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the emission system generally includes front pipe, centeral pipe, and muffler, the prices are stringingly different, depending on things about your car. I replaced

a front pipe as well as a centeral pipe by 300 bucks for my mazda 626 at Midas2 months ago, excluding the muffler, which would be charged extra 150 bucks. I know some products sold at Canadian Tire, which can be used to patch such defects as small holes of your muffler, but do not work for serious problemes. you can try one of them. otherwise, if you are going to drive your car for a long time, you'd better to replace all of them at one time in order to save labor.

by the way, you can visit midas' web site to get the location closest to you.
I did not compare Midas' price with those of others, so, I don't know the price it charged me was fair or not.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 我车的消音器(muffle) 锈了一个大洞,是说最近开车怎么声音越来越大。不知各位前辈有没换过muffle的(连排气管吗?),除了闹点外对开车有无其他影响?换个大概多少钱?有没有几个便宜又好的店推荐几个? 先谢过了!!
    • my friend told me the Mr. Muffler was really good and expert. He changed his civic muffler there.
    • 好呀,优点是你加速会快一些。声音是share给其他人听的,没关系
    • 去Midas. 我刚换过muffe. Midas 提供终生保修。第一次需付pars加labour.以后只付Labour. 换之前去过两个国人的shop 比较,比Midas 贵,且保修短。
      • where is Midas? Please
        • Check here www.midas.com
    • 感谢各位DX!不过能告诉我换一个大概多少钱吗? 还有Mr. Muffler 在哪儿有?青虫,你有那儿的电话吗? 多谢!
      • 不好意思,我那个朋友已经去了温哥华,我不知道电话,不过你可以查一下电话本,是个连锁店。
      • 查黄页。Midas和Mr. Muffler都是连锁店。价格应该100多。
        • 今天怎么这么清闲? 对了,恭喜你有自己的专集了!
    • the emission system generally includes front pipe, centeral pipe, and muffler, the prices are stringingly different, depending on things about your car. I replaced
      a front pipe as well as a centeral pipe by 300 bucks for my mazda 626 at Midas2 months ago, excluding the muffler, which would be charged extra 150 bucks. I know some products sold at Canadian Tire, which can be used to patch such defects as small holes of your muffler, but do not work for serious problemes. you can try one of them. otherwise, if you are going to drive your car for a long time, you'd better to replace all of them at one time in order to save labor.

      by the way, you can visit midas' web site to get the location closest to you.
      I did not compare Midas' price with those of others, so, I don't know the price it charged me was fair or not.