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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Brad and Jenn no longer 'Friends'?

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Call the tabloids - Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are on the outs.

At least, the husband and wife play bitter enemies when Pitt guest stars in an episode of Aniston's NBC sitcom ``Friends'' on Thursday.

Pitt plays a high school friend of Monica (Courteney Cox Arquette) who is invited to Thanksgiving dinner with the gang. Old grudges reignite when he encounters high school foe Rachel (Aniston).

In an interview last weekend promoting his new movies ``Spy Game'' and ``Ocean's Eleven,'' Pitt said he and Aniston share some ``gangbuster'' scenes together.

Pitt, a longtime ``Friends'' fan, said he was unsure whether his guest appearance would be a one-time deal or if he might reprise the role.

``It's a happy show,'' the 37-year-old actor said. ``It comes on and it makes me happy. It's always been that way since its first incarnation, before I met my wife.''

He and Aniston, 32, were married in summer 2000.

AP-NY-11-20-01 1341EST更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Attention: Brad Pitt will be guset star in Friend on Thusday evening. Sorry I will not tell the detail for you.
    • up一下,真没人喜欢布拉德皮特啊?
      • 教我数学的老师象极皮特,弄的不少女孩换班过来。。。。
      • 他可是我认为的最性感的人呀。
      • 皮特本来挺小生的,不知为什么喜欢把自己弄成胡子拉碴的模样。说起来,与狼共舞中的凯文科斯特纳,风月俏佳人中的李察基尔,速度中的基努里维斯,四个婚礼和一个葬礼中的休格兰特都有迷人之处,真细数起来,多了去啦
    • 悄悄问一下, 他什么的干活?
      • 你不认识他吗?人家可是环卫行业的劳模,2001年十大杰出青年啊!掏大粪的技巧比“时传详”还好,不服是不行的
        • 你说的那个不是俺家邻居"大水炮"吗? 啥时候改成洋名了.
          • 啊,居然有人比俺还牛?在哪?让俺找块板砖灭了他!!!!!!
      • the sexiest guy in the world.:-)
        • in galaxy, the sexiest guy is "niu4,lang4" or cowboy.
        • I don't think so.
          • hehe,这可不是我选的。
          • So Beibei, if Brad Pitt ain't the sexiest, who is the beholder of your eyes? (BTW, I agree with you, he's not).
      • 布拉德皮特是美国著名电影演员.
        • 你瞧他这名给著的, 让我一下变成了"老土"了, 哎~~
          • 知道您了不土,平时您连中国话都不说的。瞧让我们这帮老土给害的,抱歉。:P
            • 其实这帮演员也就各领风骚两三年,记他干吗?爱谁谁!
            • 你那最后那个"P"是干啥用的?
              • 有MSN吗?找个人开个窗口,然后:p+enter你就知道了。yahoo也可以
                • 我还以为懒猫到哪儿,临走前都要放一个"P"呢, 原来是那意思.
                  • 分特!以后我可不敢随便用这个了,免得让少数认为是。。。
    • details, come on in...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Brad and Jenn no longer 'Friends'?

      LOS ANGELES (AP) - Call the tabloids - Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are on the outs.

      At least, the husband and wife play bitter enemies when Pitt guest stars in an episode of Aniston's NBC sitcom ``Friends'' on Thursday.

      Pitt plays a high school friend of Monica (Courteney Cox Arquette) who is invited to Thanksgiving dinner with the gang. Old grudges reignite when he encounters high school foe Rachel (Aniston).

      In an interview last weekend promoting his new movies ``Spy Game'' and ``Ocean's Eleven,'' Pitt said he and Aniston share some ``gangbuster'' scenes together.

      Pitt, a longtime ``Friends'' fan, said he was unsure whether his guest appearance would be a one-time deal or if he might reprise the role.

      ``It's a happy show,'' the 37-year-old actor said. ``It comes on and it makes me happy. It's always been that way since its first incarnation, before I met my wife.''

      He and Aniston, 32, were married in summer 2000.

      AP-NY-11-20-01 1341EST更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我很喜欢他主演的"七宗罪",后来的"墨西哥人"感觉一般般
      • 我最喜欢的是“秋日传奇”。:)
        • 就因为这部片子,感觉他那么性感,是不是?
          • 说实话,是。:)
      • Joe Black也不错.
        • Meets Joe Black的卖点就是Brad Pitt 那张handsome的脸和迷死人的微笑,其他就没有值得看的了。还是七宗罪好看。
          • //hands,握手
        • 俺喜欢那个女主角,笑的好甜。
        • 哪儿能down这电影呀,我想再看看。:)
      • Interview With Vampire!
        • 一般一般,老外的吸血鬼的片子都差不多
      • strongly recommed "interview with vampire" " fight club" "seven years in tibets" " 12 monkey"
        • 啊,忘了"十二只猴子"也是PITT主演的,很喜欢这部电影,科幻片子里的上乘之做,深刻,弥漫着末世的怜悯,匪艾所思的想象力,
          • 是呀,12只猴子非常不错,七宗罪里面摩根弗里曼和凯文斯帕西都光彩照人,把皮特压下去了一点。但是在《夜访吸血鬼》里面,皮特的风采盖过了汤哥。:P
      • 皮特演得最好也是赖以成名的那部《大河恋》真的不错。
      • I watched Brad Pitts in "Seven Years in Tibet" last weekend that Gave me a second thought about Tibet modern histroy and Dalai Lama. The movie is terrific.
        • That was the first vido I watched in Canada. very impressive. Pitt is not star but history in this moive.
          • I was quite upset after watched it since it is not telling the truth even the movie from a real story.
            • I tends to believe in it - An adventurer's story. However, if you experienced the Tibet modern events, that's another case.
      • 还有一步他和哈里森-福特合演的片子我也很喜欢,忘了叫什么名字,很伤感。
        • 好象pitt演一个恐怖分子,FORD演一个警察,PITT寄宿在FORD的家里,但片子名我也忘了
        • The Devil's Own
          • yeah, that's it.
          • 对,没错,香港人好象翻译成"与魔鬼同行"?怀念深圳时香港的明珠台,怀念"Studio 930"的好片;星期二的系列剧:"老友记,"X-file"," spin city","宋非正传","安莉.麦克比尔"(深圳白领女性的必看),等等;
            • 甜心俏佳人
              • o ,终于让我想起它的中文名字啦
    • 正等着看呢,其实DETAILS我也知道。
      • 说说看,我最喜欢他的<大河之恋>
        • 《大河之恋》英文名是什么?
          • A River Runs Through It
    • 马上就有两部他主演的电影上映,spy game 11/19 & ocean's eleven 12/7.
    • Brad Pitt 在这集Friends好象很一般吗,不太好玩。Friends里的guest star 最大牌的应该是Bruce Willis了,他演Elizabeth的爸爸的那几集挺好玩的。
      • A lot of celebrities was in friends, include Juliet Roberts
      • Yeah. I really like Bruce Willis in those series. He's changed his way of acting so dramatically and successfully.
    • 很高兴Rolio上有这么多喜欢电影的朋友,我就是一个电影迷,走到哪里都不忘了去电影院,来Toronto半年时间,钱挣的不多,又等着一月份上学,电影可看了不少,网上的盗版电影也当了不少,哈
    • 大家都在谈论brad pitt帅, 真的吗?我昨晚却看到另外一个剧集,smallville, 里面的clark真是wow!