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我住的地方是建筑结构为TOWN HOUSE的CONDO里三楼的一个单间,一楼住房东和洗衣房,二楼是厅和厨房.一直以来我和房东都处得很好,她爱干净,而我也不喜欢东西太乱,用完厨房我都会收拾干净,平时都呆在屋子里不到厅里晃.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛夏天时他们住楼下,她老公上夜班白天要睡觉,冷气机太吵就不开冷气,因为我觉得都应该互相体谅嘛! 上个月她提出,他们全家搬上来,我和另外一家搬下来,然后在洗衣房为房客辟一个小厨房, 说这样大家都方便.我当时也没多想就同意了,体谅人家肯定希望我们这些外人越打扰他们越好. 楼下的房间在地面,一面墙是个大大的落地窗,窗外就是整个CONDO的后面,有时,只是很少的情况下,如果不想通过大楼的门走长长的走廊到家的话而屋里刚好有人的话,可以从这个落地窗进来.四天前东西都搬下来后,落地窗上已经安了个锁,她给我一把钥匙,说你把厅里门上的钥匙都交了吧,以后就从这个门(窗户)出入,然后还提到她打算在二楼到一楼之间安到一道门。我当时有点摸不着头脑,就说钥匙先等两天再给。 第二天我试着从窗户出去,那个锁根本就不是很好,花了5分钟才锁上。仔细想,现在5点多就天黑了,我每次进来都要让到大楼的后面进来,黑糊糊的挺吓人的。而且这后面有时有洋人小伙子晃,聊天啊玩什么的。如果让别人注意到我每天这个窗户出出进进,而且就一单身女子,你说我能觉得安全吗?有个大落地窗晚上睡觉的时候,屋子里很凉,暖气还没开呢!交涉暖气的时候,她说我不喜欢开GAS烧暖气,我会给你们每个屋子一个HEATER,(GAS要房东掏钱的,而水电是包括在务业管理费里的).天呢,守着个大窗户本身就密封不严,那我这个冬天怎么办?当然现在交涉的情况,她同意开暖气了。大前天晚上回来的时候她让我交楼上单间的钥匙,我告诉她我不能交,如果你非要我从窗户出入的话,那我就要搬回楼上的房间。自然双方就争执起来,她坚持说那是门,我们应该分门出入,我说那是窗户,如果分门出入的话,那你就弄个真正的门让我出入。然后说她现在同意我们偶尔可以用厅里的这个门进屋子,我就告诉她我绝对不同意偶尔用,只要我在这住一天我就要用正常的门出入。这样子,我们就闹翻了,按照法律规定我还可以在这里住两个月,但是这样住还有什么意思呢?
这样子的结局实在令人心里很难受,毕竟我一来就住在这,大家处得都挺好的,朋友们都说你应该学到一个教训:永远不要想跟房东交朋友。我觉得我待她象大姐,她要是提出什么都尽量配合,比如暖气的事,我开始提出我们是不是应该开暖气,才知道暖气是要各家自己烧GAS的,而当时也不是很冷,就没说什么,回房后换上长衣长裤,自己穿多点,能帮人家省点就省点吗嘛!结果就演变到今天这个局面。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 唉, 中国房东真让人受不了,找个本地洋人做房东如何?到哪里找呢?
    • 不好找,一般本地人不爱出租房屋,就算出租,也不爱租中国人,因为觉得中国人做饭油烟太大!
      • 我知道啊,所以已经决定以后以炖菜,蒸饭为生,吃太油腻了,来了后体重飚升,应该改改生活习惯!
    • 我的房东是希腊人,人还不错,我住了2年了,买一张torontor star,上面有很多老外出租自己的房子,不过一般房东不和房客住在一起。
      • 谢谢你提供的信息,明天也买份看看! 我其实很不想搬呢,没办法逼及了 :( 找个可心最好就不乱动了
        • hoho, my landlords are very nice although they are from China also.
          • 今天之前我还觉得我房东挺好,可是你想想她提出要我从三楼搬到1楼地面的房间,他家搬上去,一面墙是个大落地窗,让我以这个落地窗为"分门出入"的门,我坚决不同意,每天晚上要到黑黑的大楼后面从窗户进去,太不安全了
            • i have 一面墙是个大落地窗 also. i wanna 分门出入, but there is no lock outside! ft! but when my friend come to visit me, they always go through the 大落地窗. hoho
              • 我是女孩子,胆小,后面有时候有黑人小伙子出现,冬天屋里温度也上不去 :(
                • sigh! :(( the feeling of staying others' home is very bad.
                  • //hand!! :((
                • 我正在找女单身合租公寓, 不知你是否有兴趣.
                  在Scarborough东部, 如有兴趣请联系 toronto_xyz@yahoo.ca
                  • 谢谢! 打算在YONGE&FINCH租一间屋子
                    • 我说妹妹,别是气糊涂了吧,那里的房价会比你住的楼层还高。
                      • 你下完没有?我打算把它删了!
                        • 还没那,想你在用带宽。什么时候可以继续,请给我个伊妹儿。
                          • 白天下吧!我白天不怎么用。
        I wounder if it is difficult to find a job in Toronto?
        Thank you again
        .I wounder if it is difficult to find a job in Toronto?
        Thank you again.
    • 的确很恶劣,下面的story是一个刚到Toronto的中国移民的亲身经历,好让人可怜和同情啊!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please see my story before I could find a job in Canada
      ---A New Immigrator's Undergoing In Toronto---

      My former landlord lives at Jane and Shoreham (near Jane and Finch). The man
      was from northeast China and the woman was from Beijing. They have a girl
      about 13 years old. The wife do not have a job, she just depend on the poor
      salary about several dollars per hour from the husband. The apartment they
      rented is two bedrooms, because of lack of money, they decided to change

      They used timber board and cartons round up the hall and kitchen, then live
      themselves into the hall and left two rooms for rent. When my friend
      searched a room for me, he did not notice that it is a two beds rooms
      instead of three bed rooms they had told him, so my first stop in Canada was
      selected there, and the landlord always states the apartment is near the
      York University, in order to get more attention from students. By this way
      the income of our landlord from two tenants was over $800 a month, and they
      can earn their payment for the apartment if we add the milk fee from their
      child. When I just moved in, the landlord asked for deposit of 100 dollars
      for the keys to inter the apartment and room. There were no telephone line
      in my room, so I had to pay $69 to Bell Canada to do the inside wiring work
      and set up a telephone for myself.

      At the beginning our life is tranquil. One day I inform my landlord that I
      would move out because my friend would have a room available 40 days later.
      I told him that the Oct 1st is Monday; I would pack my belongings before the
      noon. If there would be new tenant moved in, I would place my suitcases
      aside and wait for the work over of my friend who will help me move out in
      the afternoon.

      Unfortunately they could not find a new tenant for my room before I moved
      out, so their attitude to me became worse and worse. Some times I greeted
      them when we met and the wife seemed reluctant to say something. Two days
      before I left, the landlord came to me and said I must move out before
      12:00AM of Oct 1st, otherwise I must pay the extra rent fee for the hours
      after midday. Of course I refused him and inquired him why he changed his
      mind after so long time we made a deal. He said at that time he did not say
      agree word to me. At that time the wife rushed in my room, with great volume
      and scandalous words, while her finger point to my nose, asked why I want to
      delay shamelessly. The landlord let his wife went away and told her we would
      discuss it again. Just after several seconds she went out, she rushed in my
      room again with offensive high pitched voices and the landlord asked her to
      go out again. Again after several seconds, I heard her coarse shouting again
      from the aisle and she wanted to rush into my room the third time. I then
      closed my door and locked it quickly, and bang! She hit herself on the door
      heavily. This is the first time I dealt with a bitch. I just remember
      clearly that their little girl stood aside to watch our three quietly,
      watched her crazy mother. I told the landlord to dismiss the little girl;
      this would have bad influence on her. And he then asked his daughter back to
      their room. At this moment my telephone rang, my friend was waiting for me
      under our building, so I had no time to deal with them and went out, while I
      still could hear the women roaring in the apartment before I entering the

      Originally I planed to move out on the afternoon, Oct 1st, but the tenant in
      my friend’s apartment moved out one day ahead, so I moved to my new
      location one day ahead also. I told my landlord that my SIN card will be
      mailed to me few days later; I will call them to check after one week to see
      if it comes. One day later the landlord called me and told me that he will
      only check my letter for me only one day, he urged me to order the Letter
      Transfer service in the post office, and he will not responsible for any
      letter missing since the day after. Then I called the Human Resource Canada,
      they said they just mail me the SIN card on Oct 1st, and they will resend it
      to my new address, and I get my SIN number.

      My neighbor besides me moved out of that apartment approximately at same
      time, he also got the phone from our landlord for refused to receive our
      mails for us. When he go to the post office to ask, the officer said they
      need 7 days to begin transfer our letters. At that time he received a call
      from post office to inform him that he had a package arrived, and he need to
      get it using the package notice. When he called our landlord to ask the mall
      notice, they always hung up our calls once they knew it was from us.

      This issue makes me angry and I will do something to protect my right.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我住的地方是建筑结构为TOWN HOUSE的CONDO里三楼的一个单间,一楼住房东和洗衣房,二楼是厅和厨房.一直以来我和房东都处得很好,她爱干净,而我也不喜欢东西太乱,用完厨房我都会收拾干净,平时都呆在屋子里不到厅里晃.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛夏天时他们住楼下,她老公上夜班白天要睡觉,冷气机太吵就不开冷气,因为我觉得都应该互相体谅嘛! 上个月她提出,他们全家搬上来,我和另外一家搬下来,然后在洗衣房为房客辟一个小厨房, 说这样大家都方便.我当时也没多想就同意了,体谅人家肯定希望我们这些外人越打扰他们越好. 楼下的房间在地面,一面墙是个大大的落地窗,窗外就是整个CONDO的后面,有时,只是很少的情况下,如果不想通过大楼的门走长长的走廊到家的话而屋里刚好有人的话,可以从这个落地窗进来.四天前东西都搬下来后,落地窗上已经安了个锁,她给我一把钥匙,说你把厅里门上的钥匙都交了吧,以后就从这个门(窗户)出入,然后还提到她打算在二楼到一楼之间安到一道门。我当时有点摸不着头脑,就说钥匙先等两天再给。 第二天我试着从窗户出去,那个锁根本就不是很好,花了5分钟才锁上。仔细想,现在5点多就天黑了,我每次进来都要让到大楼的后面进来,黑糊糊的挺吓人的。而且这后面有时有洋人小伙子晃,聊天啊玩什么的。如果让别人注意到我每天这个窗户出出进进,而且就一单身女子,你说我能觉得安全吗?有个大落地窗晚上睡觉的时候,屋子里很凉,暖气还没开呢!交涉暖气的时候,她说我不喜欢开GAS烧暖气,我会给你们每个屋子一个HEATER,(GAS要房东掏钱的,而水电是包括在务业管理费里的).天呢,守着个大窗户本身就密封不严,那我这个冬天怎么办?当然现在交涉的情况,她同意开暖气了。大前天晚上回来的时候她让我交楼上单间的钥匙,我告诉她我不能交,如果你非要我从窗户出入的话,那我就要搬回楼上的房间。自然双方就争执起来,她坚持说那是门,我们应该分门出入,我说那是窗户,如果分门出入的话,那你就弄个真正的门让我出入。然后说她现在同意我们偶尔可以用厅里的这个门进屋子,我就告诉她我绝对不同意偶尔用,只要我在这住一天我就要用正常的门出入。这样子,我们就闹翻了,按照法律规定我还可以在这里住两个月,但是这样住还有什么意思呢?
        这样子的结局实在令人心里很难受,毕竟我一来就住在这,大家处得都挺好的,朋友们都说你应该学到一个教训:永远不要想跟房东交朋友。我觉得我待她象大姐,她要是提出什么都尽量配合,比如暖气的事,我开始提出我们是不是应该开暖气,才知道暖气是要各家自己烧GAS的,而当时也不是很冷,就没说什么,回房后换上长衣长裤,自己穿多点,能帮人家省点就省点吗嘛!结果就演变到今天这个局面。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 千万不要学陈独秀,一味的迁就她就越认为你软弱可欺,跟房东搞好关系是对的,但要在正常交往的范围内。你的那个朋友是对的:千万不要把房东当自己人,要知道他们也是剥削阶级,你每住一天她都要扣取你身上的一天的银两。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛记着我大学时身体瘦弱,整个一个弱不禁风的样子,宿舍里老有几个狗熊一样体魄的人欺负我,刚开始一两下也就逆来顺受了,可时间长了感觉不是那回事。他们到睡觉的时间了还赖在你的床上不走,任凭你说他也无济于事。那时候宿舍里一人一张小桌子,每次我刚擦好,他们就毫无顾忌的踩在上面上他们的床,然后再把臭鞋连同难闻的散发着恶臭的袜子一股脑仍到我的床边,让我一晚上只能蒙着被子睡。有一次,上铺的那个哥们大中午休息时间,他摇头晃脑的在我的头上吼那又难听又吵的黑豹,我实在是忍无可忍了,也不知道从什么地方来了股连我都惊讶的神气力量,我豁的从床上跳起来,那小子粹不及防,被我揪着脚丫子从床上拽了下来,当时我也不知道自己是什么样子,听别人说脸色好吓人啊,那家伙被我突如其来的模样吓住啦,竟张着嘴巴一句话也说不出来。打那以后,他收敛了好多了,见了面也对我客客气气的。原来老实人发怒也蛮厉害的哦!对于不讲理的房东,千万别给他/她好颜色看,该反击的时候一定反击,该保护自己的时候一定不要手软,还是毛爷爷的16字方针好:人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人!我们虽然做不了“鼓惑仔”,但我们应该有“鼓惑仔”的大无畏精神,无论在什么地方,都要做一个强着,做一个让别人尊重你且稍微有点儿怕你的人!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 受教受教,以后我也尽量按DX说得做! 这实在是个理,我就是一熟了就抹不开那个脸! :((
      • 值得庆幸的是他已经离开了那里并以找到了工作。
      • 找房子不要找把厅封起来住的那种, 这样的房东很计较.
        我现在和别人分租公寓, 房东家是打工族缺钱, 把厅封起来住人还给我涨价 25%, 还威胁我说你觉得哪合适就住哪去. 我真的找了房子准备下月搬走了, 女房东对我变得更加仇恨. 你的贴子提醒我可以到邮局办转信手续, 这个服务好.
        有趣的是我下月开始当二房东了, 我肯定不会欺负人的, 但愿将来不会有人这么骂我.
        • 这样的房东确实很可恶!我在北京的住处是单位帮忙给租的,三居室3个同事一人一间,除了每月公司要从工资里扣掉500元,自交水电费外,水龙头坏了自己掏钱修,玻璃碎了房东换完了还收钱,
      • 这方面,可能还是广东人房东做的好些
    • For a girl, it is not a bad idea to live in someone's house.
      Some families rent one room out. It's not bad living with a family as long as you won't cook too much. I lived with three families, all got along very well. The renting fee should be around $300-450. You should be able to find such kind of ads in news group. In ottawa, it is ott.housing.
    • 凤凰mm,住我这儿吧,正好鉴定一下你的手艺:)
      • 菜做得好的话,减房租->免房租->付工资->开rolia饭馆
        • 好主意!到时就尝尝凤凰MM 的手艺吧
          • 谢谢风筝大侠!希望以后有机会能让您鉴定鉴定.我已经决定在FINCH和YONGE住了 :))))
            • 哈哈, 离我住的地方更近了,只有半站路,有时间到我家来玩吧 , ^_^
            • 凤凰 MM,check you mail