out with error number 0x8000D048 and no error message available. Inside application event log, a warning from MSDTC was logged at the same time, stating calling GetXaSwitch failed.
BTW, I have granted DBA role to the user id used to connect to oracle.

What I missed? Thanks in advance!