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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

letter for babyface

dear babyface,

thanks a million for your answer. do you know i wanted to send you an email but failed few days ago to ask the same question? because from this web side it seems that you are a really expert of something.

one more question, if i have to leave canada but no more than six monthes in any year during the application is being processed. what should i do?

by the way, are you in canada now? please keep in touch(via.net@163.net) and hope you could get this email.

once again, thank you very much.

happy new year!


the letter i sent to the address you offered came back again. so i ...
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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 当为spouse申请时, sponsor是否必须住在加拿大?
    我已在加拿大落地,现人在中国,想为spouse申请 ,但在CIC中看到“: As a sponsor, You must physically live in canada"我不知道这是否意味着申请时我本人必须在加拿大,还是我只要一般意义上即在规定的时间住在加拿大,申请时不在加也可?
    • From the words you provided, I think so. But...you know, I'm not a lawyer so that I don't know whether I'm correct. :(
      • 各位老兄及sailor,现有几个关于填写Spouse申请表格的问题请教。
        1.对于不适合本人的项目,只在主栏中填N/A,其他空白,还是所有表格都要填N/A,比如Dependent child格中,在Name中填N/A,sex等格中怎麽填?

        • Filling form
          1. Yes. Leave it blank for "sex" etc.
          2. Ping Ying. Apt./No. 4. Not necessary for room 702.
          3. Yes.
          4. Don't fill it.
        • 1. 你太认真了,移民官也是常人。标题处填一个N/A就足够了。2、在未要求填中文时,一律填英文。如:Building 4, XXX LU, Apt/No. 中填:#702; 3、实话实说。4、没有就填NA。
      • Hi,Nobady, thank you very much for your reply, you have given me a great help, keep in touch!
        • 各位仁兄、nobody及sailor,有关于家庭团聚经济评估问题请教。
          • You don't have to have a job or prove of income to sponsor your wife. But you have to be in Canada.
            • thanks
          • 我也急欲知情! 谢谢知情人不吝赐教.
          • There is no income requirement for spouse. But it will help if you have some savings and show them. You have to guarantee that your spouse does not apply for any social assistance for ten years.
        • 请问:我丈夫已经拿到了LP,去了加国。我现在正在申请亲属团聚。我在填亲属团聚申请表(IMM0008中 PAGE 2/4)时,是否还需填SPOUSE,即丈夫的有关信息,而交表时,是否仍需要交丈夫的8张照片?
          • 都不需要。
            • 非常感谢你的帮助,大圣。
          • 大圣,你肯定吗?
            • 我替我LP填的表,已经体检。在等另一个LP(Landing Paper).
              • 大圣, 你朋友何时递的表? 前后花了多久? 知道未婚团聚的情况吗?
              • 是老婆,说错了.
                • 如非确实必要,不要用未婚方式申请,而且未婚方式比配偶方式花钱多,时间长,审核也严。
              • can u help me? thank u. cdangel@21cn.com qq:404259
          • we are in the same situation, maybe we can know and help each other. cdangel@21cn.com qq:404259
    • yes!!!!!You must be in Canada to sponsor a your wife or others if you are a landed immigrant. If you are Canadian citizen, it is not required.
      • sailor and babyface, thanks a million for your reply.
      • that means i could never leave canada (before being a canadian citizen ) while the case is being processed? thank you.
      • letter for babyface
        dear babyface,

        thanks a million for your answer. do you know i wanted to send you an email but failed few days ago to ask the same question? because from this web side it seems that you are a really expert of something.

        one more question, if i have to leave canada but no more than six monthes in any year during the application is being processed. what should i do?

        by the way, are you in canada now? please keep in touch(via.net@163.net) and hope you could get this email.

        once again, thank you very much.

        happy new year!


        the letter i sent to the address you offered came back again. so i ...
        • I can't write to your address.
          If you want, you can write to me first at yeluxing@hotmail.com.
      • What if I wanna sponsor my girlfriend to Canada , rather than wife .
    • 官方的答案!
      Last month when I came back from Canada, I phoned the Immigration Center about this question. This is their answer:

      Firstly, you don't have to live in Canada when you sponser your spouse if you are a Canadian or a permernent resident. Secondly, you must provide some proof that can prove that you have some connection with Canada. For example, a house a Canada, a job in canada or you pay the tax in Canada. So you'd better think about how to explain it to the officier in the empassy.

      Good luck!
      • thank you, fred, when will you leave this time? please stay in touch.
      • 你好,想向你请教一下。除了你在帖子中说的那些能证明和canada的某些联系外,还有哪些可以做为和加拿大有联系的理由而使我可以从容地呆在国内陪我爱人一起等?你说的house是指什么?是自己买的还是租的?非常感谢你提出一些建议!
      • 向fredye致以崇高的敬意!!!
    • Be careful! My wife's case was rejected because I was not living in Canada.
      I think you better to stay in Canada when you try to sponsor your wife. However, I heard you can leave after you get the sponsor appication approved in Canada.

      Goo luck!
      • 你不是申请LP的visit visa被拒的么?
        • Visit visa是不是和团聚不同?
        • No, I applied immigration visa for her. Actually I do not think the spouse can get the visiting visa under the stupid Canadian law.
          • 被锯是因为你交申请的时候不住在加拿大吗?最后结果如何?上诉了吗?
            • I was in Beijing and holding the RRP. My lawyer said it would be better off to re-apply(after come back in Canada) than appeal.
              • 相信你上诉一定能成功的, 就是浪费了时间很讨厌!请问RRP是什么?
      • 也谢谢白石兄弟!!!
    • 请问有哪位移友是没有工作,没有报税的情况下比较快的顺利地把老婆团聚过来的? 因为我听说有工作和报过税的人办理配偶团聚比较快
    • 我的情况比较特殊,我和老婆99年就结婚了(还没达到晚婚标准,呵呵),2000年9月我开始申请移民(老婆没有同时申请,失败啊),当时刚结婚,打算是自己先过去打基础,然后接老婆过来可以少受罪,