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Under Father's Wings

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛On the bus there were sitting the young father and his lovely daughter. The father was tying the daughter’s shoes. And the little girl was leaning against under her dad’s shoulder, quite enjoying what her dad was doing.

I was moved by the chemistry that can only have between the father and daughter. And that makes me recall my father spontaneously. My mother often teases my father that he never knows how to cook. And she says if she goes out, she must not forget to bake a pie to wear around my father’s neck. But I do remember that my father once cooked for us. That was when I was little, my mom went out, and my father cooked the beans and pork for us. And I can still remember the aroma around the kitchen when I was after school. Of course at that time I thought my father could do everything, not to mention could cook delicious meal. But now I am often wondering how my father managed to cook that meal for us considering that he never cooked before.

Now when I grow up, I realize that my father is not the man that can do everything. But I know that he is the father that likes to do everything for his kids. When I left home, he didn’t want to let me go first. Finally he agreed. But still he concerned about me, he told me, “ If you lack money, call me! If you want to go back, go home please!”

There are so many excellent men in the world; they are wonderful lawyers, super bankers… But there is only one man to be your father. He is our shelter.

“He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalms 91:4 ” This is my favorite verse, and I would like to share with you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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