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Montessori education

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Montessori encourages individual development. In other words, each child may do/learn different things acadamical wise although they are in the same classroom. The kids in the same classroom have their own acadamical development plan. But this does not mean they don't encourage teamwork.
There are cicle time(which really is group time), play time, ...
Also the teach can have a few child do the same activities together.
Toddler program is for kids younger than 3, which means they don't really have structured program. The program is more or less like a nursery. Once your child gets into casa program, then he will have more constructured program, can interact with different age group: 3-6 years. Which will let him have a chance to see how other olds to be a bigger brother/sister, and then he can be a bigger brother/sister when it is his time.

Some montessori also hosts "reading buddy" program, which they groupe a elementary kid with a casa child. The elementary child will read for the youngers..

take some time, observe more and then talk to your kids teacher again...
no need to worry...:-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 关于montessori, 请有经验的爸爸妈妈答一下疑: montessori学校是不是都是小孩一个人自己学东西, 不提倡teamwork的?
    两岁的儿子刚送去TMS的toddler program。我今天才了解到, 那里不提倡sharing, 每个玩具每次只能一个人玩!要玩的话就要等别人玩好了,放回架子上才可以去拿来玩。我就问老师:那小孩子怎么interact呢?怎么教孩子sharing? 怎么培养小孩子的teamwork呢?老师回答不能让我满意(她说小孩们在吃饭的时候可以interact)。我明白蒙台梭利推崇independence,不过我认为independence并不等于playing alone,和teamwork并不冲突啊!

    • 好像是这样的。特别独立。这也许是montessori教学的一个缺点吧。
      • 谢谢工夫茶.
    • 帮你顶^,顺便问一下,你跟学校签了多久的合同?如果没到期WITHDRAW的话,有没有REFUND?
      • 我是一次付了一年的学费, 还给了赞助费, 所以如果现在退不知道学费能讨回来多少, 赞助费肯定是拿不回来了. 不过我还是会让他呆完这一年再说, 因为这家离家特别近.
        • 为什么要给赞助费?我也给女儿报名了,学校没提赞助费的事
          • 入学之后都要交的, 一次性, 不退的. 宣传资料/fee chart上应该有说啊!
    • Montessori education
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Montessori encourages individual development. In other words, each child may do/learn different things acadamical wise although they are in the same classroom. The kids in the same classroom have their own acadamical development plan. But this does not mean they don't encourage teamwork.
      There are cicle time(which really is group time), play time, ...
      Also the teach can have a few child do the same activities together.
      Toddler program is for kids younger than 3, which means they don't really have structured program. The program is more or less like a nursery. Once your child gets into casa program, then he will have more constructured program, can interact with different age group: 3-6 years. Which will let him have a chance to see how other olds to be a bigger brother/sister, and then he can be a bigger brother/sister when it is his time.

      Some montessori also hosts "reading buddy" program, which they groupe a elementary kid with a casa child. The elementary child will read for the youngers..

      take some time, observe more and then talk to your kids teacher again...
      no need to worry...:-)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 是啊, 可是我送孩子去daycare的主要目的就是想让他有更好的social skills, 让他学学和别的小朋友一起玩, sharing, 否则还不如在家里让保姆带呢. 看来我不是个monterssori parent
        • 这么多年过来,觉得蒙氏的幼儿教育是不错的。我们的孩子独立性很强,但同伙伴的合作也很好
          走到哪里,都能自己找到个玩伴。他也知道怎么玩才能大家都高兴,即sharing is caring. 我倒是觉得你孩子的老师不称职。他的解释的确有问题。
        • 不要担心,送出去是对的,再说social skills不是教出来的。
      • 儿子学校的cycle time就是大家坐在那里唱歌, 想象不到怎么interact.
        • social life for very young
          understand your feeling. But really no need to worry.
          For kids 3 years or younger, they don't really play together . They normally play by themselves, while observing how the other kids doing . This is called parallel playing.

          Kids will start interacting with others around 3 years old.

          Once he is old enough for next program, you will be amazed how he is progressing.
          • You said what I want to say!
          • 谢谢, 大家这么一解释, 我感觉好很多了. 这几天看下来, 班上的老师的确也挺不错, 把儿子留那儿我还是挺放心的. -- 虽然这星期加起来儿子离开我的视线不超过1小时.
            • 你也可以留在教室里吗?我问过校长,他说不可以:(((
              • TMS有两个星期的phase-in. 我第一, 二天都是全陪, 第三四天站在门外看, 下个星期也可以在门外看, 但除非老师要求, 不能进教室
    • In casa program, it is also encouraged to let the older kids to teach younger kids.
    • 我也在找montessori学校。请问怎么知道住的附近有没有呢?我在markham, 16th + McCowan. 谢谢。
      • 你可以看看这家: Unionville Montessori School. @ 16th & Kennedy. 据说是不错的学校. 如果要 2006 年秋季入学,可以考虑报名了. 一般 12 月报名就有可能排在 Waiting list 上了. 我现在没有联系电话, 但可以找到.
        • 我住在mississauga square one附近,请问是否有montessori学校,谢谢!
          • "North Star" or "Northern Star" near square one. Very good one. CCMA accredited
            • 谢谢Lotus,请问一下网站,我只查到美国的,或地址知道吗?谢谢!
              • Royal montessori School, Southwest of Huronario & Dundas, near Price Chopper supermarket
                • How is that one? I mean Royal montessori School. Is it good?
              • Here are the websites.
        • their website is not bad, hmm, I may register this one for my daughter
        • :((, they need kids to be 2.5
          • 真要送啊?怎么不问我?我女儿那个学校离咱家就5分钟
            • 请问你女儿在那个学校上?怎么样啊?谢谢
              • 还没上呢,但是已经报名了,MINDTECH@48&MAJOR MAC去学校看了一下,感觉还可以.你的孩子多大?
                • 我家小孩2岁半。上这个学校要多少钱呀?
                  • 好象18MON - 25MON是800多,2岁半就不知道了
                • how much registration fee?
                  • $75. $500 deposit
            • you chose the one at 48&major? it's on your way to work, and the unionville is on my LD's way to work ah, hehe
              • 哦~~~~这下你省事了~~~~:D
    • Update一下, 我儿子上学一个月了, 非常喜欢他的学校, 天天早上吵着要去school. 因为学校离家近, 我经常去看看, 发现几位老师也挺负责的, 对孩子们都很好. 放心了, 准备也让女儿去这个program.