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complete solution

1. right click 'my computer' --Find--*.tmp (all Hard drive), delete all of them;
2. you are using netscape, so open netscape, choose 'edit' from tool bar, go to 'preferences' (last one in the list), then double click 'advanced', you will see 2 options: Cache and Proxy, you should choose 'Cache', then on right hand of the screen choose 'clear disk cache' and 'clear memory cache'. --- clear both of them.
3. quit from netscape, from 'start' memu, choose 'Run': scandisk, and 'defrag';
4. If you have viruscan on your PC, and if you are using Mcafee, please download the update 'Super Dat'; if you are using 'Norton' please update your 'virus Dat definition';
5. Suggest you istall some 'firewall' on your PC;
6. Suggests everyone have a 'image' of your own harddrive, (run ghost to do that). then if your PC dead, you can format your hard drive and ghost your image back.

Good Luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 请教各位电脑高手:我的电脑drive C尚有826MB空间,为什么一打开电脑总是有信息:"Hard disk is full","run out of disk space on drive C"? 而且电脑无法使用..
    请教各位电脑高手:我的电脑drive C尚有826MB空间,为什么一打开电脑总是有信息:"Hard disk is full","run out of disk space on drive C"? 而且电脑无法使用(如无法打开Netscape及浏览电子邮件等,也无法执行"disk clean",是什么原因呢?莫非中了毒?还有多了两个莫明其妙的folders:NET$WIN_NT&~BT, $WIN_NT$~LS是否可以删掉?谢谢!
    • 1.run chkdisk 2. cleandisk 3. delete directories you commented.
      • I've tried all of these, but it doesn't work.
    • Virus!!!
      • So what to do? please
    • Because there is swap space on your harddrive. and those temporary folders are used when your system was installed. They should be removed automatically.
      • So, what to do now? I deleted some temparory files that are before August, but still doesn't work.when I open Nescape, it just stops there..
        • 系统配置是什么。
          • 谢谢回应但我不知什么是系统配置?不好意思我是外行.
        • complete solution
          1. right click 'my computer' --Find--*.tmp (all Hard drive), delete all of them;
          2. you are using netscape, so open netscape, choose 'edit' from tool bar, go to 'preferences' (last one in the list), then double click 'advanced', you will see 2 options: Cache and Proxy, you should choose 'Cache', then on right hand of the screen choose 'clear disk cache' and 'clear memory cache'. --- clear both of them.
          3. quit from netscape, from 'start' memu, choose 'Run': scandisk, and 'defrag';
          4. If you have viruscan on your PC, and if you are using Mcafee, please download the update 'Super Dat'; if you are using 'Norton' please update your 'virus Dat definition';
          5. Suggest you istall some 'firewall' on your PC;
          6. Suggests everyone have a 'image' of your own harddrive, (run ghost to do that). then if your PC dead, you can format your hard drive and ghost your image back.

          Good Luck