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好了. 在FINDINGHOUSE(不写错别字)的原稿基础上我起草了一份英文版的给MARKHAM市议员的信. 作为中国人也算是尽到一点绵薄之力. 至于怎么集体签名, 我还没想好. 各位有什么好主意?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr.

We are Chinese families living in the Greater Toronto Area. We are writing to express our deep concern about the words of hatred appearing on some private properties on Bullock Drive, Madsen Court, Karma Road and Raleigh Court of Markham this past Tuesday July 5.

Markham is a community where people from divers ethnical and racial backgrounds have been living in harmony and making meaningful contributions to the society in their own way for years. Some of us have been considering to settle down in Markham on a long-term basis.

We are shocked by the incidents on July 5. The unsettling news made us worry about whether this community will continue to provide us a safe environment to live and work, and in particular, for our children to grow without being subject to racial discrimination and harassment.

Racial discriminatory behaviours are fundamentally wrong. This has been made clear by the Parliament through the entrenchment of the equality rights in the Charter. The anti-Chinese incidents on July 5 in Markham should be condemned and rejected by the whole community explicitly and openly. We think that if we remain silent in the face of this kind of hatred-motivated behavior, our community will lose its peacefulness quickly. In March 2003, there were anti-Jewish graffiti on some properties in Vaughan. The offenders are still at large. Now Chinese community has become the target. Should we continue to remain silent, not only will Chinese community suffer, but other minority groups will likely soon become the next target.

We think that in addition to the police’s investigation, it is necessary for the city of Markham to do something (such as community education, public denunciation through media) to prevent this from happening again.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Yours truly,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 万锦惊现辱华涂鸦:“中国佬滚回去
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛万锦市社区本周二出现多起种族憎恨涂鸦事件,一些民宅和汽车被喷涂充满种族憎恨色彩的字句,其中华人住宅的车辆亦遭辱华涂鸦。目前,约克郡警方已经接获14宗涂鸦报案。

    万锦市位于Bullock Drive、Madsen Court、Karma Road和Raleigh Court五条街上的多间民宅及汽车,在本周二早晨时分,遭人喷上涂鸦。警方称,部分涂鸦的内容含有种族憎恨色彩,其中“Go Home Chink(中国佬滚回去)”是专门针对华人的,另外一些涂鸦的内容目前不详。受害者中不但包括华人,亦有居住在上述地址的其他族裔居民,涂鸦案所造成的损失已高达8000多元。


    2004年3月期间,旺市(Vaughan)位于达弗林街(Dufferin)和巴佛士街(Bathurst)附近的Beverley Glenn Drive街,有13间民宅的外墙上发现反犹太裔的咒骂涂鸦,警方曾一度悬赏1万元抓捕涉案嫌犯,但至今仍无线索。

    约克郡警方呼吁市民提供案情线索,以及早将涉案的嫌犯捉拿归案。市民可电1-866-876-5423,ext 7541、灭罪热线1-888-222-TIPS或进入灭罪热线网站www.crimestoppersyr.ca与警方匿名联络。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在如此宽容的加拿大,做一个 Minority 都是如此地艰难。 Sigh......!
      • 没觉得艰难。毕竟林子大了,什么鸟都有。
        • 最近多伦多的一些中文媒体,对于 Minority 的仇视和打击已经够狠的啦。好象已经到了上法庭打官司的边缘哦。
          • What is that?
            • 周末愉快?@_@, 这个周末,事儿多着呢,#2389498 这个坛子上已经不许使用那个词了,为了不被删被封,大家也自觉避免使用那个词,搞得她/他辞不达意,搞得你也看不懂了,搞得我大笑,一句话,搞搞搞搞笑。哈哈哈哈
              • 非常难以理解。
                • 你是不是管理阶层的人啊?能不能帮忙说说好话,解了禁令啊?期待中。谢了。
                  • 不知道。不过,听说朝令夕改是管理大忌。也许以后会变好。毕竟,很多事情都来之不易。
                    • 对比16年前的罗乐和今天的rollor讲出来的话,我们可以得出结论:屁股决定脑袋这个俗语还真有道理。
                      • 十六年前只想弄清楚对还是错,今天更注重怎样做更容易取得成果。
                        • 64中国就是这么做的.所以64中国处理的很正确........你也承认了.?
                          • 我说过多少次了,八九年中共在运动前期的漠视导致了最后的屠杀。屠杀百姓,罪孽深重。
                            • 你再狡辩也没用.大家清楚的很.
                              • 什么清楚得很?
    • 一点也不奇怪, 黑人争取平等用了200年的时间, 现在算是平等了, 但是真的是平等了吗? 中国人从劳工, 中国餐馆不许白人妇女打工到现在已经是100多年了,没有什么所谓,
      自己既然生在落后国家, 没什么好抱怨的, 但凡非洲能发达, 中国不落后也不至于有今天不是. 在这里至少加拿大法律上是平等的, 自己受了委屈可以投诉打官司, 还要怎么样
      • We should do something about it.,
      • 可以理解你的心情,也是不少同胞的无可奈何无能为力的想法,但反过来想一想,如果不是黑人姐妹兄弟的200年前赴后继的奋斗,指望白人们哪一天突然良心发现,赐赏给咱们平等权利?恐怕如今还是黑奴身份呐。
        • 我的意思是大家完全可以采取些行动, 但是没有必要如此惊慌, 自己的日子还是要过好的
          • 同意你的看法,不必惊慌,(#2392460) 大家一起做点什么。
      • 电视上关于加拿大历史的那些短广告中总有个中国老人, 讲加拿大的铁路上每一英里就死一个中国人, 心里真不是滋味, 要知道那些劳工的死亡人数远远高出这些,
        有一半的人在来加拿大的路上就已经死在闷热的船底舱里面了, 他说的还都是成功登陆当上了工人的中国劳工.
        • 中国人为什么不象黑人那样在这片土地上理直气状的另一个原因: 黑人当初是白人掳来的, 他们完全可以为这段历史永远奋争下去, 中国人都是自愿找上门来的, 这个奋争的资本本来就不足
          • 你是什么逻辑.中国人移民过来还比不上黑人被掳来.笑翻.真是天生.......拜托你不要自村中国人.
            • 听不懂就笑吧, 无所谓, 你知道强奸案怎么判吗? 你知道强奸和顺奸的区别吗?
              • 黑黑.你认为你移民是被"瞬间"那是你的事.我可是来"间"人的.我很ENJOY.可能你也是.哈哈.
                • 那你就ENJOY吧
          • 捉猪崽的故事你听说过吗?谁说都是自愿来的?
            • Most early Chinese immigrants are WILLING to go to the North America. It is just a communist propaganda that they were captured into slaves.
            • 大规模野蛮掳人是在中国人来北美前100年的事了
    • 中国人进军北美,当然会引起当地人的反弹.不奇怪.
      • (#2392494(#2392507,对比你自己的两个帖子,看样子你嘴上的“进军”等于你来"间"人了。
        • 少在外人面前唱碎中国.可能是最好的维权办法吧.
      • 有的中国人,一边唱碎中国,一边还想维权.无异于缘木求鱼.
    • 这事比较严重.是不是能写封信大伙儿签名给当地的政客表示一下华人的不安?该喊的时候声音大一点儿,躲是躲不过去的.
      • 同意,重要的是让政客知道我们华人关注这件事
      • 对, 这种事情签名效果最好, 而且也足够了
      • 好主意, 写好后我们签名, 另外我建议成立一个基金选赏捉拿罪犯,看以后谁还敢!
      • 谢各位关注, 我草拟了一个, 我觉得象写简历一样,多给点具体的担心比较有说服力,大伙看看有什么不足:




        EMAIL IDs
        • 赞成写信给当地政客反映我们的感受! 两点意见: (1)第二段"和平"区是不是应该为"和平"社区? (2) 第三段: "如果市政府有更有效的采取行动的渠道...", 是不是
          改为: "如果市政府有其他渠道让我们可以采取更有效的行动" 比较好?
          • 谢. 我英文不好先翻译着,大家边提意见我边补充,有高人帮我翻译更好. 大家可以PM我EMAIL和姓名,信上只出现名字,BCC里有EMAIL,不用担心EMAIL被其他人看见. VERSION 1.0:




            • just PMed you. Thanks for preparing this letter for us.
    • 这不是歧视,这是妒嫉。
      • 即使是妒嫉,也不能任其无限发展和蔓延,别忘了印尼针对华裔的极端妒嫉引起的骚乱。
    • 好了. 在FINDINGHOUSE(不写错别字)的原稿基础上我起草了一份英文版的给MARKHAM市议员的信. 作为中国人也算是尽到一点绵薄之力. 至于怎么集体签名, 我还没想好. 各位有什么好主意?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr.

      We are Chinese families living in the Greater Toronto Area. We are writing to express our deep concern about the words of hatred appearing on some private properties on Bullock Drive, Madsen Court, Karma Road and Raleigh Court of Markham this past Tuesday July 5.

      Markham is a community where people from divers ethnical and racial backgrounds have been living in harmony and making meaningful contributions to the society in their own way for years. Some of us have been considering to settle down in Markham on a long-term basis.

      We are shocked by the incidents on July 5. The unsettling news made us worry about whether this community will continue to provide us a safe environment to live and work, and in particular, for our children to grow without being subject to racial discrimination and harassment.

      Racial discriminatory behaviours are fundamentally wrong. This has been made clear by the Parliament through the entrenchment of the equality rights in the Charter. The anti-Chinese incidents on July 5 in Markham should be condemned and rejected by the whole community explicitly and openly. We think that if we remain silent in the face of this kind of hatred-motivated behavior, our community will lose its peacefulness quickly. In March 2003, there were anti-Jewish graffiti on some properties in Vaughan. The offenders are still at large. Now Chinese community has become the target. Should we continue to remain silent, not only will Chinese community suffer, but other minority groups will likely soon become the next target.

      We think that in addition to the police’s investigation, it is necessary for the city of Markham to do something (such as community education, public denunciation through media) to prevent this from happening again.

      Thank you for your attention in this matter.

      Yours truly,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 星星之火. 鼓掌. 我建议:1.大家跟帖写'留名'俩字就算签名了 2.愿意留真名实姓的PM电子邮件和姓名给你或我. 3.最后发信的时候再征求一次大家意见是否把真名实姓写上.重在积累经验,欢迎大家留名.
        • 这个贴子老下沉. 这样不是办法. 我等会儿在站务讨论区给网管发个贴, 看能不能把它置顶一段时间.
          • Hi, letempsdescerises and lltennis,现在算上我是3个人,我觉得人够了. 跟你们商量一下:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. 用EMAIL对吗?

            如果是,注册一个共用的信箱,密码发到各自的email. 从这个共用的信箱发信,BCC给各自的email.


            2. 写给谁?
            我的意思是直接给市长Don Cousens: EMAIL:dcousens@markham.ca

            给市长写信也不是什么大事,LISA SIMPSON比赛受了委屈还给Clinton打电话呢,还不让转给副总统哥尔.


            3. 信的最后一段第一句'It's necessary'我觉得口气有些重,是不是能改成'It's better'?

            4. 最后是不是再加一个比较open的问题'"请问还有什么更有效的方法"?


            Finally, Please email/write to us if there is a more effective way we can communicate with the municipality about this issue.

            5. 信的第一段最后可以加上该事件在中文电视和报纸的出处,试翻译:

            ...past Tuesday July 5. We heard about this bad news from Fairchild Television and www.worlddailyweb.com.

            6. 信改完后,咱们再贴一个征求签名的帖子并附上信.此帖作讨论用可是版面有些乱,新帖让大家看得清楚. 即便是在信发以后的签名,我们也可以再写信传给市长.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我觉得 "It's necessary" 更好,因为的确必要。可以考虑 email 和 FAX,并传真给当地的媒体,华文报纸。
            • 很好的建议! 我已经把其中大部分稍改后加进去了. 除了其中一点, 你原来建议问有没有其他部门/渠道让我们和MUNICIPALITY 通话的. 我觉得没多大必要加这一条.
              因为我们的主要目的是让政客们知道我们对这件事的关注(如果能采纳我们的意见, 有具体措施当然是更好), 而倾听民意应该是市长的工作一部分. 我担心如果加进去, 可以给收信人很好的理由把这个"球"踢给其它人... 你们看呢? 另一个办法是把信发给负责所发生事件那一区的市议员. 我刚刚GOOGLE了一下, 根据这个网:http://www.markham.ca/markham/channels/council/council.htm, 及报道中提到的地点, 应该是JOSEPH VIRGILLIO议员负责的区. 你们说是发给市长好还是这个人好? (要清楚他们的政治背景, 个人观点就好了.)

              其它措词, 语气方面, 你们俩再看看, 有没有其它需要改的地方?

              我同意咱们起草好之后再另起一贴, 看有没有其它网友愿意签名的.

              (此贴太长, 第二稿随后)
            • 致万市市议员信第二稿
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛第二稿:

              Dear Mr.

              We are Chinese families living in the Greater Toronto Area. We are writing to express our deep concern about the words of hatred appearing on some private properties on Bullock Drive, Madsen Court, Karma Road and Raleigh Court of Markham this past Tuesday July 5, 2005. We learned about this from Fairchild Television and www.worlddailyweb.com.

              Markham is a community where people from divers ethnic and racial backgrounds have been living in harmony and making meaningful contributions to the society in their own ways for many years. Some of us have been considering to move to Markham and settle down there on a long-term basis.

              We are shocked by the incidents on July 5. The unsettling news made us worry about whether this community will continue to provide us a safe environment to live and work, and in particular, for our children to grow up without being subject to racial discrimination and harassment.

              Racial discriminatory behaviours are fundamentally wrong. This has been made clear by the Parliament through the entrenchment of the equality rights in the Charter. The anti-Chinese incidents on July 5 in Markham should be condemned and rejected by the whole community explicitly and openly. We think that if we remain silent in the face of this kind of hatred-motivated behaviors, our community will lose its peacefulness quickly. In March 2003, there were anti-Jewish graffiti on some properties in Vaughan. The offenders are still at large. Now Chinese community has become the target. Should we continue to remain silent, not only will Chinese community suffer, but other minority groups will likely soon become the next target.

              Without denying the merit of the criminal law system, we think that hatred motivated behaviors can be very difficult to correct through punishment alone, because those behaviors are rooted in an individual’s misconception or biased perception about others. Therefore, we suggest that maybe the city of Markham could take some initiatives to promote the mutual understanding and respect among its members, and to prevent incidents like those of July 5 from happening again. This can take the forms of community education and cross-cultural events etc. We will be glad to provide more input in this regard if required.

              Thank you for your attention in this matter. We look forward to hearing from you.

              Yours truly,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 同意信的修改.如果不明白市府里的人脉,我建议给大头,市长. 给媒体是不是能缓一缓,给市长一个消化的时间.
                • 同意. 给媒体的话这封信可能语气不大合适, 需要再改.
                • agree, give the mayor a chance
              • 谢谢,我觉得很好。第一段事件引述部分,可不可以简述事件经过,因为不知他们是否了解这事。或至少在信末附上英文的新闻报导。另外我打不开这个 worlddaily 的网站。
                • 谢谢提醒. 我刚刚试了下, 是打不开... :-( 那干脆去掉这个. 提FAIRCHILD就可以的了.
                  • 我早上能打开,现在不能了. 直接给51.ca上此新闻的URL得了"http://www.51.ca/news/s/2005-07-09/019404.shtml",51的新闻指明是转载'世界日报'的. 我觉得有必要给一个静态的来源,电视是动态的,不好查.
                    • 对,用这个 51 的 link 直接有效。
                    • 关键是"51"是中国人的网站, 他们可能听都没听说过这个名字... 即使在它的网上查到有这个消息, 人家可能会怀疑其权威性(这个也可以理解). FAIRCHILD虽然不好查
                      (我刚刚看了下他们的网站, 除了一个PDF文件, 啥都没有...), 但是至少他们听说过. 最气人的是警察局的那个悬赏网站都没有关于这件事的消息. 可能在他们看来这是件很小的事吧. 记得几个月前在RYERSON 大学有反犹的涂鸦, 当时上了CP24. 这次好象CP24也没有报道.
                      • 联合早报怎么样?是个大报纸。http://www.zaobao.com/special/realtime/2005/07/050710_12.html
                      • 干脆把"51", 联合早报, FAIRCHILD都列上去. 怎么样? 他们可以怀疑一个中文媒体的权威性, 没理由怀疑所有的中文媒体都不准确. 而且说实在的, 英文媒体没任何报道本身就是件挺说明问题的事(当然那是另外一件事了...)
                        • 那世界日报的地址也列上,毕竟大家都是转载它的。
                          • 没有具体连接连接啊.
                            • 是啊,算了,它的网站刚才可以打开了但很慢而且总出错,不写也罢
                        • 行.咱们得抓紧了.别信没发呢警察就破案了,那时还得请你改成感谢信.
                          • 好了, FINDINGHOUSE 和LLTENNIS. 我的信已经改好了. 贴哪儿?
                      • 有比没有强,中文的也行啦.咱们信为什么他们不信? 跟二位合作很愉快嘛.咱们MOVE FORWARD吧,下一步计划:
                        1.起草一个征集签名帖并主持讨论 OWNER:练练网球
                        2.完成信的终稿. OWNER:忙里偷闲
                        3.申请一个共用帐户发信用. OWNER 不写错别字
                        -------------1.2.3 deadline today.

                        • 我的意见(不妥的话还请指正)
                          1. 太多意见的话再统一行动就不容易了. 所以我主张另起贴以征集签名为主. 相信有咱三双眼睛审视过的这封信不会有太多问题.
                          2. 征集签名最好要求用实名, 当然不一定用OFFICIAL NAME, 用MARY SU, DAVID WONG之类的就可以了. 大家网上的ID五花八门, 虽然大多都很可爱, 用到这中比较严肃的场合就不太适宜了. 这样可能会让一些人打退堂鼓, 但是少点人签名还是比让读信的人不把它当回事强... 你们说呢?
                          • 不客气.2.实名将会留在给市长的信里.BCC给EMAIL.不愿公开实名EMAIL的朋友可以PM给我们三个中的任何一个. 咱们保证不作商业用途.但绝对欢迎用ID跟帖的朋友.
                        • 好了, 咱们还是另起一贴召集签名吧. 我会在谈天说地, 社会, 水坛, 政治讨论区都发个贴. 希望大家都感兴趣啦. 你们等会也去顶顶吧.
                      • 城市电视报道了,我看到被涂坏的车库门。
                        • 欢迎参与! 请问城市电视英文叫什么? 大概什么时间播的?
    • senecacat: 这个消息的来源是哪里? 我刚刚找了你贴子里提到的警方网站"Crimestoppersyr", 还有THE STAR,都没找到. 我在想给万市政客们写封信, 如果有消息来源(最好是英文的)可以引用的话比较好. 谢谢.
      • (#2390982,看看,这就是自己不顶自己帖子的麻烦吧,@_@, 别烦我,我是在说这个X888
        • another link from 世界日报
      • 没找到英文的. 可找到了一个发生在2003年6月27-28,Unionville+r铁路地区类似的案件. 警方于2004年8月逮捕当年18岁的Kevin Cuffe,判决结果不详:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛www.pulse24.com-->search 'markham hate'
        Hate Filled Halt

        He’s 18-years-old and he’s in big trouble. York Regional Police have confirmed they’ve arrested a Markham man, accusing him of being the hand behind a series of hate-filled symbols in Unionville last June.

        More than 25 anti-Semitic and anti-black markings, including swastikas, were spray painted on businesses, residences, fences, railways and even the roads on several streets in the quaint town on June 27th and 28th.

        Police vowed to find the perpetrator in what had become a disturbing escalation of such hated-related graffiti in the northern part of the G.T.A.

        Kevin Cuffe is facing 12 mischief allegations so far. But authorities are consulting with the Crown Attorney in Newmarket to determine if hate crime charges are warranted. Those carry serious penalties if a suspect is convicted.

        But while cops have solved one case, they still have the books open on another equally revolting incident. A $10,000 reward remains in place for information leading to those behind a rampage of hate-related markings left at the predominantly Jewish area of Beverly Glen Blvd. in Thornhill.

        Residents woke up on March 14th and 15th to find their homes, garages and even cars marked with Nazi symbols and writings. Despite an intensive search, no one has been arrested for the defacements.

        August 13, 2004更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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