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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You need to know following things:

1. Canadian immigration officers could get information of you stored in computer system of US Immigration Service, by simply key-in your name in their computers; as simply as a few strokes. Even your date of birth is no need for the purpose of identifying you.

2. Your car registration has been videoed by both sides. At any side, once you have showed your passport, the car registration number has been linked by your passport by chronicle computer programs. So does your face. Your face is bio-scanned by camera too. Did you ever hear RFID system? It is on the way for guys like you. Your passport would have RFID if it is new version.

3. A serious legal issue is nowadays it does no longer rely on government’s check to let you know whether you are qualified for citizenship. It does rely on your calculation and your declaration how many days you lived in Canada. If you declared deliberately misled information, you may face the charge of defrauding government. Your citizenship may be permanently jeopardized.

4. Canadian government may be nothing, but not US government. Who do you think you are dealing with? In case you are really smart to overcome these issues, it would be even worse for you. The border of Canada-US is part of national security designed to cope threatens from terrorists. If you are really good to play with it, your behaviors must differ from that of ordinary people. You will be picked up by data mining system of *** of US, you will be labeled either as possible terrorist or a spy from China. Is it worth for you to take this kind of risk? By then, you are no longer an UNCLASSIFIED.

5. My suggestion is if you do not have this kind of capacities, please be a good citizen. 别搅浑水. This kind of games is no longer suitable for kids like you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 各位想保留身份的同胞:从美国自驾车出加拿大没有记录。
    从加拿大驾车到美国, 加拿大这边是没有官员的。 桥对面是美国。美国那边也不会在你护照上作记录。

    从美国驾车去加拿大。加拿大这边要看你的枫叶卡和护照。但只是看看而已, 挥手就让你进加拿大。当然,如果他觉得要请你到小屋子详谈,另当别论。 一般不会。我护照上都是中国进出境章,加拿大这边也不问。反正我就从容地说到美国公干一会儿。
    • 另外这里一些同胞,不要再恐吓那些不想坐移民监的人好不好?大家生活都不容易.
      另外这里一些同胞,不要再恐吓那些不想坐移民监的人好不好?大家生活都不容易. 人家不想坐移民监是一种选择。我们要尽力帮助他们,而不是去无端恐吓,嘲笑。
      • 不光是移民监,就算是入籍,遇到这种“经常往返边境线”的案子,官方文件里面也有说明。如果大家都抱着不诚实想法去做事情,“诚信”二字,会在永远消失在中国人族群里的。
      • 不想坐移民监的选择自然要尊重,但是不坐就要接受可能失去身份的后果,天下没有那么多什么好处都沾的好事。互相帮助是应该的,但是帮你做犯法的事就是活腻了。
        • 对一些本来就准备搏一搏的同胞,最差就是不要那个PR 嘛。Nothing to lose.
          • 他们自己是没损失什么,我们全体华人又丢了一点信用!
            • I respect your viewpoint above. But I was sorry to hear you saying mean words like these:"想钻狗洞的才研究狗洞开在哪里 ".
              • 话糙理不糙,你的问题跟“缉私大队怎么查我”没什么区别。“另外这里一些同胞,不要再恐吓那些想走私的人好不好?大家生活都不容易.人家想走私是一种选择。我们要尽力帮助他们,而不是去无端恐吓,嘲笑。”
    • 请问你成功逃掉了么?是成功更新枫叶卡了还是成功入籍了?如果没有,你还是先担忧自己的身份吧
      • My friends did.
        • (#2869196
        • 算他幸运,祝你入籍时,别被抽查到面试,我朋友在考试当天考试前被叫去单独面谈,专门问的居住时间问题.
    • 善意提醒一下各位看官,生活不易不是犯法的理由,不是欺诈的理由,不要把国家机器当傻瓜,不要以为护照上没章就等于没有记录了,我就知道CIC有几招可轻易破解你的花招。
      • List the "CIC有几招可轻易破解你的花招" if you really know.
        • 你尽可以和国家机器对着干, if you really want.
          • 别自虐了,好不好。你以为你是拉登?
        • 我不知道海关怎样能查出我是否携带毒品,但我知道,携带毒品是错误的,即便有人这样做,没有被逮的,发了财,我也不学着做。研究执法者如何执法,只有那些想违法的人才会这样做。
          • 想钻狗洞的才研究狗洞开在哪里
        • 所有过境的车都是有记录的.
        • 我直接或间接知道的CIC的办法有:
          2,到美国一方的数据库查你在美国的出入境,税务等资料, 除非你是富翁偷渡进美国后隐居,不工作不上学不申请驾照SSN信用卡,否则你不可能在美国没有任何记录。如果你经由美国去中国或其他国家,肯定有从美国出境记录,你总不可能开车或者游泳离开美国吧?乘飞机跟加拿大一样,飞机起飞前一切出入境旅客基本资料一律要登记备案。

          • 别自虐了,好不好。你以为你是拉登?
            • 你愿意当拉登干非法勾当,就别怪国家机器拿你当拉登防着,我们华人都会跟着你倒霉。
    • 不要误导人家啊。
      • 这叫坑死人不赔命,反正到时候被国家机器镇压的不是他,网上无名也不能告他教唆罪。
        • "被国家机器镇压"?? LOL! : )
    • 另外这里一些同胞,不要再恐吓那些想在家里种大麻的人好不好?大家生活都不容易.人家想在家里种大麻是一种选择。我们要尽力帮助他们,而不是去无端恐吓,嘲笑。
    • 既然不愿意遵守这里的规则,干嘛还要这里的身份?
    • 想钻空子?你有本事吗?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛You need to know following things:

      1. Canadian immigration officers could get information of you stored in computer system of US Immigration Service, by simply key-in your name in their computers; as simply as a few strokes. Even your date of birth is no need for the purpose of identifying you.

      2. Your car registration has been videoed by both sides. At any side, once you have showed your passport, the car registration number has been linked by your passport by chronicle computer programs. So does your face. Your face is bio-scanned by camera too. Did you ever hear RFID system? It is on the way for guys like you. Your passport would have RFID if it is new version.

      3. A serious legal issue is nowadays it does no longer rely on government’s check to let you know whether you are qualified for citizenship. It does rely on your calculation and your declaration how many days you lived in Canada. If you declared deliberately misled information, you may face the charge of defrauding government. Your citizenship may be permanently jeopardized.

      4. Canadian government may be nothing, but not US government. Who do you think you are dealing with? In case you are really smart to overcome these issues, it would be even worse for you. The border of Canada-US is part of national security designed to cope threatens from terrorists. If you are really good to play with it, your behaviors must differ from that of ordinary people. You will be picked up by data mining system of *** of US, you will be labeled either as possible terrorist or a spy from China. Is it worth for you to take this kind of risk? By then, you are no longer an UNCLASSIFIED.

      5. My suggestion is if you do not have this kind of capacities, please be a good citizen. 别搅浑水. This kind of games is no longer suitable for kids like you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Keep daydreaming, pal. : )
      • And keep torturing yourself and scaring other Chinese by daydreaming
        • Repeatedly stating conclusions does not constitute a valid argument.
          • 'as simply as a few strokes." - pure imagination does not constitute a valid argument.
      • Don't you feel good by dreaming that Canadian officials could identify the guy hiding in US by having "as simply as a few strokes."?
        What an efficient and effective system across two different countries! Do we still need CIA and FBI? Hey, FBI officer, don't waste your time, just go to that super "effective" Canadian system, simply enjoying "as simply as a few strokes" and you will get your job done! : )
        • This would be the last of my free education of critical thinking.
          "Imagination" as you concluded is still a conclusion. Analyzing my feeling is part of background analysis but still too remote to be part of argument. Good luck.
          • Don't you feel good by scaring Chinese here?
            You need this, man!
          • Hey, list your info sources here if you really want to help Chinese here.
            Please list the convincing info source here about Canadian officials' ability of getting personal data and identity of US residents by enjoying "as simply as a few strokes"...

            Dont' just escape, man. : )

            Do you feel good by providing ungrounded info here simply to scare Chinese who do not want to waste 3 years?

            You need this feeling, man.
    • 想这么做的自己负责,不论是占便宜还是被抓到都是你自己的。其他的人不用吵架了。
      • This is a reasonable suggestion.
    • Yes, there are plenty of examples that some people get away of it. HOWEVER, there are also plenty of examples that somebody got caught (I personally know 2 cases). So, do it only if you can face the consequences.
      • Yes, there're many murderers not got caught.
        • Yet.