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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

目前公司暂为家庭住址,Gate Cde 和房间号是一样的。来前最好打个电话,以确定人在

Tel: (416)754-4484
Email: wartonchen@yahoo.com
40 Carabob Court Apt #802, Toronto, Ontario, M1T 3N3 Canada
(Sheppard/Birchmount 东北角, 靠近Wal-Mart,在其西面, 不在Agincourt Mall内)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 百灵鸟老板:你店的256mb pc133 ram多少钱一条?
    • $45
      • where's your shop located?
        • 目前公司暂为家庭住址,Gate Cde 和房间号是一样的。来前最好打个电话,以确定人在
          Tel: (416)754-4484
          Email: wartonchen@yahoo.com
          40 Carabob Court Apt #802, Toronto, Ontario, M1T 3N3 Canada
          (Sheppard/Birchmount 东北角, 靠近Wal-Mart,在其西面, 不在Agincourt Mall内)
      • 什么牌子? 要上税否?
        • NEC,要上税(另加15%)
      • 这么贵, 我昨天在北京的中关村刚买的, RMB 140 ONLY .
        • CPU和RAM等小型配件当然是中关村便宜,原因么……不用说穿了吧
    • I have recently bought one (No brand though) for $32 plus tax - you can have it for $35 since I don't need it. please let me know if yo are interested.
      • No brand? just empty on the chip?? how to contact you?
        • just email me.
    • 内存价格狂降!SDRAM PC133 Major Brand 128MB/256MB/512MB: $20/$35/$76。我的机器用了1.5G内存,呵呵……
      • 当饭吃!
      • 一天就降了10元?
        • His shop is really expensive, 128mb has been $19 for about a month now, I just bought 512mb for 69
          • 512mb for $69 的内存条是什么牌子、什么芯片的?是PC133的么?哪里有卖?有质保吗?我以后从那里进货得了!
            • Like I said yesterday, canada computers, in mississauga, nec, and there are search engines you can use to find the cheapest price in Toronto, no one will buy from you if you ain't got the best price my man
              • 你是不是看花眼了?刚去他们的网站看过,其售价不比我的便宜呀
                • 我给你提供个网站查价格,好吗? Micron 256M PC133 $28.98.(别人查好的最低价,习习习)
                  • 什么网站? 怎么一个比一个便宜, 我都拿不定注意了 *@*
                    • 给关心配件价格的弟兄:看一下URL中的价格。
                      • Great thanks, man! (woman?)
                        • MAN, of course. Have you heard a lady named with HAIRLESS?
                        • 顺便提一下:我在网上买的一些配件只有7%的税。:)当然,要加运费
                          • 没有PST是因为省份不同,否则是非法的。运费是:First 5 lbs is $12 and $0.40 / lb thereafter,只买条内存就不划算了;还有,网上购物的退货较麻烦
                            • 咱买东西就图个便宜,不收PST是他的问题,你说这么多都没有用,赶快降价吧,要不然生意难做。谁叫网络这么发达呢。
                              • 需要留合理的利润给百灵鸟,要不,人家做雷锋啊?呵呵
    • 今天我买了一个133/256MB的内存,才29.99 +TAX, from: www.oemexpress.com
      • 知道,这个店听网上鬼子们推荐过,是Ottawa不错的地方