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Not need worry basic. My daughter is 8 when we obtain here.

Not need worry basic. My daughter is 8 when we obtain here. Now is 5
years. From 2 years ago, She possesses England to mark is A. Has not compared for 3 years, She resembles the human equally which spoke the mother tongue. Now
this quite good way is simple picture bood which the wristwatch child
television and reads. If she does not like, Invites the academic society from the school is enought. When she
changes quite well, Reminds her to read very many. It will help her to learn the new word.
And, Please do not teach by you from already

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 家长们好!我女儿八岁,刚到加一个月。Now is struggling at the school. 虽然我们都知道孩子最终会 do well。但是还是想力所能及地帮助她更快在适应下来。
    请问有经验的家长,你们平时辅导孩子英文吗?如果辅导,又用什么办法来提高孩子的兴趣呢?我孩子的中文阅读相当不错了,所以她们老师发的那些 picture books 她很难提起兴趣来。


    • 千万别教,你们的一口烂发音,非把孩子教走样不可。自然发展,学点纯正的发音。
    • 这事急也没用,只能慢慢来,欲速则反而不达。首先教会孩子表达吃喝拉撒睡之类的生活必须用语,然后她会逐渐从同学老师那里学会英语。她的英语要赶上其他孩子,大概需要七年时间。至于读音,如果你对自己没信心,就算了吧。
      • 说得不错,不过七年时间会吓坏楼主的,应该不要这么长。
    • 看电视动画片有帮助
    • 当然要帮.和她一起看电视,读书.担心自己读音问题,图书馆有很多POPULAR的书的光盘/录音磁带,和书一起借来连听带看.
      • 误导。。
        • why?
      • 你整反了。倒是要考虑将来的中文可怎么办。8岁来的将来多半是个中文盲,不可就药地。
        • 错,八岁在中国已经上了两年的小学,基本的阅读问题应该不是很大,坚持阅读不可能是中文盲!
          • 可怜天下父母心
    • 谢谢以上各位的建议!
    • 如果条件可以, 建议给孩子找人或学校补习一下最基础的发音标准和规律. 北美的孩子一般在学前班和一年级时学. 掌握了这个对孩子的英文大有好处, 特别是拼写和阅读.
      • 我的女儿有同样的问题,可能需要辅导发音的技巧,以提高她的阅读兴趣。请问有这样的辅导老师可以推荐吗?我估计三、四节课这样的技巧课大概就能解决问题了。
        • I have no idea how long it will take to be a "master" of this basic English skill.
          You can go to google.com to search for "Huntington learning center" or "Slyvan learning center". Both are pretty popular in North America. I believe you can find one in Toronto. They charge by hour. all right, good luck.
    • 你千万不要给孩子辅导英文。她在学校会有专门的老师给她辅导的!我去小学做过volunteer,好一点的学校都是这样的。你如果想给她辅导,可以用中文给她辅导数学。
    • 别着急,我的孩子来这里1年可以正常交流,1年半学习就能跟上,你倒是要担心她的中文退步了,到时候只讲英文你就该着急了,哈
    • No need to worry at all. My daughter was 8 when we got here. Now is 5 years.
      No need to worry at all. My daughter was 8 when we got here. Now is 5 years. Since 2 years ago, her all English Marks are A. No more than 3 years, she will be as good as native speaker. Now the better way is watch Kids TV and read simple picture bood. If she does not like it, just learn from school is enought. When she getting better, Just remind her to read a lot. It will helps her on learn new words.

      • 你在国内没上过中学吧,上过中学的人英语语法不可能这么差.
        • 害我点进去读了一遍, 嘿!
          • 同害同害。一定要坚定不移地整个中文软件。
        • So what? My English bad is not problem. I am practising and practising. And my native friends are praising me speak better and better daily. My middle school teacher said, only if you are no shy, so you can speak good.
          • so your english is still not good enough! so
            • 按照他的写法应该是“so your english still is not enough good”
          • 天哪, 还一个接一个的, 我要去洗手间了
      • 没有需要担心根本。我的女儿是8 当我们得到这里。现在 是5 年。
        没有需要担心根本。我的女儿是8 当我们得到这里。现在 是5 年。从2 年前, 她的所有英国标记是A. 没有比3 年, 她一样好 象说母语的人。现在这个比较好的方式是手表小孩电视和读的简单 图片bood 。如果她不喜欢, 就请学会从学校是enought 。当她变 比较好, 提醒她读很多。它帮助她将学会新词。并且, 请别教由你 的自已
        • 不明白你的翻译.但明白上面的英语.看来我的英语也很破,同病相怜嘛.
        • LOL, 我揭露一哈,这夥计是用http://world.altavista.com/tr翻D~~~~
          • 你再揭露一哈往反方向咋翻?比如中文特棒的一番不就英文出口成章了。
        • Not need worry basic. My daughter is 8 when we obtain here.
          Not need worry basic. My daughter is 8 when we obtain here. Now is 5
          years. From 2 years ago, She possesses England to mark is A. Has not compared for 3 years, She resembles the human equally which spoke the mother tongue. Now
          this quite good way is simple picture bood which the wristwatch child
          television and reads. If she does not like, Invites the academic society from the school is enought. When she
          changes quite well, Reminds her to read very many. It will help her to learn the new word.
          And, Please do not teach by you from already
      • no matter how good your daughter's english is, it can never be as good as native speaker.
        • why? 伍冰枝的英语没有当地人好?
      • 这水平也敢发英文啊, 勇气可嘉啊
      • Thanks very much Opec.It helpes me gain confidence about my daughter's English learning.
    • 多看英文动画片,多与同龄的英文好的小孩子玩,上学校的ESL,多记一些英语单词。
    • 我的孩子也是八岁的时候来的。
      再快,也得半年, 再慢,也不会超过六个半月, 孩子就能够听懂了。到九个月的时候, 孩子就能够自如地表达自己的想法。
      一年的时候, 基本上没什么问题了。到一年半的时候, 孩子的中英文理解及表达能力基本上就接近了。
      孩子才刚来一个月,在所处的环境中,因为语言问题可能会有点沮丧。 此时,万不可对孩子要求太严, 也不必对孩子加英文学习的任务量。
      最重要的是鼓励孩子, 无论他学了什么,都说:wa! great! good job!让她开心是主要的。学不学东西?唉,来加拿大, 孩子的主要任务是玩, have fun!
      我儿子参加足球俱乐部,孩子们每次射门不进, 教练和观众都说:good! good try!

      教练每次训练基本上就不教什么东西, 每个星期我都得给孩子补三四节课。