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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Questions on attending Nursing School. Please give us some advice. Thanks.

My wife has a bachelor degree in medicine in China and worked as a doctor for 5 year in a hospital. She wants to attend Nursing School after landing because it is impossible for her to pass the examination for medical doctor. If someone has the similar situation and give us some advice, we will appreciate very much.

1. Can she apply for the nursing school as a transfer student? She wants to transfer her credits in the medical school in China to the nursing school, for saving time and money. Is it possible?

2. Is she supposed to apply for the nursing school as an international student? Can she change her status after landing? I heard someone's bad experience. The university canceled his enrollment because he changed the status. What is the difference of tuition between international student and parmenant resident?

3. She is taking some courses now, such as English, anthropology in a university for preparing for the transfer. Can she transfer these credits to Canada?

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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / Questions on attending Nursing School. Please give us some advice. Thanks.
    My wife has a bachelor degree in medicine in China and worked as a doctor for 5 year in a hospital. She wants to attend Nursing School after landing because it is impossible for her to pass the examination for medical doctor. If someone has the similar situation and give us some advice, we will appreciate very much.

    1. Can she apply for the nursing school as a transfer student? She wants to transfer her credits in the medical school in China to the nursing school, for saving time and money. Is it possible?

    2. Is she supposed to apply for the nursing school as an international student? Can she change her status after landing? I heard someone's bad experience. The university canceled his enrollment because he changed the status. What is the difference of tuition between international student and parmenant resident?

    3. She is taking some courses now, such as English, anthropology in a university for preparing for the transfer. Can she transfer these credits to Canada?
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