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that's for my misery

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛i came here to Canada alone. I hope you guys could understand all the miseries and lost a single guy could experience in this country. After all, I'm still alive and seem to be quite normal.

That's last December, before X'mas time. My employer planned to release our new version of software in a couple of months. But we still had lots of functions to implement. I was under pressure.
After programming for the whole day, i could not even sleep well. That's what people call "insomnia". And suddenly, i feel so much distress in my life that I could not handle. So, i called my psychiatrist Mr. A and made an appointment.

Mr. A lives in a town house. He is a white man, about 40 years old. He is well-educated, polite and accept politeness. He asked me to describe what had happened to me. So, i told him about my immigration process, how my work was going, how much pressure i feel from my work, and my insomnia.
Then he analyzed for a while, and told me what to do. He even made another appointment with me around new year, wishing to see if there's some positive effects appear in my life.

But i never go there any more. I don't think he could be of any help because he just could not understand why a chinese would come to Canada to live with so much miseries in life. I told him if I could choose again, i would still come to Canada.

Anyway, i would never be overwhelmed by pressure.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 哪位老虾有在加拿大看心理医生的经历,可否道来?顺便问一句,加拿大讲国语的心理医生比例有多大?是否够专业?
    • Is there anything wrong with you?
      • Hehe,你们看,我一说打听心理医生的事情,大多数人第一反应就是如此。这也许是中西方文化的差异之一吧。不过我倒确实想知道一些。
          • 我想大概是这样吧,打个比方说,
            • you have good imagination.
    • 我看过,想知道些什么?
      • 其实我比较关心的问题是,咱们这些人的英语,应付工作、面试、日常生活等等应该绰绰有余,可是如果是和心理医生交流,英语再好,恐怕也有障碍。效果自然就差。
        • 那你担心不担心和牙医, 外科医生, 护士, 律师, 警察, 艺术家等等交流呢?
      • 另外,如果方便,还希望你把这个经历或过程写一写,当然最好还有体会。
        • 好八
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛打署期工烫伤。两年后看心理医生,时间太久记不很清楚了,不知你的英文程度如何,感觉上不是很生涩,易懂,表达情绪的几个关键词掌握住了。基本上就象老友聊天闲谈。印象深刻的有3处。
          2。关于自杀,他似乎很想知道我有无自杀群象,我满不在乎的说,我觉得每个人在情绪底罗的时候肯定都会产生自杀的念头,我也不例外,但这只是一闪而过的想法,并不代表我真的就想要自杀,人在困境中会对周围环境作出评估并尝试找出一种解脱的方法,很自然的自杀也是其中的一个选择。 他听我鬼扯后大惊,围绕这个话题谈了很久,记不清他说了些什么了,只知道他最后在报告上写我有些微自杀群象,要其他医生FOLLOWUP。这个问题跟了我很久,无数次Interview,Assesment, 搞到后来我真的开始怀疑自己是不是个 Suicido.
          3。关于性, 他对我的性生活十分感性趣,异乎寻常的感性趣,从我的家庭背景到性伴女的家庭背景到各自的成长经历,到我和性伴女的性趣爱好,到具体行为方式都打听了。特别问道伤病对性行为的影象,生理上的和心理上的等等等等,基本上这个话题我是投其所好乱扯一通。谁叫咱是中国人理。

          总之和你在电影上看到的差不多。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 谢谢!原来国外的心理医生是这样的。
          • 天!!
          • 在心理医生眼里,每个人都有病 —— 精神病。你要是没病,他就该病了。
            • 有道理呀!
    • t听说在美国作心理医生,需要有心理学博士学位。每小时的收入可达375美元。而且美国90%以上的人都看过心理医生。
    • i tried once and it's covered by my company benefit.
      • Could you give us some more details about your experience, please .
        • that's for my misery
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛i came here to Canada alone. I hope you guys could understand all the miseries and lost a single guy could experience in this country. After all, I'm still alive and seem to be quite normal.

          That's last December, before X'mas time. My employer planned to release our new version of software in a couple of months. But we still had lots of functions to implement. I was under pressure.
          After programming for the whole day, i could not even sleep well. That's what people call "insomnia". And suddenly, i feel so much distress in my life that I could not handle. So, i called my psychiatrist Mr. A and made an appointment.

          Mr. A lives in a town house. He is a white man, about 40 years old. He is well-educated, polite and accept politeness. He asked me to describe what had happened to me. So, i told him about my immigration process, how my work was going, how much pressure i feel from my work, and my insomnia.
          Then he analyzed for a while, and told me what to do. He even made another appointment with me around new year, wishing to see if there's some positive effects appear in my life.

          But i never go there any more. I don't think he could be of any help because he just could not understand why a chinese would come to Canada to live with so much miseries in life. I told him if I could choose again, i would still come to Canada.

          Anyway, i would never be overwhelmed by pressure.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 情绪发泄的本身也是一种治疗。
          • So his advice has been very practical and useful? You never have had the some problem again?
    • 潜意识是文化的沉积,建议大家如果想看心理医生,最好找东方学派的,比如森田正马和他的学生高武良久开创的学派(忘了叫什么),而不是西方的那些源自弗洛伊德的学派。
      • 靠!找日本心理医生?你不是抵制日货的急先锋麻?
        • 我抵制日货,只不过不想给日本的经济再做贡献,并非迂腐到见了“日本“二字呕饭的地步。日本文化源自中国文明,虽然在战国时期日本仍然是石器时代,但日本工业文明较早,其现代心理学还是有可取之处。