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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Don't be frustrated. I know few Chinese kids start grade one with Cs, especially the kids just coming from China. But they all catch up later.

How long are you in here? Or is your girl went to daycare or Kindergardon here before start school? She and even you may just not be used to the system yet. You can buy some books here, like math smart, english smart. They teach wide range in school, not deep though. The addition and subtraction is only small part in the math. You need read to her, or with her lot. What kind of reading level she has? She should read picture book easily, or start to read chapter book. Talk to her teachers in school, and find out weak part of her. Relax, especilly when you talk to her, and be positive to her. She'll gradually got better. Be patient. Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 我的BB girl(四年级)的成绩单上基本上都是B+。去年还有几个A来着。今年退步了。是不是课外活动太多了?她有滑冰,游泳,绘画,小提琴,中文。或者是年级高了,家长该介入辅导家庭作业了?课外时间怎样安排合适?
    • 我们没有强迫她学任何东东。可是她就是兴趣广泛,无所不爱,每天能量无限的girl。
      • 好事儿啊。
    • 咱家比你家还多个台拳道,钢琴(没小提琴),本年七个A,作业我们介入不了,因作业在校就HAND IN了,很少有带回家的时候.去年这时是10A. XB一回.
      • 他们班还有比我家好的(混班,比我家高一级)国MM,去年十六项中得了14个A,下面的表现方面全是EXCELLENT.
        • 小女, 有钢琴,游泳,芭蕾,体操, 4年级时全A, 所有都是A.
          • 对不起啊. 再牛一把. 刚刚得到消息, 最新的REPORT CARD是全A, 两个A-, 两个A+, 其余都是A. 5年级的孩子. 真是欣慰. 很听话的孩子, 一切自觉自由.
            • 请问:你们的孩子来加拿大多长时间?来的时候几年级?
              • same question, cuz i'm planing send my girl back to china to study first 5 grades then come back, is it a good idea?
              • She's been in Canada for 6 years, came here when she was 4 and half.
                • We newcomers can't compare with you.
          • N,真N.中国孩子真N.有一西人家长看到自己的孩子大部分都是B,高兴的合不拢嘴. 我提到的那位国MM获得个全加9岁OR10岁组钢琴比赛第二名.每天练琴3小时以上.所以我说课外活动不会影响学习.
    • 跟课外活动太多没关系.也没什么,老师不给A,是希望有上升的空间,所以不要在意.
    • Why all girls get A? How about boys?
      • What should I do? I never feel that frustrated!!! My daughter is just in Grade 1, but all her report card are C or C-????
        She is smart girl to me and she know all number plus within 100. I teach her new letter, she can all remeber quickly. She plays piano well. And she is open and happy girl. But read the report, I want to die... I can't sleep last night....
        Please please help.
        • Don't be frustrated. I know few Chinese kids start grade one with Cs, especially the kids just coming from China. But they all catch up later.
          How long are you in here? Or is your girl went to daycare or Kindergardon here before start school? She and even you may just not be used to the system yet. You can buy some books here, like math smart, english smart. They teach wide range in school, not deep though. The addition and subtraction is only small part in the math. You need read to her, or with her lot. What kind of reading level she has? She should read picture book easily, or start to read chapter book. Talk to her teachers in school, and find out weak part of her. Relax, especilly when you talk to her, and be positive to her. She'll gradually got better. Be patient. Good luck.
      • The sadest thing is that my daughter was born here. I have been here 10 years. She can't read, She knows very limited words...
        Thanks a lot for the advice. I wonder if there is anything related to teacher, I have feeling that teacher doesn't really like her. and there is no Chinese in her class only my daughter, the teacher is Asia too. Don't know where she came from?
        My daughter went to kindergardon before grade 1. there was nothing wrong in daycare.?
        Where can I buy the books for grade one?
        • there are some pratice books in Mindmaster. I think it helps if you read a book everyday to her, or let her read a book of her reading level everyday.
          • Sorry, where is the mindmaster?
            • Sorry. It's MasterMind. You can check http://www.mastermindtoys.com/ for store locations.
        • 你每天给孩子读书吗?没有人天生就会读的,要天天读......千万不要听信什么孩子在这里长大,英文不成问题.这里也有文盲呀.
        • Check Wat-Mart, Zerllas, Costco. Read to her and with her. If she can read well, she can understand better.
          Be patient. Every kid is different in learning style and pace. Don't comparing her with other kid, support her. It is only few months, she may be slower to adapt school life than other kids. Take her to library, get her the books she likes, even very simple ones. You need get her interested in reading. Or you may want to try Kumon reading program?
    • 为什么中国人总是那么在意孩子的成绩?就算到了加拿大也一样?全拿A又如何?college dropout照样可以当CEO,大学课程拿C的一样可以当总统。
      • 你见过几个CEO,几个总统?
      • Do you have kid? I bet not.
      • 莫非要向不在意成绩的家长看齐吗?在学校的主要任务不就是学习吗,不关心academic performance的家长不是个称职的家长。只是在意到什么程度的问题。有的人要拿第一,有的要全A,我可以接受B+。我向很少有人会接受C
      • 是否都是A不那么重要,但不能不重视孩子的学习,只要不OVERDO......我孩子的老师是加拿大本地人,她跟我们说孩子的FULL TIME JOB就是学习.不学好,就是不合格的EMPLOYEE.
      • 学生肯定要在乎成绩。都是B+在大学也拿不到奖学金,成绩就是钱。
    • 这儿下午3:00多就下课, 家长一定一定要介入小孩学习. 多布置作业, 去买什么ENGLISH SMART 或是 MATH SMART, 书店和COSTCO里都有.
      下午到晚上睡觉之间, 除了吃饭, 学习一半的时间, 然后玩一半的时间, 就可以了. 玩的时候, 一定少看电视和玩电游, 多活动或读课外书, 或是音乐, 运动什么的. 一定让小孩有事做.
      家长一定要介入, 只是在旁督促和培养良好学习习惯.
      学习是痛苦的过程, 小孩不会喜欢. 适当压力是必须的. 但希望留出一半时间让小孩自由发展.
      • 奥,是浆子啊。所以你女儿是A,我女儿是B+。不过,我还是宁愿要B+!
      • 我觉得读书弹琴都应该算是学习.