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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

读读孩子在学校写的故事,大家看看孩子的英文水平如何? 象几年级的?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Power Failure

It was a really hot and sticky day and Lea was slumped on the couch staring at the television. The air conditioner was on but it was still unbelievably hot in the house. Lea’s mom came in and started vacuuming the room. “Mom!” Lea cried, “I can’t hear!” she turned up the volume to the highest it could go.

“That’s enough! You’ve been staring at that T.V screen for the whole day! Why can’t you be like the other kids and play sports outside?” Lea’s mom lectured. “I’m not going outside! It’s 37 degrees out, besides, I’m getting to the good part of my T.V show,” Lea answered. Lea’s mom took the remote from Lea and turned off the T.V. “Ugh! Fine I’ll go outside!” she slid off the couch and stormed outside.

She knew better then to listen to her mom. She went across the street to her friend Cameren’s house. Cameren opened the door and left it open for Lea to come in. Lea settled on the couch next to Cameren. “My mom is soooo annoying!” Lea started.
“I know what you mean.” Cameren replied. They both stared at the T.V. suddenly, the T.V flickered off. Liar looked at Cameren. “Did you do that?” She asked. “No…” Cameren replied. “STEVEN!!!!!” Cameren screamed. “You didn’t invent another one of your weird inventions that turns the T.V off from your room did you?” Steven is Cameren’s nerdy little brother. Steven ran down the stairs. “OH NO!! My computer! My project! It’s all gone!” Steven screamed hysterically. Then he fell to the floor pounding it. “All my hard precious data!” Lea eyed Cameren. Suddenly, they heard someone screaming outside. “The power’s out!!” “Steven! Get a hold of yourself you little nerd!” Cameren gripped. Lea switched the light switch, no light came on. “Hey, the person’s right, there IS no power!” “Oh no, not in this weather, we’ll all die in this heat! Cameren moaned. “It’s ok,” Lea, said, “I’m sure the power will be on soon, then we’ll have air conditioning again!” Steven whimpered on the floor. “Lets go outside and see what’s going on!” Cameren suggested.

Outside, everyone looked confused and was chattering with on another. “I’ve got it!!” Steven screamed as he came running out of the house with some kind of device. “It’s a radio that runs on a magnet! H! I knew I would need it someday!” Everyone stared. “Just let me turn this annnnnd there!” The radio crackled but then they heard an announcer speaking. Everyone came closer.

“This looks like it’s a blackout throughout entire Canada! It’s said that there was some kind of explosion and that the blackout will last about 2 days. There is a good thing though, Dairy Queen is giving out free ice cream so go on down and fill yourselves up!” The announcer stopped talking and a commercial about Wander sox came on, Steven turned off the radio.
“Oh Great! Those workers left us without power on the HOTTEST days!” A man yelled.
“Oh well, might as well get some ice cream!” someone muttered. Everyone left to get ice cream. When they got to Dairy Queen, Lea’s eyes widened. “OMG! I just forgot! My report on the pioneers is due when school starts! School starts in 2 days!!” Lea shrieked. She ran from dairy Queen. When she got home, it was hotter then ever! She felt like she couldn’t breeze! Lea sat down next to the kitchen Table and started writing her report.
Pioneer Report by: Lea

She didn’t know what to write next. “Stupid! How could I forget?” She asked herself.

That night, Cameren’s family came over and they played cards and cooked some food over the fireplace. The food had no taste though. Later that night, it felt like the whole world was a black hole! No lights, no T.V, no nothing.

“Mom! How am I supposed to write my report if I can’t even see anything??” Lea complained. “Just do it in the morning!” Her mom replied. Oh great! The report is due in 2 days and I don’t even know anything about pioneers. Lea thought. That night, it was sooo hot Lea couldn’t get to sleep.
“I feel bad for the pioneers, they live like this everyday!” Lea said to herself. “OMG that’s it! I’m practically living the pioneer life! My report will be totally awesome!”

3 Days Later
Lea handed in her report at school. Everyone was talking about the blackout. It was over but it was one of the weirdest experiences she had ever had.

The next day, Lea got her report back. She got an A. The teacher had commented that she liked how she made herself a character in her report. It was like she was really there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 读读孩子在学校写的故事,大家看看孩子的英文水平如何? 象几年级的?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Power Failure

    It was a really hot and sticky day and Lea was slumped on the couch staring at the television. The air conditioner was on but it was still unbelievably hot in the house. Lea’s mom came in and started vacuuming the room. “Mom!” Lea cried, “I can’t hear!” she turned up the volume to the highest it could go.

    “That’s enough! You’ve been staring at that T.V screen for the whole day! Why can’t you be like the other kids and play sports outside?” Lea’s mom lectured. “I’m not going outside! It’s 37 degrees out, besides, I’m getting to the good part of my T.V show,” Lea answered. Lea’s mom took the remote from Lea and turned off the T.V. “Ugh! Fine I’ll go outside!” she slid off the couch and stormed outside.

    She knew better then to listen to her mom. She went across the street to her friend Cameren’s house. Cameren opened the door and left it open for Lea to come in. Lea settled on the couch next to Cameren. “My mom is soooo annoying!” Lea started.
    “I know what you mean.” Cameren replied. They both stared at the T.V. suddenly, the T.V flickered off. Liar looked at Cameren. “Did you do that?” She asked. “No…” Cameren replied. “STEVEN!!!!!” Cameren screamed. “You didn’t invent another one of your weird inventions that turns the T.V off from your room did you?” Steven is Cameren’s nerdy little brother. Steven ran down the stairs. “OH NO!! My computer! My project! It’s all gone!” Steven screamed hysterically. Then he fell to the floor pounding it. “All my hard precious data!” Lea eyed Cameren. Suddenly, they heard someone screaming outside. “The power’s out!!” “Steven! Get a hold of yourself you little nerd!” Cameren gripped. Lea switched the light switch, no light came on. “Hey, the person’s right, there IS no power!” “Oh no, not in this weather, we’ll all die in this heat! Cameren moaned. “It’s ok,” Lea, said, “I’m sure the power will be on soon, then we’ll have air conditioning again!” Steven whimpered on the floor. “Lets go outside and see what’s going on!” Cameren suggested.

    Outside, everyone looked confused and was chattering with on another. “I’ve got it!!” Steven screamed as he came running out of the house with some kind of device. “It’s a radio that runs on a magnet! H! I knew I would need it someday!” Everyone stared. “Just let me turn this annnnnd there!” The radio crackled but then they heard an announcer speaking. Everyone came closer.

    “This looks like it’s a blackout throughout entire Canada! It’s said that there was some kind of explosion and that the blackout will last about 2 days. There is a good thing though, Dairy Queen is giving out free ice cream so go on down and fill yourselves up!” The announcer stopped talking and a commercial about Wander sox came on, Steven turned off the radio.
    “Oh Great! Those workers left us without power on the HOTTEST days!” A man yelled.
    “Oh well, might as well get some ice cream!” someone muttered. Everyone left to get ice cream. When they got to Dairy Queen, Lea’s eyes widened. “OMG! I just forgot! My report on the pioneers is due when school starts! School starts in 2 days!!” Lea shrieked. She ran from dairy Queen. When she got home, it was hotter then ever! She felt like she couldn’t breeze! Lea sat down next to the kitchen Table and started writing her report.
    Pioneer Report by: Lea

    She didn’t know what to write next. “Stupid! How could I forget?” She asked herself.

    That night, Cameren’s family came over and they played cards and cooked some food over the fireplace. The food had no taste though. Later that night, it felt like the whole world was a black hole! No lights, no T.V, no nothing.

    “Mom! How am I supposed to write my report if I can’t even see anything??” Lea complained. “Just do it in the morning!” Her mom replied. Oh great! The report is due in 2 days and I don’t even know anything about pioneers. Lea thought. That night, it was sooo hot Lea couldn’t get to sleep.
    “I feel bad for the pioneers, they live like this everyday!” Lea said to herself. “OMG that’s it! I’m practically living the pioneer life! My report will be totally awesome!”

    3 Days Later
    Lea handed in her report at school. Everyone was talking about the blackout. It was over but it was one of the weirdest experiences she had ever had.

    The next day, Lea got her report back. She got an A. The teacher had commented that she liked how she made herself a character in her report. It was like she was really there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 4年级或者5年级
      • 从用词来看不象。
        • 没有仔细读,判断的根据是4年级的时候俺孩子开始写类似的故事(3年级不知道,那时候她还不太懂英文),一直到5年级上半学期,然后开始写诗,六年级开始就是些议论型的文章了
          • 呵呵,如果你孩子没有英文问题的话,一年级小嘴就巴巴的了,英文很溜了,二年级就读 Chapter Book了(我们家的是一年级就看了),而且会编故事,把小说里的放自己身上,自己的放小说李。4/5年级应该会用生僻词了,本文没有,所以3年级。
            • 呵呵, 怪不的孩子总说我们来晚了,错过了一二年级,3年级才来从0开始, 所以我知道的都是4年级以后的事情
            • 你家孩子大概写作有特长.

              三年级写作才要求STAY IN TOPIC....我家那个三年级从幼儿园就开始自己看书了,英文没问题.虽然她不喜欢写,但阅读写作从来都是A或A+.我觉得她写不出来这样的.
              • 我们家孩子才一年级,我那是瞎猜的。
    • 3年级。
    • wow, this is good.
    • 为什莫不和我一起恭喜一下楼主呢,确实写得不错。
      都只顾吹自己的孩子,好像每位的孩子7年级都可以变成哲学家, 倒把搂主扔楼下去了。要真是某人的孩子7年纪哲学家,8年级成诗人,9年级做政评,那家长才真有的操心了,好像加拿大人并不希望孩子如此吧,反正我只希望自己的孩子身心均健康,已经很知足了。
    • 没仔细看,但是看写的那么长的架势将来一定是作-------家。你们千万要好好培养这个作家呀,让他每周跟这儿贴一篇这么长的算是作业行不行?
    • 看着像新闻专业的本科生,反正我是写不出来
    • 读读这便知道咱们这些新移民英文有多糟,远远比不过人家小学3年级水平。
    • 楼主,快公布答案吧!
      • 你的3年级的推论,让楼主不好意思公布答案了,hiahia
        • 这样啊,其实我也是觉得3年级小了点。3年级就算知道这些词汇,可是,他连不成这么好的句子,而且不能通盘考虑,不会写得这么完美。我们小学3年级的时候,中文都巴巴的了,一到写作文,连屁都放不出来。非得等5年级,才有这样的意识。
          • 我是说, 非得等多5年级,也就是8年级, 才有这样的意识。
    • 5年级
      • 老师的评语是
        extremly well done, great job. Gave mark 4( highest score), Gread 7, 学校还不错.
        没看老师评语之前我读的, 觉得很好.
        希望大家多铁一些你家孩子的文章, 是一个很好的交流.

        用词是简单了些, 但故事很好.
        • 也不完全是这样;关键是大家对7年纪该是个什么水平没有概念;文章不错
          • 我女儿说这小孩是个NRED一类的学生.(比较内向的那种)
          • 是呀,没有概念...我就觉着比我家三年级的写的好多了
        • 文章是一稿成.没有改写. 我记得,我小时写文章,都要撕好多张纸
        • 吓了我一跳, 如果三年级写成这样, 我们家孩子的英文也太糟了
        • 我来说几句,这个英文水平如何什么时候写什么体裁的文章其实也看学校怎么要求,和老师本身的关系也非常大,同年级不同的学校很可能在学不同的东西
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我家孩子在这里7年,转学升学一共换了5个学校,每换一个学校她都会有些没有学过的要补,也有些已经学了的不得不再学一遍。
          这样说没有贬低谁的意思,我是觉得7年级如果还在写这样体裁的文章, 好像整体的要求就不算很高, 我自己的孩子从来没有上过大家推崇的名校,可是六年级7年级上半学期的时候英文老师讲了很多莎士比亚,文章基本也是议论文的类型,比如议论罗密欧和朱丽叶的爱情,坦特尼克沉没的原因,你怎么看待walmart等等。记得女儿和我们学,说老师说一篇文章的结构就象汉堡包,开头点题当中内容结尾再点题,听起来和我们以前写文章也没有区别。7,8年级换了所学校,老师主要讲诗歌,也讲究压韵什么的。那会儿俺女儿还把她写的一首诗放在一个诗歌论坛上,后来我们就收到封信,说这诗被挑出来准备发表,希望你先预定这书($$.$$)云云,把个大人孩子都搞到很激动,当然最后的决定是不预定.
          肺腑之言,如有得罪请多原谅 .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 看来大家后都对孩子的英文比较自豪, 和第一代移民(孩子父母)比起来是天地之差, 但不知道一个同令的CANADA人英语什么样?如果都一母语为标准, 中国七年级写的要比这深多了, 起码成语要用一堆...
            • 到这里后对孩子的英文要求放低,很大程度是因为家长自己学语言太困难。父母首先不看低自己才有可能提高/实现对孩子的要求. 我曾经偶遇一位同胞,她很真诚地说她觉得孩子以后上个college什么的就很好了
    • 学前班。