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Friday's joke - x grade

A hillbilly gets married and on his wedding night he calls his father to
> get some tips on what to do, since he had never been with a woman before.
> So he calls up his dad and asks him, "what do I do first?"
> His dad says, "take her clothes off and put her in bed."
> The hillbilly calls his dad 5 minutes later and says, "she's naked and in
> bed what do I do now?"
> His dad says, "take your clothes off and get in bed."
> He calls back 5 minutes later and says, "I'm naked and in bed with her
> what do I do now?"
> His dad's patience is now running out so he says, "look son do I have to
> spell everything out? Just put the hardest thing on your body where she
> pees!"
> The hillbilly calls up 5 mins later and says, "OK Dad, I have my head in
> the toilet bowl what do I do now?"

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Friday's joke - x grade
    A hillbilly gets married and on his wedding night he calls his father to
    > get some tips on what to do, since he had never been with a woman before.
    > So he calls up his dad and asks him, "what do I do first?"
    > His dad says, "take her clothes off and put her in bed."
    > The hillbilly calls his dad 5 minutes later and says, "she's naked and in
    > bed what do I do now?"
    > His dad says, "take your clothes off and get in bed."
    > He calls back 5 minutes later and says, "I'm naked and in bed with her
    > what do I do now?"
    > His dad's patience is now running out so he says, "look son do I have to
    > spell everything out? Just put the hardest thing on your body where she
    > pees!"
    > The hillbilly calls up 5 mins later and says, "OK Dad, I have my head in
    > the toilet bowl what do I do now?"
    • Put it in X-files
    • rated PG13, not even R, xixi