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Canadian International Air Show - Any comment on this?

Eyes to the skies. This Labour Day weekend tradition continues with displays of awesome power, skill and aerial artistry.

Where: Exhibition Place, Lakeshore Blvd., Toronto, ON
When: 1:00 pm Saturday, Sep. 1
1:00 pm Sunday, Sep. 2
1:00 pm Monday, Sep. 3

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Canadian International Air Show - Any comment on this?
    Eyes to the skies. This Labour Day weekend tradition continues with displays of awesome power, skill and aerial artistry.

    Where: Exhibition Place, Lakeshore Blvd., Toronto, ON
    When: 1:00 pm Saturday, Sep. 1
    1:00 pm Sunday, Sep. 2
    1:00 pm Monday, Sep. 3
    • Totally free? That's great. The price of an Air Show in Zhuhai, China should be around RMB280.
      • 不FREE。门票算在CNE的票里了。
        • Thanks.
    • Your family and you will have fun there. My son enjoyed the "little aircraft" that I caught for him last year (a dragonfly).
    • 珠海的航展我每届都去(96,98,00),有兴趣的朋友大家一块去!
    • I will go.
      • 到时可否顺便帮我诊断以下车的毛病?
        • I'll try my best.
    • I surely will go. 谢谢Bloor提醒. 有没有DX了解多伦多的航校?考一个private pilot license要多少银子?租一小时Cessna要多少?记得以前看过一个电影,考牌只要一千多USD。EGG连枪都想玩,没想过上天转一转?
      • That's my dream!!!
      • 我星期六会去CNE,除了航展,还有个航空博物馆,那里可以问到航校的事。也是我的DREAM。
    • 好啊,看玩航展去打球