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See this from CNN.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛NEW YORK (CNN) -- Terrorists struck the United States Tuesday morning in harrowing, widespread attacks that included at least three commercial jet crashes into significant buildings.

• In the first attack, a plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers later collapsed.

• American Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off from Boston. American Airlines told CNN that it lost two planes in "tragic accidents," one leaving Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard, and the second leaving Washington Dulles airport with 58 passengers and six crew aboard. Both planes were en route to Los Angeles

• About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, part of which later collapsed.

• Sources say a second plane was heading toward the Pentagon; F-16 jets were in the air monitoring it.

• The Pentagon, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington evacuated.

• In the first ever national ground stop of aircraft, all flights nationwide have been stopped at their departure airports.

• All international flights were diverted to Canada.

• Israel has evacuated all its missions around the world.

• President Bush cancelled an appearance in Florida to return to Washington, calling the crashes "apparent terrorist attacks" and "a national tragedy."

• In Chicago, the Sears Tower was evacuated; United Nations in New York evacuated.

• The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated.

• The New York Port Authority said it had closed all bridges and tunnels into the city.

• New York's Bellevue Hospital was designated command central for handling the catastrophe. Several hospitals have already reported receiving victims with burns and head injuries.

• Large plane crashed 80 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but it was unknown if this crash was connected to terrorist attacks.

• U.S. stock markets were closed after the New York attacks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 今晨撞擊紐約世貿大樓的飛機,據悉是兩架美利堅航空公司的767型客機,這兩班飛機均由波士頓起飛,隨後遭到恐怖份子劫持。目前,紐約市對外交通全部關閉,只剩通往新澤西的喬治華盛頓大橋開放。
    • 華盛頓的五角大廈同時遭到恐怖份子攻擊。據報導指出,一家飛機撞擊五角大廈,五角大廈與白宮人員已在盡速撤離。布希當時正在佛羅里達,記者會後隨即趕回華盛頓,目前正在途中。 FAA宣佈,全國飛機停止起降。
      • 去美国的飞机几乎都降落到加拿大的机场了,千万别把恐怖分子也带到加来!
    • 白宮遭炸彈攻擊,目前建築幾乎半毀。據了解,巴勒斯坦解放組織已承認發起這三起嚴重攻擊事件。
      • Palestan or Afghanistan?
      • If it's really done by 巴勒斯坦解放組織, no doubt the Palestainian will never have their own country and 巴解 will be completed destroyed. Crazy!
      • My paste is deleted again! Whatever. From the TV, NO ONE declares any repsonsiblity yet.
    • 世貿大樓其中一棟南邊大樓已經倒塌
    • 紐約市曼哈頓目前處於全面戒備狀態,將疏散民眾。目前通訊幾乎完全中斷,連手機也無法使用。
    • 位於華府的美國最高法院建築發生爆炸。 位於華府的美國最高法院建築發生爆炸。
    • 第二棟世貿大樓也已倒塌
    • 華府全面進入備戰狀態,軍方已派遣戰機盤旋在華府上空。
    • 一架華府警方的飛機被劫持,目前行蹤未定。
    • 98年我还去过NY,世贸大厦是他们的标志建筑!这下美国真的面临战争了!恐怖分子太厉害了!!!!!
    • 快讯:一架被劫持的飞机正飞往华盛顿
      • 显而易见,下个目标是白宫。
        • 白宮遭炸彈攻擊,目前建築幾乎半毀.
          • no, the white house is ok still.
          • no, it's pentagon, not white house
            • yes.
    • 希望这件事也能敲醒中国政府, 别再追世界第X高楼了
      • 我擔心的是長江上的大壩﹐非常危險
    • 新闻说加拿大也开始动用HALFAX的军队保护要害机构和建筑了。
    • Hi, carelesswhisper, I am Wham! 考!我刚看电视,看到好几个台都是转播冒烟的大楼,正纳闷呢!!
    • 国内一点消息都没有啊,郁闷啊!郁闷!!!
      • no 郁闷, it has nothing to do with China.
        • Chinese government has to make sure how to remain neutral in this tragedy. I'm sure they gonna blame terrorists, and feel sorry for New Yorkers, blah, blah.
          • 您老就直说了吧, 是中国干的. 中国是流氓国家. 也省得FBI去调查了
      • 晚间新闻报了6、7分钟,之后就只字不提了。
        • Has nothing to do with chinese ... stupid chinese government
        • 上海电视台全程直播了惨剧!!!
      • 在深圳可以看到香港台的直播
      • 不可以看凤凰卫视吗?
    • 快讯:纽约世界贸易中心附近第三座大楼发生爆炸
    • 美國總統布希向全美民眾發表簡短談話,對罹難者致哀,也表示願上帝保佑美國;美國政府也已經針對飛機撞上紐約世貿大樓事件展開調查。美國股市也宣布休市.這起事件已引發全球關注。
    • RCMP现在在渥太华召开紧急会议。加拿大的朋友这几天上街多盯着点头上和脚下吧
      • wohoho :P
      • 别制造紧张空气啊。
    • So scary ! It's safer to live in Canada, isn't it ?
      • not sure
      • 玄。加拿大支持以色列,也有可能遭到攻击,最大的目标:toronto电视塔。
        • CN Tower is evacuating.
    • People in the office are all talking about this. Cannot get back to work. So overwhelming !
      • Nobody is working. CNN is blocked. Even our intranet(GlobeAndMail) is half blocked!! Crazy.
    • 美五角大廈遭受直升機自殺式攻擊,紐約世貿大樓兩大樓先後被二架飛機撞擊,傳第一架飛機是從自波士頓機場起飛的美國航空757型客機。第二架飛機為自紐華克機場起飛的客機。
    • 而據傳還有另一架767客機也被挾持,正在尋找一下個攻擊目標,但目的地不明,美國防部正在追縱中,但官方尚未證實此消息。 全美各大城市均全面戒備,芝加哥市的西爾斯大樓人員也已緊急疏散。
    • 據CNN報導,美國國防部預期可能有另一架飛機將對五角大廈進行自殺攻擊,並且有目擊者看見至少有一架F─16戰機往這架飛機可能迫近的方向飛去.
      • See this from CNN.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛NEW YORK (CNN) -- Terrorists struck the United States Tuesday morning in harrowing, widespread attacks that included at least three commercial jet crashes into significant buildings.

        • In the first attack, a plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m., followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers later collapsed.

        • American Airlines Boeing 767 that had been hijacked after take-off from Boston. American Airlines told CNN that it lost two planes in "tragic accidents," one leaving Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew aboard, and the second leaving Washington Dulles airport with 58 passengers and six crew aboard. Both planes were en route to Los Angeles

        • About an hour later, a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, part of which later collapsed.

        • Sources say a second plane was heading toward the Pentagon; F-16 jets were in the air monitoring it.

        • The Pentagon, the White House, the State Department, the Justice Department, the Capitol, the CIA and all other government buildings in Washington evacuated.

        • In the first ever national ground stop of aircraft, all flights nationwide have been stopped at their departure airports.

        • All international flights were diverted to Canada.

        • Israel has evacuated all its missions around the world.

        • President Bush cancelled an appearance in Florida to return to Washington, calling the crashes "apparent terrorist attacks" and "a national tragedy."

        • In Chicago, the Sears Tower was evacuated; United Nations in New York evacuated.

        • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta was evacuated.

        • The New York Port Authority said it had closed all bridges and tunnels into the city.

        • New York's Bellevue Hospital was designated command central for handling the catastrophe. Several hospitals have already reported receiving victims with burns and head injuries.

        • Large plane crashed 80 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but it was unknown if this crash was connected to terrorist attacks.

        • U.S. stock markets were closed after the New York attacks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 第四架被劫持的飛機墜毀在賓州傑克森鎮機場。這架飛機是由芝加哥起飛的747大型客機,飛機上有約90名乘客。 所有紐約以及華府的聯邦政府大樓全部關閉,加拿大機場亦全部關閉。
    • 此外,據報導在世貿大樓旁的一所高中發現炸彈。 紐約市長朱利安尼宣佈緊急疏散民眾,呼籲民眾向北撤離。
    • the TSE went 300 points down, no good to every body!
      • Don't you know so many high-hands still short, short, short yesterday on DaQian fourm. It is best news for them! I wish I follow their call to short... Let's hold cash and prepare buy NT@$1!
    • 美利堅航空公司(American Airline)證實,攻擊世貿大樓的兩架被劫持飛機該公司均屬於該公司,一架是由華府道格拉斯機場起飛的757型客機,機上有81名乘客,9名機員以及2名正副駕駛。另一架是由波士頓起飛的767型客機,機上有77名乘客。
    • 此外,墜毀於賓州機場的客機則屬於聯合航空(United Airline)的747型客機。
    • Arafat said it is a shock to him! All the planes are transfered to Canada or other countries. The plane just crashed through the building and 20 minutes later, the two whole building just crashed!
      • 香港卫视台还在跟踪报道
    • 又有一架被劫持的聯合航空客機墜毀在五角大廈,該班飛機預定由波士頓飛往洛杉磯。
      • No. 5?
      • where did you get this messgae? I just watcTV, They didn't say ..
        • chineseworld.com
    • heard 8 planes are hijacked and already shhoot down 2 planes. the other american planes already on air is oredred to land on toronto airport.
    • 第1000架飞机从 carelesswhisper(无心快语)嘴中飞出,撞上ROLIA。
      • Why this one always be last sentence?
    • 聯合航空證實兩架飛機墜毀: 第一架為:UA93,波音757型飛機,美東時間八點零一分從紐澤西紐華克起飛,預計前往三籓市,機上有三十八名乘客、兩名駕駛、五名機員。
    • 第二架:UA175,波音767型飛機,美東時間七點五十八分自波士頓起飛預計前往洛杉磯,機上有五十六名乘客、兩名駕駛、七名機員。
    • 我同事的朋友刚刚去了NEW YORK, 他说他的邻居在第二个被炸的WORLD TRADE CENTER上班, 爆炸前几分钟他用CELL给家里打电话说要爆炸了,他不可能逃出来,和他们永别. 好惨啊
      • 太惨了
      • I feel SO sorry to hear this...
      • 太惨了
      • So sorry to hear this... it happens in real life as was heppening in stories before... sigh...
      • :((
      • :((
      • 真的很可怜。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
      • 啊?!!惨——————
    • 大楼倒塌后灰尘积了一英寸 几千人被活埋.
    • CNN 刚播放纽约街头逃出的人灰头土脸,其中一个男人脸上还淌着血,看上去已经干了。他们正在上一辆汽车疏散。
    • Why NO one feel sorry for the serb or Palestainian? US people deserve it since it is THEM pick up Bush. It is them support US act like these. Oh, Yeah!
    • 今天,9月11日,可是联合国国际和平日啊,真是悲剧,世贸大楼里的普通工作人员们可是无辜的,那里面可是有各国的工作人员啊 :((