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多伦多大学MBA学费 :-( !!!!

Tuition Fees
Tuition fees for the full-time Rotman MBA program are as follows:

Total Program Fee First Year Fee Second Year Fee
Domestic students (Canadian citizens and landed immigrants) :
Entering September 2002: $48,175 $23,500 $24,675
Entering September 2003: $51,250 $25,000 $26,250
International students:
Entering September 2002: $53,300 $26,000 $27,300
Entering September 2003: $59,450 $29,000 $30,450

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问在移民Toronto上大学一年的学费大约是多少
    • It depends on different universities and departments. Try to get more information in detail by searching their website.
    • 听说对移民学费相对便宜,是这样吗?可以提供一个参考数字吗?谢谢
      • 多伦多大学MBA学费 :-( !!!!
        Tuition Fees
        Tuition fees for the full-time Rotman MBA program are as follows:

        Total Program Fee First Year Fee Second Year Fee
        Domestic students (Canadian citizens and landed immigrants) :
        Entering September 2002: $48,175 $23,500 $24,675
        Entering September 2003: $51,250 $25,000 $26,250
        International students:
        Entering September 2002: $53,300 $26,000 $27,300
        Entering September 2003: $59,450 $29,000 $30,450
        • 考,差别不大嘛!那移民有什么意思?
      • 是5位数的dollar吗?还是我理解错了???
      • University of Toronto, 10 courses a year (three semister), about 5000 CAD. Or, in other words, arround 400 CAD a course, plus some other fees.