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周六去HONDA买车, 和一位自称在美国住了N年的华人sales谈价格, 他始终在绕圈子, 暗里加价, 还骗人说去问经理(P, 跟本没去), 车价给的是MSRP-200. 还说要一箱GAS钱... KAO, 穷风了还是杀人不睁眼呀. 后来朋友好奇问他以前是哪人, 上海人! God! 赶快逃了, 连Bye也忘说了. 赶到下一家和一港人5点半签好了.
偶也有了点经验, 下次遇到上海人Sales, 就别费话了, 赶快走人得了. 一是承认人家卖东西水平高, 二是没工夫给他指出破绽, 再一条条,一字字,一块钱的谈. 三是觉得如果你要是能从一上海人Sales的手里拿到好价格, 你是老大! 找个香港Sales谈也好得多.
以上是偶们的买车经历, 偶说的只是个人经验呀. 哈哈. 别又扣大帽子.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 周六去买车
    周六去HONDA买车, 和一位自称在美国住了N年的华人sales谈价格, 他始终在绕圈子, 暗里加价, 还骗人说去问经理(P, 跟本没去), 车价给的是MSRP-200. 还说要一箱GAS钱... KAO, 穷风了还是杀人不睁眼呀. 后来朋友好奇问他以前是哪人, 上海人! God! 赶快逃了, 连Bye也忘说了. 赶到下一家和一港人5点半签好了.
    偶也有了点经验, 下次遇到上海人Sales, 就别费话了, 赶快走人得了. 一是承认人家卖东西水平高, 二是没工夫给他指出破绽, 再一条条,一字字,一块钱的谈. 三是觉得如果你要是能从一上海人Sales的手里拿到好价格, 你是老大! 找个香港Sales谈也好得多.
    以上是偶们的买车经历, 偶说的只是个人经验呀. 哈哈. 别又扣大帽子.
    • Are you talking about Centre Honda? The sales there gave me a good price, better than Action Honda in Scarborough.
      • Kevin did give us a very good impression though. He is very realistic in a sense compare to other HK dealers, who try to bring down others in order to shine themselve. he gave us a lower price too.
        • Action Honda is ...... Thanks, Smartiecat!
          • No. I mean Action Honda gave me a pretty experience. I like Centre Honda!
            • lol, so you mean Action is your playground, and Centre is your shopping place?
              • The HK dealer in Action bring down others in order to shine himself. So I really hate that....
                • I need your advise. Can Action quote the best price?
                  • Action gave me 23200 for CIVIC LX. Centre gave me 23000, Lakeshore gave me 22900. But lakeshore is too far away.
                  • Oh that price means MSRP - 1100. Yes, I have to paid $25 for a tank of gas.. and 430 on top of that for 10yr anti rust, and 80 for license until next December.
                    • Jeffrey
                      Hi, Jeffrey, I want to buy a honda too. you mentioned your price was msrp-1100 and the total price is 23000. I know 02CIVIC Sedan LX-G MSRP would be 19100. 19100-1100+(850+100+135) would be 19085 plus 15% it'd be above 21947. Would you tell me any items you have to get reluctantly at Centre? Thanks.
                      • 02Civic Sedan LXG should be around 21500 if I remember correctly or even less after you negotiate. But sorry, I can't remember exactly how much they offered me about that model cause' I bought LX.
                  • If you really want to buy a car from Honda dealer, I suggest you try Lakeshore Honda, Mr. Jimmy Chen from Shen Zhen, I bought my car from him, he is a good man in my opinion. Please use your own judgement.
                    • Yes. Jimmy gave me the lowest price. But unfortunately Lakeshore is too far away so I chose Centre. Jimmy of Lakeshore is a nice dealer. Kevin of Centre is a nice dealer too.
                      • Sigh, I hate BS sales person gives me some song-and-dance. But going to get comment of each person in dealers seems to be harder than buying a car. they'll kill me again and again.
    • Fomula Honda?