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same here. I got fax from MP on Monday,and it almost kill me at the moment I saw it said "36-40 month" for our cases.

It's just less than 1 month, the processing time changed like a monster. It's unbelievable that Govt is doing such thing to us.By the way, they have few million dollars in surplus yesterday in budgest in 2005. How stupid that is!!!! I guess there are lot of $$$ are from us. We paid fees, and they hold our cases, and now saying they have nice large surplus. Why they didn't use some of surplus to improve the processing time like hire more officers. I will write anothe letter to CTV, TorontoStar to reveal this rediculars thing.
remember, we have to point out they have our $$$ but didn't do anything for what we paid for. Also, we don't want refund, we want they send our parents immigration visa in very very short time frame since we already wait such long time.
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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 今天收到MP转来的北京使馆的传真, 父母移民目前要等40-48个月(几个月前还是34个月). 这再一次证明了加拿大移民部对父母移民的态度, 拖! 朋友们, 团结起来去与政府要求我们的合法利益.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛诸位,关于我们的活动有几点情况我想补充说明一下.

    1. 我们仍是sponsoryourparents 的一部分. 我在这里发贴的原因是希望能引起华人同胞对我们组织的重视, 并且希望大家意识到父母团聚移民问题的严重性.

    2. sponsoryourparents组织完全是自愿参加的, 而且无任何费用. 组织成员基本上都是来自各组裔现行移民政策的受害者, 以及一些志愿者.

    3. 目前3月份的游行示威活动的细节仍未最后敲定. 一有消息我们会立刻通知大家. (希望大家都能参加, 如果活动在工作日,是否能休假一天. 我个人认为,与自己的父母团聚和少赚些钱相比, 前者要重要的多.)

    4.可能会在示威游行前几天, 需要一些志愿者制作标语与口号. 我们到时候回发通知给大家. 家住大多地区的朋友如有时间, 请参加.

    5.我们希望示威游行能有500人参加, 目前我手头收到的email表示愿意参加的只有约40人. 请大家发动周围的群众, 希望能有更多的人参加. 有兴趣的朋友可发email: tiger666@gmail.com

    6. 我们希望有与中文媒体熟悉的朋友帮我们联系一下电视台,电台和中文报纸. 我们希望能借次扩大影响.

    7. ellenweiyi在以前的贴子中提出过一个意见,我觉得很好. 意见如下:"我觉得为了这次游行的成功,我们要注意我们使用的语言。对于一些人群,比如同性恋、难民、社会福利金领取者,我觉得这次游行的参与者应该对他们持更加公平、尊重的态度,用语也不宜排外。我们自己是被不公正对待的弱势群体,我们不应该再对别的少数群体排除甚至贬低,我相信这是活动参与者应有的共同认识,更是华人参与社区事务、利用民主制度争取自身利益的基本素质保证。同性恋也好,难民也好,和我们一样也希望和父母团聚。我主张不应该把他们当成对比的对象."

    以上只是我个人的意见和想法, 欢迎指正. 对那些对我们的行为有不同意见的朋友, 请不要再对我们的行为风言风语. 请尊重他人的意见和想法, 这也是对你自己的尊重.

    版主是否能将此贴引入导读. 谢谢更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 版主是否能将此贴引入导读. 我们希望能引起更多人的重视. 谢谢.
      • 简直难以置信!太可怕了, 要等四年, 没有人道.
        • 一则<世界日报>的消息
          前几天的<世界日报>说, 北京使馆已经有配额限制, 父母移民每年100名, 现在已经有超过1000人等待, 也就是说, 按目前的状况已经要十年了. 我再找找, 如果找到, 我扫描上来. 游行的事我会参加的, 在加拿大确实什么事都要靠我们自己去争取了
        • 这种做法应该是在03年年底开始的,
      • 请问这40个月从何时算起,包括申请担保资格的时间吗?
        • not include the sponsorship.
          • when did you apply in Beijing? why the processing time for people are different?
    • 关注ING,请问这40个月包括申请担保资格的时间吗?
      • the sponsorship approval time is on top it.
        • couldn't find it :(
          • the approval time is on top of it.
            sorry I missed "of", for me I have to wait 40 months after the application was sent to Beijing, if you did not get your approval yet, it is hard to say. The quota for Beijing is 100 parents in 2005, but the total cases that were sent to Beijing is more than 1000 in 2004. do the math!
    • check this out: http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/processing_time.htm
      • It will take at least. 10.9 years to clear present queue of applications in Beijing !
        • 我11,05年要给印度发2000张签证,是中国的20倍。
          • 我11!宁与家人,不与阿X!我加入支持行列!哪天游行告诉我一声!我代表我们全家全程出席!
            • 比起中国人来, 加拿大移民部长期以来更加欢迎印度人:
              比起中国人来, 加拿大移民部长期以来更加欢迎印度人:
              1,印度/巴基斯坦人也是白种人, 比较容易同化
              2. 印巴都是资本主义国家
              3. 印巴和加拿大以前为英国的殖民地, 现在都是英联邦国家.
              所以, 印巴人来这里旅游是很容易的, 中国人就不可以随便来.
              加拿大的印巴人口加起来比华人 人数多, 更加受重视
          • 这就是WHITE UPPER CLASS搞的种族平衡,他们不过想让我们成为来挖铁轨的祖先,只是他们的一粒棋子...是华裔的就该团结起来,告诉他们我们是一条来自东方不可欺辱的一条龙...加拿大是他们的,也是我们的!
            • 支持, 加拿大是逸涵的~~~ :D
              • 又起哄...法制国家就是要辩法讲法嘛...俺大学的法律老师最稀罕俺了,200多人的大教室老把俺提起来答辩...可惜啊,老了,只能愚公移山了~~~
        • If one still does not think this quota for Chinese Parents is such a insult, then what do you think it should be?
          BTW, no wonder there is few 印度人 attended the meeting -- see pictures. http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/event.htm
      • 我11!!
    • 抛开父母移民是否合理这个有政府去决定的观点,我关心的是配额的分配由族裔决定,以至有的族裔只用半年,这是不是一种种族歧视?还有倡导诚信的政府在我们申请的过程中有失公平__若知今天这个速度,恐怕很多家庭都
      会重新企算各自的栖息终点...而政府又何苦在错发时间表的情况下预收钱财...0 CANADA,不再是感恩,而已是种无奈的叹息...
      • 这个名额是哪里来的,难道真是官方的?简直有点可笑了
        • 前几天有同学转贴的...可能是他们内部文件,不幸被传出来的...白种的大部分等半年...可以让你平衡的是韩国人共150人申请,每年给10位名额...
          • 我觉得大家可以把这个文件FAX或EMAIL给自己的MP,如果她/他也解释不了这种,就让他/她去国会问吧。
          • 据说韩国政府自己限制向外移民
        • Read this From The Toronto Star
      • 同样的资讯,同样的网站,同样地办理。有的人早就知道要8年持久战;而有的人把当前处理速度当成政府的背书。点背不能怪政府,人穷不能怪屋脊。怪只怪自己什么时候总是稀里糊涂。
    • 诸位,我个人意见, 我们不要把对其他族裔的个人情绪带到这里. 如果中国人的配额确实是这么少,我们中国人一定要团结起来去争取政府的平等对待. 但现在这个配额的真实性还有待证实, 我会与JENIA联系,看她是从那里找到的配额信息.
      • 赫赫,连STAR都登了一位洋LAWYER对中国移民的同情,他没有这方面的资料敢写到报纸上吗?搞到那份资料,然后让她给个解释吧...大游行就先来个全人类的盼祖父母的心声,但我们一定还要单搞...64后还没游过行呢,是时候再来N回...
        • 我没有说不支持中国人自己搞抗议活动, 但是我个人认为我们现在必须和其他族裔的人合作以推翻政府的移民政策. 然后如果我们-确认-配额存在不公现象, 我们中国人当然要团结一致维护中国人的权益.
          • 请查看#2141164 #2124249
      • agree!
    • 这不是父母移不移民的问题.这简直是又一个"排华法案",对最大的移民国中国只给100个名额,跟禁止中国移民父母团聚有什么两样,摆明歧视中国人.我觉得是中国人应该站出来.为自己的权力起来抗议.
    • 我父母不想移民,但我想参加游行,路见不平一声吼,报名////
      • thank you, we do need people like you to help us. Please send me your contact info to tiger666@gmail.com, and I will include you in our distribution list.
    • LINK:
      • 文章以北京为例足以证明我们是最受伤害的群体, 华人在加国居移民明之首, 父母移民配额如此之低, 如果我们不愤怒, 不抗争, 只能说明我们懦弱, 以后还会有更不平的政策对我们!!!!
    • 支持!! 我也去
    • 坚决支持,我会去的!
    • Count me in (two people)
      • 请以上三位朋友发联系方式到 tiger666@gmail.com, 谢谢.
        • 给我PM, 我要参加游行! 坛子内部打打闹闹也就算了, 决不能让外族人欺负!
    • just a question?
      hi all,
      I wonder why people are so keen to bring their parents here.

      I am quite curious. If you really miss them, will visitor visas be enough for parents though? or you can always go back to China to visit them.
      If just for OHIP or other benefits, I think it is not that much any way. For intance, you have to wait a long time for a doctor here.

      Most of parents are not used to live the life here for various reasons, such as can't drive, language, weather (toronto is damned cold in winter if they are from south china). It is a big challenge for most of them at their ages.
      • My wife's mom is alone in China. My wife is the only child. We are very busy in working. We can only go back to china for 1 week once a year.
        Mom has to celebrate the Chinese new year, mid-autumn festival alone. We can only live for 5 days together. Then Mom has to wait for 360 days to see us again.

        Don't you think this kind of waiting is very painful? Can you imagine, when you have to go, your mom is waiting at the door and counting how many days, hours, minutes later, she can see you again?

        What Mom want is just to stay with us and live with us. As all other resident here, she don't care about driving, language, weather at all. She just want to see their children have a good life, their ground children is growing up happily. She want to do anything to help their children, including cooking, taking care of their children, etc. But she cannot. Do you know it is very hard for Mom to get the visitor VISA because of immigration tendency?

        Mom is getting older and older. Nobody else is caring about her except her children.
        • 支持, 深有同感.每次我离开家,父母都背着我们哭.我也是一样. 父母的亲恩最难割舍. 赡养父母这是中华民族的传统美德.
      • 你说的是对的,但去争取应有的权利是应该的,如果别人故意打你,你不能说没打坏就算了,还有尊严问题,何况很多人还是想父母到这边来的。
    • Support! Cunt me in.
    • 支持!我愿意参加游行示威,请告诉时间地点以及具体方式。
    • support!!!!!
      • Give me your email address to tiger666@gmail.com, I will let you know the details of demonstration.
    • tiherchen, thank you for those good point. we have to face the situation,and be clear what we should do instead of keep complainning.
      anyways, I contacted CBC already, and one Chinese TV channel. I think they will get back to me shortly.
      One more thing is I am creating an email to Joe Volpe, and will send to friends and other people whoever support us. I ask them to send the email to Joe Volpe if they can't go to the protest. So hang on there, I will send everyone on tigerchen's list.
      I already informed Janie about this emial protest. I will post update information.
    • same here. I got fax from MP on Monday,and it almost kill me at the moment I saw it said "36-40 month" for our cases.
      It's just less than 1 month, the processing time changed like a monster. It's unbelievable that Govt is doing such thing to us.By the way, they have few million dollars in surplus yesterday in budgest in 2005. How stupid that is!!!! I guess there are lot of $$$ are from us. We paid fees, and they hold our cases, and now saying they have nice large surplus. Why they didn't use some of surplus to improve the processing time like hire more officers. I will write anothe letter to CTV, TorontoStar to reveal this rediculars thing.
      remember, we have to point out they have our $$$ but didn't do anything for what we paid for. Also, we don't want refund, we want they send our parents immigration visa in very very short time frame since we already wait such long time.
      • Take it easy, Kalen, I am as mad as you are when I saw the letter. We will fight for it no matter it takes Jenia said that we already start looking into the law suit now.
        • I think they want to repeat the history now.
          • 可不可以让那个议员或者什么团体牵头申请一次游行, 我全家参加!
            政府就会算一条帐: 父母来加什么增加社会负担........., 他也不想想: 我们的父母来了, 可以解决了我们几口之家的后顾之忧, 让我和伴侣两个成年人更加投入工作而产生增加税收, 多几口人去旅游, 去吃饭产生的正面效应. 例如我们现在三口之家, 没有老人家帮忙接送孩子上学, 现在就只能有一个人去工作, 年底还可以退税,我多么希望象在国内一样, 父母可帮忙看孩子, 让我们可以努力赚钱啊. 怎么加拿大政府那帮人脑袋就不会转呢?? 再说,加拿大拼命说自己是一个尊重人权的国家, 怎么就不尊重我们要求一家团聚的基本要求呢?加拿大象资本家一样剥削移民的财产,血汗. 却将辛辛苦苦帮加拿大养大这一群移民的父母拒之门外, 让移民在加拿大被榨取仅有的剩余价值, 却不顾移民最人性的要求! 我们大多是30来岁, 父母大多刚到70岁左右, 按我们工作到65岁退休的话, 我们还要工作30年, 交30年的税! 但我们的父母却连来这号称最适合人居住的国家享受几年安稳日子的机会都没有, 这就是加拿大! 这就是让我们要将在国内赚到的半辈子财产都投进去的地方, 但养育我们,给我们供书教学, 含辛茹苦的父母们却注定要和移民部比长命, 看能不能挨到手牵着子女,双脚踏在加拿大的土地上漫步的那天! 我们必须喊出来: 我要我们的父母!!
            • 你说的真好。我正在准备中文材料,准备发给所有我认识的中国朋友,我还要发到中文报社,扩大影响。影响大了就有大人物来关心了。
              • 支持你, 看看能不能发到那些中文报纸, 华人网站, 新时代电视等媒体上去, 另外, 如果可以收集大家的签名, 给各个议员发E-MAIL.
            • 怎么加拿大政府那帮人脑袋就"会"转呢?
              例如我们现在三口之家, 没有老人家帮忙接送孩子上学, 现在就只能有一个人去工作.

              加拿大政府多么希望象这样家庭, 把孩子送到Daycare, 让他们有压力可以努力赚钱啊!父母都挣钱,照看孩子的人也挣钱。一下多出两人挣钱。

              加拿大拼命说自己是一个尊重人权的国家。这些移民大多是30来岁, 按他们工作到65岁退休的话, 他们还要工作30年, 交30年的税! 为现在老年人的CPP作贡献。将来他们也能在号称最适合人居住的国家享受几十年安稳日子,让现在零岁的人40-50年的税。这就是加拿大!
      • how long was the processing time last time you got? And when did you file at embassy in China?
    • Please count me in...
    • 怎么参加这个组织呢?什么时候有活动?我一定要参加的!
      • 现在就是那些议员们笼络人心的时候, 谁能帮助我们这一大群移民, 相信他日后的群众基础一定很稳固.
    • 这个帖子关注了很久了。今天下定决心,支持一下。我也去。不过要在周六或周日啊,要不请假时,跟老板说我要去游行,说不大过去。
      • It won't be in the weekend for sure. But I think you can use you lunch time to join us. The demonstration starts at 11:00
        • 为什么不在周末呢?周末人多啊!
        • 在downtown吗,如果是,我中午开溜到是可以的。要是在SCARBOROUGH,就不大可能了。
    • 无论星期几我都参加,不过最好提前安排时间,尽快把把时间通知大家,一方面我们好提前安排自己的时间,另一方面,也让大家有时间多通知身边的朋友。
      • send me you contact info to tiger666@gmail.com, i will keep you informed.
        • support
    • 坚决支持!但是象我们不在多伦多的怎么办?
      • writer letter to your MP to address your concerns!
      • sign the petition on www.sponseryourparents.com
        • I am not living in Toronto Area, but I will drive 1.5 hours to attend the demonstration. if you live nearby, please drivet to toronto and support us. Thank you. Or you can collect 25 signatures and submit to your MP.
        • the address seems wrong, could u put the right one,Thxs.
          • http://www.sponsoryourparents.ca/
    • 要是定在周末多好,我周围的朋友本来都打算去,可是时间是周五,上班的不是太远就是不好请假。少了很多人啊
      • 周六不允许集会,而周日集会的影响太小. 所以我们只能在joe volpe在多伦多的时候举行游行. 希望大家都能在午餐时间参加我们.谢谢.
        • 支持有新!!!!!!!!!!!
    • 为了我们的父母早点团聚, 我们一定要去,我们准备请假或call sick. 真的, 为了这件事, 好多人寝食不安, 矢眠, 已经sick了.一点也不夸张.
    • 帮你们顶哦
    • 请算我一个
      • 兄弟姐妹,团结起来!
        • see
          • SUPPORT!!!!!!