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My 2 cents

STEINWAY & Sons (made in US)
--> Depends on the model. Steinway has good quality on high end, like grand pianos. For Upright, not good enough for its price.

Yong Chang (manufacture in Korea)
--> Quality and stablility is ok, the sound is not competitive.

Baldwin (American made)
--> Quality is ok, the last OEM was Yamaha, now is changed to Kawai, because of the price.

KAWAI (another well known Japaness brand)
--> Quality is good, sound is little bit sharper than Yamaha. Resale price is not competitive as Yamaha.

Petrof (made in Czech)
--> Sound is good and soft, stability is ok, easier to crack on sound board. For young kids (5 - 8 years), the keys seem too tight for the tender fingers.

European piano (German brand)
--> Like Schimmel, Good and expensive, however, sound board easier to be cracked comparing with Piano made in North America.

You can check Piano Blue Book, the price is based on US market, but you can get a figure:


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 想给孩子买台钢琴. 是买Yamaha旧琴好呢还是买价格不高的新琴(象珠江牌)好?谢谢!!!
    • Yamaha旧琴好。钢琴不大爱坏。名牌琴保值。只是不要太旧得连漆都剥落了。
    • yamaha吧!我知道一家琴行专卖它,品质音色都没得说,老板也特NICE,好像是专业人士。有兴趣PM吧!
      • Can you PM
      • can you PM me as well? Thank you!
      • Could you PM me, PLS.
      • PM please.
      • PM me please! Thank you.
      • PM me please! Thank you
        • about piano:55 west beaver creek dr. (leslie/hwy7) unit 3 or call:416-220-1982. good luck!
      • PM me please! Thank you !
        • 3--55 west beaver creek dr. richmond hill or call:416-220-1982 (about piano) good luck!
          • 对不起各位,身旁小儿梦香,统一回答各位了,别见怪。本人曾做过数年钢琴销售,
      • 是你先生?你家开琴行? #3038145
    • 多谢各位回答. 能否再给点建议 - - 何种型号的Yamaha较合适? (孩子初学, 希望买一台中高档,可以让他一直用下去的非专业的琴)
      • U1 is enough.
      • 高不到哪里去的。就是个apartment size基本型就可以。高级的是三条腿的,盖子掀起来的,你买得起吗?你有地方放吗?你儿子啥时候能弹出高级的音乐?
      • YAMAHA---U系列都是专业琴。像U1、U2、U3及其他含U的型号。建议不要买所谓的APARTMENT SIZE。一来孩子到一定程度(比如说七八级)用不尽兴,二来转手也不方便。
    • U1旧的大概多少钱? 我刚问了新琴$8500。
      • U3新琴大概多少钱?请问大家在那里买新琴?
        • U3 is around 11K, but I think U1 is good enough.
          U3 has louder sound, it's good for performance. For young kids daily practice, U1 is more suitable.
        • There is a yamaha dealer at steels/yonge.
      • up
    • 300-500元买个电子琴就行了。基本和钢琴没啥区别,也会根据弹的力度不同不同声响
      • NO!
      • 电子钢琴?据说可以用到5级。谁家孩子用过,能介绍一下吗?
        • 俺家孩子用过1700左右的. 最后还是换了个真的
        • 2000的电子钢琴. 3个月考过8级. 是经过苏联老师确定才买的. 那时总搬家,方便.
          • 想知道具体的电子琴牌子 (brand name, modle). 方便的话, 请告知。 另,你家孩子练了多久琴后 考过8级? 谢谢先。
            • check your PM
          • thanks for sharing.
          • 同样的问题请你也答我一下行吗?另外你孩子只是考八级前三个月用了电钢,以前都用的真钢琴吧? 考完八级后继续用电钢,感觉怎样?问题多多,有劳回答,谢谢.
            • check your PM
      • Misleading
      • 电子琴 is not electrical piano, some electrical piano sounds good and feels good, not cheap (like Yamaha CP series)
      • keyboard and piano is totally defferent instrument althought they both have keyboard.
    • 不知道楼上这些个是除了YAMAHA就不知道世界上还有别的牌子的钢琴呢还是哈日一族非日货不买的。还一个个争先恐后。唉世风日下啊。欧洲琴比小日本的好的去了,为什么不选呢?http://www.euromusic.ca/
      • Thanks! More information please.
        • 新的从2、3千到8、9千的都有吧。网站上看最近正好促销,30% MSRP off。打电话或亲自过去问好了。说国语的。他们是RCM指定考点,有很多专业老师。
      • 新琴大概多少钱
        • $4000
        • 新的从2、3千到8、9千的都有吧。网站上看最近正好促销,30% MSRP off。打电话或亲自过去问好了。说国语的。他们是RCM指定考点,有很多专业老师。
      • 能不能给介绍一下各种牌子, 型号的优缺点。
        • 对不起,我不是他们的sales,不清楚。我自己买的是petrof。你可以打电话过去咨询。905-475-3876。
      • Some brands you may consider:
        STEINWAY (way much better than Yamaha and expensive)
        Yong Chang (manufacture in Korea)
        Baldwin (American made)
        KAWAI (another well known Japaness brand)

        There are many Canadian made brands on market, the quality depends on each indvidual, you may get a real good deal on that.
        • My 2 cents
          STEINWAY & Sons (made in US)
          --> Depends on the model. Steinway has good quality on high end, like grand pianos. For Upright, not good enough for its price.

          Yong Chang (manufacture in Korea)
          --> Quality and stablility is ok, the sound is not competitive.

          Baldwin (American made)
          --> Quality is ok, the last OEM was Yamaha, now is changed to Kawai, because of the price.

          KAWAI (another well known Japaness brand)
          --> Quality is good, sound is little bit sharper than Yamaha. Resale price is not competitive as Yamaha.

          Petrof (made in Czech)
          --> Sound is good and soft, stability is ok, easier to crack on sound board. For young kids (5 - 8 years), the keys seem too tight for the tender fingers.

          European piano (German brand)
          --> Like Schimmel, Good and expensive, however, sound board easier to be cracked comparing with Piano made in North America.

          You can check Piano Blue Book, the price is based on US market, but you can get a figure:

          • mark 一下
      • 2年多前我给孩子买的就是这个牌子。我觉得对钢琴牌子的喜好也是非常personal的,喜欢音色sharp一些的可能日本琴比较对胃口,欧洲琴一般比较mellow一些。现在的日本琴一些部件已经是用特制塑料来替代,相对耐久一些。一些欧洲牌子的琴

      • 你是说stainway吧?
    • 我原来对电钢琴有一些偏见,最近去琴行弹了一下Yamaha Clavinova的电钢,可以很负责的说,论音质现在的电钢会比“立式”钢琴好,还可以省很多调琴和搬琴的银子。但要说手感吗, 只能说很像钢琴。
      • 我觉得如果只是让孩子有这方面的修养, 电子钢琴足以. 不操心费神. 省银子. 孩子考到10级没有问题. 当然如果孩子有天赋, 就要追求顶尖的琴 发展成朗朗. 这种事都是因人而异. 象我, 因为不稳定, 总搬家 就买电子的. 车上一放就走. 不操心
    • Yamaha的钢琴不错, 但声音有些脆, 适合于爵士乐等, 喜欢古典的话可以考虑东欧出的Petrov.
    • 听说有些便宜的新琴过个三年五载的音质就差了很多,这样看来还是买好牌子吧。买钢琴能不能也像买抽油烟机那样来个团体价呢。这可能省得更多。
      • 咱们老家有句俗话:一分钱一分货是也。
    • 珠江琴has good quality but low price! For entry level, pearl river is good enough. the bottom line is that such good piano is not made in Japan, not made in Euro, it is Made in China!!
      Pearl River Piano Group is the biggest piano manufactory in the world! And it also make some piano product lines for other piano group like Yamaha etc. as OEM.
    • 今天又遇到一YAMAHA新琴(加拿大产)买主,说想撰文告诉大伙
      • 作为一个专业的调音师,不得不指出,他家的调音师和别人很不一样
    • If anybody still looking for an used Yamaha U1for private sale, Please PM me. 93 Black Yamaha U1, built for North America market, serial number 5245845, Good condition.
    • up
    • up
    • is there anybody buy "hoffman" piano?