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This information may help you. see inside contents please... let me known you phone number if you need more help. We can talk in Chinese

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛EXAMPLE: Using a D-link router, DI-704 with 4-port, to share Rogers internet cable:
Multiple network client IDs.(extray charges will apply)
1. connect WAN port of the router to Rogers cable
2. connect NIC of PC to LAN port of the router(up to 4 PCs, no hub required )
3. type in network client ID, downloaded from Rogers' web site, such as cr12345-a, or cr-12345-b..., as computer name and set up using DHCP as WINS resolution.
4. set Internet Explorer using LAN for connection.
5. go.
PS. up to 5 network ID can be downloaded according to Rogers

One network client ID, (require one hub)
1. set up the router with your network ID, cr1234-a, as host name, renew IP forever and enable DHCP server (disable is recommended for small LAN).
2. connect WAN port to rogers cable.
3. connect LAN port to Hub by uplink or crossover cable.
4. connect all PCs to Hub.
5 set up PCs: gateway by D-Link) DNS IP address. if you disable router 's DHCP server, you need set up IP address for each computer, you may use to 250.
6. set Explorer using LAN for connection
7. go更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 想用router共享RogersCable上网,但出现很奇怪的问题,请各位大侠前辈指点:PC和ROUTER之间已经可以PING通,在ROUTER设置中已经可以看到每台机器的IP地址,但是WAN的IP总是看不到(都是零),
    • 我知道有些地方的CABLE是通过MAC地址认证分配IP了。你先用一台机器连CABLE,如果能获得IP地址,把ROUTER的WAN MAC改成那台机器的就可以了。前提是ROUTER支持MAC Address Clone。说明书为准
      • 谢谢啦,我的ROUTER是LINKSYS的四口ROUTER,好象没有看到那里有MAC啊?
        • 哈,和我的一样,好说。首先保证你的Firmware是1.38以上。进入管理页面,最右边有个Advanced的标签,进去,应该可以看见个MAC Addr. Clone。添入能上网那台机器的MAC地址,Apply,Continue就可以了。
          • 我这台机的MAC地址在那里找?ROUTER上的MAC好象有好几位数,每个都是两位数字,我上网的IP地址好象不一样啊
            • MAC地址是网卡的物理地址,比如00-50-BA-B0-7F-8D和IP是两回事。在DOS 状态下或者2K控制台里面使用IPCONFIG/ALL可以显示,其中的Physical Address就是
              • 我的WIN2K怎么不能执行IPCONFIG/ALL?还有没有别的方法能找到MAC地址?
                • ipconfig /? 可以知道它的各种参数,W2K ipconfig有all参数么?
                  • sure. 9X/2K/XP都有
                    • 9X好像没有ipconfig喔,只有winipcfg
                      • 你试一试看就知道了。
                      • 专家说得对
                        • 实践是检验真理的唯一手段,呵呵,建议你在DOS窗口试一试ipconfig,俺在WIN98SE下面可是没有问题哦。。。
                          • 98SE没试过,98肯定没有,95耶没有。呵呵,平时9X用的少就是他们没有什么ipconfig, nslookup之类的东东
                            • 哦?呵呵,看来是俺表述不清。。。
                            • win98肯定有ipconfig, 不过需在DOS窗口里运行.
                              • 奇怪,98会有吗?我怎么一打ipconfig出来command not found?难道你们是98企业版。呵呵
                                • 我的就有,2nd Edit
                                • 哈哈.., 伪劣产品?!
                      • 有的有的
            • Go to dos prompt and run winipcfg.
            • 如果不明白,打905 5461757
              • 非常非常谢谢"忘记备份的天使"哥们(很长的名字),我已经搞定了,什么时候到TORONTO一定别忘了给我打电话,我请你吃饭,真心的.ROLIA上就因为有这样的热心人,才使我们停留在这里
          • 上次我填的就是我网卡的MAC,当时我测试时就一台机器,就是我的台式机,连在Router上,可以出去,而且速度正常。
            但后来不知怎么不行了,速度慢。我就ipconfig /release 再ipconifg /renew ,就完了。后来想不出办法,重装系统试了一下,好了,只是速度慢。看到那多余的HUB才想起来一试的。
    • What brand of your router?
    • This information may help you. see inside contents please... let me known you phone number if you need more help. We can talk in Chinese
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛EXAMPLE: Using a D-link router, DI-704 with 4-port, to share Rogers internet cable:
      CASE A.
      Multiple network client IDs.(extray charges will apply)
      1. connect WAN port of the router to Rogers cable
      2. connect NIC of PC to LAN port of the router(up to 4 PCs, no hub required )
      3. type in network client ID, downloaded from Rogers' web site, such as cr12345-a, or cr-12345-b..., as computer name and set up using DHCP as WINS resolution.
      4. set Internet Explorer using LAN for connection.
      5. go.
      PS. up to 5 network ID can be downloaded according to Rogers

      CASE B.
      One network client ID, (require one hub)
      1. set up the router with your network ID, cr1234-a, as host name, renew IP forever and enable DHCP server (disable is recommended for small LAN).
      2. connect WAN port to rogers cable.
      3. connect LAN port to Hub by uplink or crossover cable.
      4. connect all PCs to Hub.
      5 set up PCs: gateway by D-Link) DNS IP address. if you disable router 's DHCP server, you need set up IP address for each computer, you may use to 250.
      6. set Explorer using LAN for connection
      7. go更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我的就更奇怪了,请大家给个解释,谢谢!
      一台笔记本连到Router上可以上网,速度与直接连到Cable Modem上的速度差不多;但另一台台式机连到Router上去后,上是能上,但速度比蚂蚁还慢,换了所有口子都不行。但直接连Cable Modem也好好的啊。后来用一个普通HUB连到Router,台式机再连到HUB上,行了。这是怎么回事啊?
      网卡是:Legend DFE-530TX PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter.
      Router 是SMC Barricade Broadband Router 10/100 Mbps.
      • 我不知道为什么,但是你换个网卡试一试
        • 没网卡了,那块还是国内带过来的。
          • 联想的网卡问题多多。虽然是名厂OEM的,但是驱动很不好用。我知道好几个人的网卡在2000下面找不到驱动。
            • 说要买D-Link的,现在发现他们给我的竟是联想的,TNND。
              • Dlink 联想网络部 已经合并了吧好像
            • 1000%同意。
      • Duplex problem?
        • what is your meaning?
          • Usually the ports on those kind of routers are switched ports, which means that you should be able to use full duplex on you NIC, but ...
            ... nobody knows how well it supports duplex. If you set your NIC to auto, when they negotiate the NIC might set itself to full duplex, which might not be suitable for the situation.

            You might want to try to set the card to half duplex manually, and see what happens.
      • 手工更改台式机网卡的属性, 10M 半双工, 全双工. 记住不要用auto, sometimes it doesn't work very well.
      • 我说过啦,很多网卡,特别是dlink的bloody530 TX的autosense 是bullshit。 :)
    • I don't know which brand of router you are using. I am using Netgear with AT&T@HOME. Just some thoughts:
      1. I am sure you already did that, but double check your PC is configurated as a DHCP client
      2. Double check your machine can get online without the router
      3. Make sure you use the right cables to connect from the modem to the router, and from the router to switch/hub, and from switch/hub to your pc. There are two kinds of cables looked very similar: crossover and strait thru. Read your router manual to see where should use what kind of cable
      4. If you use a hub or switch, try to press the uplink button to see if it makes difference.

      Hope this helps.
      • 我已经检查过每一个有可能出问题的地方,ROUTER, CABLE ,NETWORT CARD,都拿去我朋友那里试过,在我这就是不行
    • 我用的是hub,没用router.你最先上rogers时,应该给你了两个IP,你用hub就行了,何必用router.
      • 用ROUTER就不用一直开着服务器了
        • 弄好没有?
          • 好啦,谢谢啦
            • 呵呵,恭喜恭喜
              • 是啊,你可不知道我整了多长时间,请教各路高手,又重新做线,还给ROGERSCABLE打电话,原来毛病还是在我这
                • 还是俺这个小地方好,一个cable可以分3个IP。
                  • 呵呵,给人家限制你流量,换你的IP
        • 两个IP只要hub开着就行,不用代理服务器。
          • 我觉得alex的ISP只给一个IP,你想想,一台电脑上了网,然后换router连就没有IP了,现在换成网卡的MAC就可以了。。。
            • 也许是。但据我所知,rogers开户时应该给两个IP,一个是用户名-a,一个是-b.
    • 看大家说的这么热闹,我顺便问一下,ROUTER多少钱呀?
      • 我买的加税150$
        • 谢谢,算下来,两块网卡,一个HUB一台旧电脑做ROUTER差不多也这个价钱,不过,比买现成的好玩,呵呵
          • 去年初买可是要300啊,心在流血
            • 心要是不流血你就完啦。呵呵
            • 呵呵,这种冤枉钱谁都花过,我现在发现,应该是可以少花钱 多办事的,多看看,多转转,做梦也没想到256M的内存会几十 块,当初俺花好几百RMB买1M内存!
      • 120左右