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You can now watch all chanels on your computer and don't need to buy TV

ATI TV wonder USB new(only buy one month)very convient and unbelievable function.good for person always moving.You can now watch all chanels on your computer and don't need to buy TV.
Because I get a new TV ,I want to sale it at around 150 after tax.
The market price is 171 afer

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / You can now watch all chanels on your computer and don't need to buy TV
    ATI TV wonder USB new(only buy one month)very convient and unbelievable function.good for person always moving.You can now watch all chanels on your computer and don't need to buy TV.
    Because I get a new TV ,I want to sale it at around 150 after tax.
    The market price is 171 afer
    • Are you serious???? My ATI All In Wonder 128 Pro costed me only $190, and it includes graphic card, motion capture, TV, S-Video, A/V and everything related to graphic you can image! don't buy at this price
      • cheaper or higher,I don't understand what do you mean?
      • your TV Wonder includes TV,are you kdding,if they give you TV,why you buy TV wonder.DOn't fool everybody,just check the link you can get the price.www.ati.com
        • The person who trys to fool everybody is not me but you! Here TV means TV tuner function just as that provided by TV wonder! And the current street price of my ATI AIW 128 pro is only $16x !
    • please call 416.494.0642 for TV wonder