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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 小猫转让. 9 周健康小黄猫, 已打3针, 有全套记录. 现因工作繁忙, 无法悉心照料, 只好半价出让. 原199(税前)购入, 现100出让, 附送宠物携带箱, 猫剪, 猫粮(干,湿)等. 有意者请发Private Message联系.
    • 为了小猫好,找户好人家最重要.就怕那一百块钱也换不到个好的家呀.帮你喊喊,帮帮小猫吧!
      • 谢谢啊.
    • 我想养一只猫,但我想先看一看
    • You dont have time to take care of him ? why did you buy him home then? Life is life.
    • 贴张照片吧???? 啊, 我有兴趣
    • 照片在这里.
      • 小可怜,真可爱啊,希望这是他最后一次换主人啊。
      • kao, 和我的一模一样
    • 是我喜欢的那种小猫。。。
    • 频繁换主人,会不会对猫猫的幼小心灵留下伤害呀?猫猫也是又感情的呀,所以,我觉得要有一定的精力,时间,条件和耐心,才可以养宠物.
      • Yes, we regret we made wrong decision. Just 2 days after we bought Orange, I decided to go back China and live there for 5 months. My LG can't handle her by himself.
        • 同情你!
    • better price than adoption, which is $125 including certificate
    • 有狗吗?
    • Up.
    • Up
    • 还没送出去啊,要不是家里有小小孩,我就领养了。: (
    • Have you send it out yet? I'd like to have it. I've write you a private message.