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Hi Sarah,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have a very young child who is far away from middle school. I say St.Andrew
for a few reasons:
Although the school is located in a rich community, but it does not necessarily
mean the majority of the kids in the school are from rich family.
In fact, there are quite some rental buildings (the ones right at Yonge/401, and the ones at Bayview/401, for example) in the area, comparing to other schools (let’s say Denlow PS, windfield Middle School) in C12 area. There are also a big condo townhouse complex in the area at yonge/401.
If you are on the bus along York Mills road, you can see quite some kids go to the schools in St.Andrew area from the apartments at York Mills/Leslie. Bet their parents are more or less like you, doing their best send the kids to the good schools.
Considering all these factors, you can calculate what could be the percentage of population from a single detached rich household in this area.
I think it is a good exposure to the kids in the environment like this. They definitely will know first hand that there are so many different ways of living in this world and hopefully they get comfortable on what ever they have, or motivated to pursue whatever they want to have.

I did not visit St.Andrew myself but did visit quite a few public elementary schools in north york area, including Pineway PS (in the same area of Zion Heigh) and Owen PS in the same area of St.Andrew. There are some dark skin kids in the owen school too which I think may not be a bad thing.
I could not know how the school really is from these visiting, but from what I saw and felt, Owen is at the edge from almost all the perspectives: school facility, kids behavior, .. Although Pineway PS is one of the top schools in the Provincial test ranking.

St.Andrew itself is a very well known school not only because of academic result. In a society like Toronto, Academic only speaks so much. There are many many other aspects influences an individuals success, like, personal mastery skills, social skills, society involvement, culture exposure, leadership, individual hobbies and talents, physical skills (especially for boys) .. and I think this is sometimes be largely neglected by parents in our Chinese community.

One more factor, the high school in St.Andrew area is one of the best high schools, which is York Mills CI.

I don’t know what are the things you consider important to you and your kids while choosing a school. Maybe you can go visit the school with your kid, talk to the school staff and then you can have a more clear picture.

Any way, good luck and all the best!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 在给孩子选初中.请问有经验的网友, St. Andrew, Windfields, Zion Heights, Highland, J.B. tyrrell, Pleasantview哪个会更适合
    哪个会更适合于心理发育较晚,别人出主意他就去放炮, 很容易受周围环境感染的孩子呢?有太多大陆移民孩子的学校听说学习风气还不错, 可是是不是与这个多元文化离的有点远啊?St. Andrew周围环境很好,但好象很多富人孩子在那里,对孩子是否有影响呢?很困惑,我们的孩子又调皮又不懂事, 自控能力又奇差.真是对他即将到来的判逆期深感恐慌.希望学校的环境能起到积极的作用.
    • 我也想知道.
    • Zion Heights
      • ZION HEIGHTS里那些福利楼里的黑人孩子对其他孩子是否有影响呢?
        学校里毒品问题严重吗? 有一次看到两个男孩和一个女孩在图书馆, 女孩坐在其中一个男孩腿上, 他们讨论的话题让我大吃一惊--在谈某个人文胸的杯号. 从此对那个学校感到有点恐慌
    • 没啥说的,St. Andrew啦...富不富都是相对的啊,孩子从小能调节好这个心理,想不是啥坏事...个人觉得教育问题上以吸收人之长为长...
      • Agree.. St.Andrew.
        • 请问逸涵和BYSTANDER, 你们的孩子在ST. ANDREWS读书吗? 能问你们一句, 你们属于富人呢还是普通家庭? 结合找房子, 最后好象只有这个学校可去了. 做父母的可真不容易啊
      • Yihan, Question for you?
        Any input about Owen PS? Thanks for your help!
        • 那个学校俺去参加过活动,学校设计象超大的开放式会议厅...感觉不错...有法语教学...
        • 忘了说周围的房价比DENLOW更HIGH,有一间平房一年换次主人,一年涨15%
          • Thanks..Any idea about the French Immersion in this school? Is it good?
            • 52,没有上过,不好评价...
          • 给ST.ANDREWS打电话, COUNSELOR 好象不建议去那个学校.
            1/3的孩子是住公寓的, 学校以白人孩子为主, 有南韩的, 中国的, 也有其他族裔的. 学校是很好, 但不知道是不是适合普通家庭的孩子,尤其是心理承受能力不强的孩子.
            • 是小学的COUNSELOR吗?什么理由呢?
    • 前三个任何一个都没问题。但除非我住在St Andrews附近并且经济条件能和周围的邻居Match,否则我不会送孩子进富人区的学校,从国内到国外,我见过的例子太多了。
      不说别的,就一个孩子过生日,我就不知道该怎么办。当然了, 你要抬杠说我爱怎样怎样跟别人无关,那我祝愿你可爱而心灵单纯的孩子能和你有一样的心理素质。有时间我可以给你讲讲在多伦多我朋友圈里发生的一堆故事。
      至于楼上说Zion JH里发生的对话,其实同样的对话在任何一所学校都会发生,再正常不过了。
      • 请问:forest hill 中学呢?我们租住的公寓在forest hill中学学区。学校应该不错吧,我也有些担心贫富差距对孩子的心理影响,但又有些舍不得这个学校。
        • 住在那里就去呗。
          • 还有6年。因为学校都不想在搬家了。
        • 中国孩子们放了学就在对面的图书馆打牌~~~
          • forest hill 初中、高中如何?一点概念也没有,也没见到排名什么的,不知道怎样了解。谢谢
            • 学校钱多条件好, 有钱人家的孩子多(其实也有很多国移孩子)攀比厉害,基本也是同种族的孩子和同种族的孩子交往,国移孩子喜欢在一起玩牌(在图书馆玩, 服了他们了!)
              • 谢谢。
              • Any one here did not play Poker game or MaJiang in university??
                Take it easy. They need social life too. By the way, Poker help simulate the brain...:-)
                • 我可能没有说清楚, 他们几乎每天放学就去玩,到六点结束,反正我觉得不好, 特别是在图书馆玩
      • 同意。多伦多的阶级观念而且很强。富人对穷人一点都不含蓄。
      • Could you tell me where is st. Andrews PS? Thanks.
        • Between Younge/Bayview, 401/York Mills. You can get the detail information from toronto school board web site.www.tdsb.on.ca
          • 多谢!
      • 有空讲讲“多伦多我朋友圈里发生的一堆故事”?
    • 是不是Aurora的St. Andrew College?
      • 虚心请教一下: Pleasantview怎么样? EQAO考试排名在St. Andrew之前,为什么没人推荐呢? 也是正在选学校中,多谢了! -dengshang(lilac); 18:50 (#2985831@0)Reply
      • St. Andrew College 是私校, 名校, 全南校
    • 女儿曾在6个学校学习(每个一年)最后比较,st.andrew最好,好学校的4个特点他占了3个
      2 学校应试教育为主
      3 加拿大名气大(比加拿大历史长)
      4 教师水平一般,这点不太好
      • 我被搞糊涂了---教师水平应该是好学校的必备条件吧。听说Pleasantview的老师挺认真的,也不知道该如何比较,敬请指教。
      • 请问St. Andrew 有before and after school programs 吗?
        • 请问逸涵和BYSTANDER, 你们的孩子在ST. ANDREWS读书吗? 能问你们一句, 你们属于富人呢还是普通家庭? 结合找房子, 最后好象只有这个学校可去了. 做父母的可真不容易啊
          • Hi Sarah,
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have a very young child who is far away from middle school. I say St.Andrew
            for a few reasons:
            Although the school is located in a rich community, but it does not necessarily
            mean the majority of the kids in the school are from rich family.
            In fact, there are quite some rental buildings (the ones right at Yonge/401, and the ones at Bayview/401, for example) in the area, comparing to other schools (let’s say Denlow PS, windfield Middle School) in C12 area. There are also a big condo townhouse complex in the area at yonge/401.
            If you are on the bus along York Mills road, you can see quite some kids go to the schools in St.Andrew area from the apartments at York Mills/Leslie. Bet their parents are more or less like you, doing their best send the kids to the good schools.
            Considering all these factors, you can calculate what could be the percentage of population from a single detached rich household in this area.
            I think it is a good exposure to the kids in the environment like this. They definitely will know first hand that there are so many different ways of living in this world and hopefully they get comfortable on what ever they have, or motivated to pursue whatever they want to have.

            I did not visit St.Andrew myself but did visit quite a few public elementary schools in north york area, including Pineway PS (in the same area of Zion Heigh) and Owen PS in the same area of St.Andrew. There are some dark skin kids in the owen school too which I think may not be a bad thing.
            I could not know how the school really is from these visiting, but from what I saw and felt, Owen is at the edge from almost all the perspectives: school facility, kids behavior, .. Although Pineway PS is one of the top schools in the Provincial test ranking.

            St.Andrew itself is a very well known school not only because of academic result. In a society like Toronto, Academic only speaks so much. There are many many other aspects influences an individuals success, like, personal mastery skills, social skills, society involvement, culture exposure, leadership, individual hobbies and talents, physical skills (especially for boys) .. and I think this is sometimes be largely neglected by parents in our Chinese community.

            One more factor, the high school in St.Andrew area is one of the best high schools, which is York Mills CI.

            I don’t know what are the things you consider important to you and your kids while choosing a school. Maybe you can go visit the school with your kid, talk to the school staff and then you can have a more clear picture.

            Any way, good luck and all the best!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我们最后还是去了ST. ANDREWS. 
              也去了那所学校看了看,大多数是白人孩子, 有一部分亚裔面孔,国籍不明.看上去比我们旁边学校的孩子斯文些. 不过只在那呆了一会儿而已.亚裔面孔的孩子也是再讲英语,这和我们边上的学校也有很大的不同.看上去基本还是同族裔的孩子一起玩.
            • 真佩服bystander的热诚友好态度,身为家长,我们需要相互学习相互促进,提高我们的教育能力.希望有见识的家长都象您一样肯分享经验和信息.谢谢