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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

may be you can try these

1. use timer
get a timer , explain the timer will go off once the time reached. Discuss with him how many minutes he can play for a day (i started 10 minute on weekdays, and 15 minutes on weekends). Once every one agree on the rule, go with it with very very few exceptions.
I normally ask mine to setup the time when he start playing (he is 3.5 year) and he will off line when the timer goes off.
He may protest in the first few times, but consistent on the rules.

2. don't lie to him.

3. introduce some kid friendly web site to him, like like pbs kids, disney.com... there are lots of educational web sites

4. for temper,
I tried the time out when mine is about 2.5 years old and it worked very well. He picked up the concept in 2 times.
I also use counting 1,2,3 a lot. Working for me too.

All in one, he is old enough now to understand the basic rules. So setup the rules for him and be consistent.

It will be very rewarding.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 儿子快三岁了, 天天上网玩联众, 大虾们请指点迷津.
    儿子刚跟随父母回加, 虽然只有三岁, 可是坏习惯一大堆, 而且脾气还特别的坏, 天天弄得我跟LG哭笑不得. 原本怕老爹来这不习惯, 所以装了联众, 谁知却成了儿子的玩具, 天天占着电脑. LG天天跟我发脾气, 说我不管他, 我觉得特委屈, 什么方法都用过了, 总不能天天打儿子吧. 请问各位有类似情况吗???
    • 你儿子够聪明的~方法很简单,删了游戏,儿子问就说中病毒上不了网了,让你爸爸天天带他出去玩,累了回家就睡觉,少让他看电脑,小心眼睛
    • 为了我们的下一代健康成长,让他们父子都戒掉!我看到小孩有事没事玩那东东就想对那家长喊一嗓子:stop him playing that!
      easy to say ...haha i know i know. still you got to do something. if your son goes into tantrum, try to limit his playing time first and switch it to a educational game which you will find plenty of them on the web. if i were you, i'd simply delete the program and tell him no more games !
      • 请重新审题
        • which one? his or mine? have not got your point.: ( or my words were not clearly expressed -- they are no difference for me.
    • 一天也不能打。教育孩子一定要讲道理。告诉他为什么不能老玩电脑,并且让你爸爸配合,少玩电脑。然后严格控制玩电脑的时间。
    • 有这么难控制么!给你儿子找其他有趣的活动,他该不会唯一的嗜好电脑吧!带他出去玩。电脑游戏这么小一会都不该打,
    • 你看看ABC的super nanny吧,学学怎么当家长。
    • 这么小太厉害了,他玩哪个游戏呀?
    • SUPER SMART BOY, 一般不好管教吧.
    • 图书馆有一些益智的游戏,学习reading, number, painting, alphabet, 你可以借回来给你儿子看看,一般这种游戏小孩子都玩不长时间的,因为要动脑子,另外,增加户外活动,趁着天还没凉。
    • may be you can try these
      1. use timer
      get a timer , explain the timer will go off once the time reached. Discuss with him how many minutes he can play for a day (i started 10 minute on weekdays, and 15 minutes on weekends). Once every one agree on the rule, go with it with very very few exceptions.
      I normally ask mine to setup the time when he start playing (he is 3.5 year) and he will off line when the timer goes off.
      He may protest in the first few times, but consistent on the rules.

      2. don't lie to him.

      3. introduce some kid friendly web site to him, like like pbs kids, disney.com... there are lots of educational web sites

      4. for temper,
      I tried the time out when mine is about 2.5 years old and it worked very well. He picked up the concept in 2 times.
      I also use counting 1,2,3 a lot. Working for me too.

      All in one, he is old enough now to understand the basic rules. So setup the rules for him and be consistent.

      It will be very rewarding.