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A friend of mine wants to take a Information Technology Professional programm. Please come in and share your ideas. Thanks.

1 He majored in business administration when he was in university in China and have 8 years experience in business administration. The only things he knows about the computer are MS office. By the way, he is 35 years old.
2 The course will last 12 months (8am to 5 pm fr. Mon. to Fri.) wiht 130 credits and the tuition fee is $17000. This course focuses on the networks rather than programming.
3 When you reply this post, please give your opinions on:
a) Is this programm too difficult for him?
b) What's the possiblity for him to find a job after he finish the programm?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / A friend of mine wants to take a Information Technology Professional programm. Please come in and share your ideas. Thanks.
    1 He majored in business administration when he was in university in China and have 8 years experience in business administration. The only things he knows about the computer are MS office. By the way, he is 35 years old.
    2 The course will last 12 months (8am to 5 pm fr. Mon. to Fri.) wiht 130 credits and the tuition fee is $17000. This course focuses on the networks rather than programming.
    3 When you reply this post, please give your opinions on:
    a) Is this programm too difficult for him?
    b) What's the possiblity for him to find a job after he finish the programm?
    • a) no; b) very difficult. Network positions needs good language skills.
      • Thanks, pasu. Any opinions from others please. My friend is sitting beside me and waiting. Thanks in advance.
    • is this the IT program of SFU?
      • No, it is a IT programm from BCIT. Any idea?
        • A friend of mine is taking some IT courses at BCIT. He told me it is not so hard (non-science/engineering background).
          • 我们有BCIT的学生,他们学的东西和安省这里的水平比差多了.他们的设备也旧,学生连XWINDOWS的界面都没见过.
    • 如果有兴趣,就学罢。如果仅仅是为了某生而转行,那就没有必要了。你说呢?
      • It is difficult for him to find a job now. So he wants to combine his knowledge and experience in business area with something in the IT area. He believe IT will stand up again faster than any other industry.
    • 一开始不容易吧,另: 挺贵的。
      • Agree! It is too expensive for me. My friend is a business man and he said this is not a cost but an investment. But I am not sure how will be the reward of this kind of 'investment'.
    • a)学习没有容易的,尤其是转行.也没有说handle不了的,见过不少先例 b)BCIT在这里有很好的声誉,某些方面比SFU,UBC更好找工作.我们公司刚招的一个专业测量人员,就是原来干其它工作,去BCIT参加了一个GIS diploma program,毕业后就被公司录用
      • Thanks, Kavin. Do you think the tuition is a bit expensive?
        • 便宜没好货啊.hehe BCIT在移民潮前主要的学生是当地不愿上大学的小青年,现在仍然是主流,他们并不是特别热衷于招移民,非常实用.我们公司还有一测量员,原是厨师!后去当老师,然后去bcit上了个diploma搞测量,真搞笑。
          • 说句实话BCIT火的原因不是因为他们教的东西实用, 而是他们有比较好的企业关系, 同时不少企业喜欢找COLLEGE学生因为听话,不会问问题.不过今年BCIT的计算机学生就业律也只有25%.
            • really? 怎么统计的,毕业后多少时间算一个界限?3个月,半年?
              • 我的朋友说毕业时25%,过了半年还是这么多.
                • 那就是说过了半年一个也没找到工作,不太可能吧。
                  • 如果半年内找不到工作一般人家会对学生有看法.
                  • 朋友今年毕业,说的是班里的情况
          • Thanks to all of you.
    • (a.) not difficult at all. ( b.) depends on his English level ---- same as Pasu!