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My two cents

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛MY TWO CENTS
我看了你列的六条毛病,和他在学校的行为(写KILLSELF, KISS 墙壁) 等, 我觉得那六条无伤大雅,家长完全可以对症下药.在学校的行为到是值得家长下点工夫,找出结症.

1. 在餐馆自己吃饱了以后就离开座位玩,看看这看看那的.
孩子才六岁,注意力集中的时间有限,吃完饭枯坐实在是很乏味.当然四处走动也不好,一来家长要不停的注意孩子,势必影响食欲, 二来会影响其他食客.如果家长不能接受这种行为,可以参考几个方面:
每次出去吃饭之前,准备一些他喜欢的东西带着,如他喜欢的书, COLORING BOOK,DIARY NOTEBOOK, PORTABLE DVD PLAYER,..ETC.他吃完后仍然有事可做,离开座位的机会就少了。
2. 遇见让他兴奋的事情,会大声说话,比如带他去ONTRAIO PLACE, 车到的时候,他会大声喊一嗓子, YEAH!!ONTARIO PLACE~~~
100% NORMAL. 他只是个外向,情绪热烈的孩子. It is really good that he can express himself freely.
Maybe you can take time to figure out what in particular bothers you in this case? Is it because he is too loud? Is it because the way he express himself? If you feel that he is too loud, you can gently remind him to keep his voice low. If you feel embarrassed by the way he expresses himself, then figure out why you feel that way. Is it because you are not used to express yourself in this way, or is it because you feel that this kind of expression is not accepted socially.
Once you can figure it out, I am pretty sure at the same time you will have the answer how to handle this situation.
3. 跟小朋友一起玩游戏的时候,老想赢
This is him personality, want to win, want to be the best, hard to accept the fact that he is not the best on certain things. He may be a perfectionist to himself to a degree in future.
I have a child who is the same.
It is not easy (probably not realistic) to change a person’s personalities. All we can do is to influence and mould them.
There are lots of things you can do if you want to let him know it is ok not to be the winner.
1) Play the games with him and show him that you as a parents will lose the game sometimes.
2) Read books/tell stories about some famous sport players so that he can see even the Number 1 player will lose the game
3) No need to give him speech, he will realize it by time.
4) Engage him in some team sports so that he will win and lose with the other kids, hence he won’t feel so isolated when he loses. It will help him grow.
4. 遇到想做而做不到的事就会抱怨或跟父母刷赖一会儿.
Same as item 3. It is hard for him to accept that he is not able to do certain things. Kids at this age in particular, are very easy to get frustrated simply they want to achieve a lot, but physically not able to.
Be the role module to him. You can pretend that you have a very difficult task at work, (or you can just pretend this kind of conversation with your hobby, and I am sure he will stick his nose in from time to time), and tell him that how u work it out.
5. 胆小,不敢玩看似危险的游戏,比如水上滑行或爬高爬树之类的活动
I guess he is good at assessing the risk associated. My son is exactly the same. My son won’t go to a new room if I don’t walk in with him for the first time, even at his friends house.
I think we just have to accept the fact that he is not a daring kid, not a risk taker. As a parent, rather than looking this as a weakness, we should be thankful that he will seldom put himself into danger and make us worry.
All we can do is, get him out to the play ground, and let him play, or show him how to play. Try not to label him, not to give him lectures. The best is to find some opportunities, and get him involved in those activities slowly. Eventually he will be abloe to do it.
6. 带他出去玩,不听话,老是牵着父母找自己喜欢玩的,不跟父母走.
Normal. I guess you son wants to (or is used to) make decision by himself, or at least he want s to be part of the decision making. This is the leadership potential so be happy. He shows that he is not a follower.
So give him the chance. Of course, you don’t want him to be too bossy. So you can
1) every one take turns to decide which direction to go, or
2) three of u sit down together the night before, write down what are the places everyone wants to be, and make up the map.

The behavior at school definitely deserves some attention.
He probably has been experiencing a lot of tension with his teacher. Smart kids are normally very sensitive too. They know who likes them, who don't. They know who they can take advantage on, and whom they could not. Put yourself into his shoes, it won’t easy at all to be a kid in that situation. He may be have built a lot of emotions inside and you need to help him to get it out.
He now is not comfortable talking about his feeling to the teacher, even to you. Maybe he is worried about the consequences, or maybe he feels that his feeling is negative, or he may feel by the experience before that the teacher and/or parents will take his behavior/concerns/emotions very negatively.
If you have good relationship with him, u can try to comfort him that you won’t be upset at all, as long as he tells the 100% truth. You can promise that no matter what he says, you will stay cool and calm.
Or you can get him to see some psychologist, and hopefully your son can feel comfortable to speak out him mind.
You have a very smart kid, with strong mind and personality. And I can feel you give him a lot of freedom to grow, which is really good. It will require a lot more of your energy and skills to raise him.
My personal experience as a parent is, try our very best to keep calm, try our best to reflect kids feeling, try not to deny his feeling (this is really very important), try our best to give them the freedom to grow while let them know cleanly where is their boundary. Try our best to make the behavior rules clear and be consistent on it. Try not to label them. Whenever there is an issue, deal with the issue only, avoid emtion blowout.
And most importantly, set realistic expectation because they are only kids.
Parenting is the most challenging work in this world, especially if you want to do a good job.
痛并快乐着.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 再问一个儿童心理问题,儿子快7岁了,那天在学校上学的时候在自己笔记本上写了个单词"KILLSELF", 老师问他什么意思,他说跟个跟老师无关,不想告诉她.
    后来老师又追问,他解释是他想写一本书关于PLAY POKEMON的, "KILL SELF"是他准备写的一个角色. 老师问其他孩子POKEMON里有没有这么一个角色,别人说没有,所以老师很担心,要我带孩子去看心理医生.
    还有一次,他违反纪律,老师让其他孩子出去玩,让他在教室里反省,回来看到他站在走廊上KISS墙壁,老师问他问什么KISS 墙壁,他说他喜欢墙壁,就还接着KISS.
    BTW,这个老师在全班一半家长矢志不移的能力下,终于丢了工作. 这个我们并没有参与.老师跟我抱怨说她工作丢了工作的一个原因是因为我家的孩子太调皮,跟她添了很多麻烦,让其他家长抓到攻击她的理由.
    另外按照老师的建议,我们也带孩子看了家庭医生,希望她推荐一个儿科医生来查一下孩子有什么问题,但是家庭医生不认为有这个必要. 觉得这孩子很正常.所以不给REFER.
    我不明白这孩子在学校为什么会做出那些很令人费解的举动, 是这个老师给了他太大的心理压力还是孩子心理生理有问题?
    • 这个孩子在家里很听话, 在外面诸如以下此类的毛病
      1. 在餐馆自己吃饱了以后就离开座位玩,看看这看看那的.
      2. 遇见让他兴奋的事情,会大声说话,比如带他去ONTRAIO PLACE, 车到的时候,他会大声喊一嗓子, YEAH!!ONTARIO PLACE~~~
      5. 胆小,不敢玩看似危险的游戏,比如水上滑行或爬高爬树之类的活动
      6. 带他出去玩,不听话,老是牵着父母找自己喜欢玩的,不跟父母走.
      • 这些不是问题更不是毛病。我觉得孩子这样很正常的啊。作为母亲首先要和孩子沟通,你是孩子最亲近的人,而且你说的那些我不觉得是多大的问题啊,一个老师这样轻易判定学生心理有问题是不应该的。
        • 孩子跟我很亲,其实每次这个老师找我谈话,我都有很紧张. 她每次陈列孩子的那些奇怪举动.我都不知道是该相信她还是相信孩子.前天问到孩子"KILLSELF" 的问题, 他居然
          钻到桌子底下不出来,说怕我批评他. 我说我没想批评你,就是跟你谈谈,最后他还是不肯告诉我到底怎么回事.
      • 这些很正常。
      • 孩子正常的很,你就别瞎想了,你说的这些都不是毛病 :) 说到胆小,
        我儿子看到飞虫就害怕,可是看discovery 那么多恶心的虫子在一起,倒是不怕,我是看的直起鸡皮疙瘩.小孩子的很多行为,大人是会觉得比较古怪,可是谁小的时候不是这样呢?
      • 除了他现在在学校的那俩行为,你列的这6点“毛病”,我们家2岁不到的娃全部都有,我觉得非常非常非常正常,如果她没有这些反应我才紧张。
      • It's normal behavior. I think the teacher gave too much pressure on your kid.
      • 作为一个六岁的孩子,我看他很正常。反而,这个老师有点不太对头,没有爱心。
        1. 在餐馆自己吃饱了以后就离开座位玩,看看这看看那的.

        2. 遇见让他兴奋的事情,会大声说话,比如带他去ONTRAIO PLACE, 车到的时候,他会大声喊一嗓子, YEAH!!ONTARIO PLACE~~~



        5. 胆小,不敢玩看似危险的游戏,比如水上滑行或爬高爬树之类的活动
        多去几次ontario place,和他一起玩。

        6. 带他出去玩,不听话,老是牵着父母找自己喜欢玩的,不跟父母走.

      • 我多第五条说说我自己的体会吧: (5. 胆小,不敢玩看似危险的游戏,比如水上滑行或爬高爬树之类的活动)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我的理解是: 胆小是孩子对自己的physical skill and socializing skill 不太自信, 或者缺乏安全感引起的. 虽说有好的方面, 比如孩子不会干危险的事情, 但毕竟我们也希望孩子勇于突破他自己. 而且当他们进入小学后, 如果太胆小, 会影响孩子与同龄人的交往水平,不利于让教师和同学们了解他的优势和个性. 可能会使孩子变得更不自信.

        我觉得应该帮孩子建立自信, 体验成功. 成功感是自信心的重要心理成份. 开始的时候要注意表扬他做事过程中的态度和一点点的努力, 而不只是结果. 这样小孩一点点的建立了自信, 他们对自己的能力的评估也越来越高了. 经过一次次的尝试, 一次次的成功, 他就形成了一个良性循环.

        我儿子以前很胆小, 晚上不能关灯睡觉, 玩滑梯不敢玩高的, 游泳不敢松手. 我也着急过, 父母的期望嘛, 总是希望孩子是最好的. 但后来想想每个孩子的发展步调不一样, 给他时间慢慢来, 我自己的心态放松了, 给他的压力也小了些(小孩其实很能感觉到父母的情绪的).

        策略上增加他户外和群体活动时间, 我不教他怎么做, 而是给他创造机会跟其他小孩玩, 让他从同龄孩子或大孩子身上学, 这样他没有压力 (小孩其实非常希望在父母面前表现的, 总想维持在父母面前最好孩子的形象).
        方法上: 稍微增加一些跟其他小孩一起玩的时间, 一般两个家庭一起出去玩, 或者去play ground碰到谁是谁, 让他从其他小孩身上慢慢揣摩如何玩, 我只是在旁边看书, 不参与, 不指点. 当他有一些进步时, 及时给他一个大拇指. 还有就是让他参加Beavers (一个社区的童子军, 每周二晚小孩子们有组织的活动).

        在play ground玩时, 起先因为他不敢跟其他孩子提议一起玩, 会觉得很枯燥, 一会儿就要走. 于是我帮他问其他孩子,可不可以跟他们一起玩, 然后努力活跃气氛, 让其他孩子接纳他. 慢慢的我就只需问一下, 他自己马上就能融入了. 再后来我只需带他到play ground, 他自己很自信的跟陌生小孩搭话, 一起玩了. 因为有些孩子玩高难度动作, 他也会去跟, 然后发现他行, 慢慢的他就对自己这方面的能力自信起来.

        经过长时间的慢慢摸索, 他的胆子越来越大了, 我感觉跟两年前的他非常不一样... 昨天他就自己过马路, 跟对面大他3, 4岁的几个孩子一起玩水枪, 玩篮球了…更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 其实这些都是小孩正常的行为, 不要太紧张了, 只需要稍加引导就可以.
        2. 遇见让他兴奋的事情,会大声说话,比如带他去ONTRAIO PLACE, 车到的时候,他会大声喊一嗓子, YEAH!!ONTARIO PLACE~~~ ----- 如果是我, 我会跟他一起喊一声的, 有时侯跟孩子一起疯一疯, 很好的...
        3.跟小朋友一起玩游戏的时候,老想赢 ----- 我儿子一样, 我还写过一个小故事呢.
        4.遇到想做而做不到的事就会抱怨或跟父母刷赖一会儿. ----每个人遇到困难有时退缩, 大人也一样, 让他赖一会, 然后和颜悦色的让他继续他的任务... 其实我们都需要临时的港湾停一停不是.
        6. 带他出去玩,不听话,老是牵着父母找自己喜欢玩的,不跟父母走. --- 如果只跟父母走, 那才不是孩子呢. 你说好让他玩他喜欢的几分钟, 然后干你们的事, 或者说如果他今天表现乖, 可以有事后表扬之类.... 孩子的priority永远是玩.
      • 太正常啦
    • 这个的确有点怪怪的。
      • 嗯, "KILLSELF" 如果从积极的意义上来看,我想他是想给这个角色加个自杀的功能,以满足他老能赢的心理. KISS 墙壁,他是不是想引起别人的注意呢?
    • 是不是他常玩的游戏里有“KILLSELF”的角色?
      • 不知道,看来我得跟他一起玩游戏~~
        • 我儿子这么大时,我都是陪他一起玩的,现在想陪他都不让啦
    • My two cents
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛MY TWO CENTS
      我看了你列的六条毛病,和他在学校的行为(写KILLSELF, KISS 墙壁) 等, 我觉得那六条无伤大雅,家长完全可以对症下药.在学校的行为到是值得家长下点工夫,找出结症.

      1. 在餐馆自己吃饱了以后就离开座位玩,看看这看看那的.
      孩子才六岁,注意力集中的时间有限,吃完饭枯坐实在是很乏味.当然四处走动也不好,一来家长要不停的注意孩子,势必影响食欲, 二来会影响其他食客.如果家长不能接受这种行为,可以参考几个方面:
      每次出去吃饭之前,准备一些他喜欢的东西带着,如他喜欢的书, COLORING BOOK,DIARY NOTEBOOK, PORTABLE DVD PLAYER,..ETC.他吃完后仍然有事可做,离开座位的机会就少了。
      2. 遇见让他兴奋的事情,会大声说话,比如带他去ONTRAIO PLACE, 车到的时候,他会大声喊一嗓子, YEAH!!ONTARIO PLACE~~~
      100% NORMAL. 他只是个外向,情绪热烈的孩子. It is really good that he can express himself freely.
      Maybe you can take time to figure out what in particular bothers you in this case? Is it because he is too loud? Is it because the way he express himself? If you feel that he is too loud, you can gently remind him to keep his voice low. If you feel embarrassed by the way he expresses himself, then figure out why you feel that way. Is it because you are not used to express yourself in this way, or is it because you feel that this kind of expression is not accepted socially.
      Once you can figure it out, I am pretty sure at the same time you will have the answer how to handle this situation.
      3. 跟小朋友一起玩游戏的时候,老想赢
      This is him personality, want to win, want to be the best, hard to accept the fact that he is not the best on certain things. He may be a perfectionist to himself to a degree in future.
      I have a child who is the same.
      It is not easy (probably not realistic) to change a person’s personalities. All we can do is to influence and mould them.
      There are lots of things you can do if you want to let him know it is ok not to be the winner.
      1) Play the games with him and show him that you as a parents will lose the game sometimes.
      2) Read books/tell stories about some famous sport players so that he can see even the Number 1 player will lose the game
      3) No need to give him speech, he will realize it by time.
      4) Engage him in some team sports so that he will win and lose with the other kids, hence he won’t feel so isolated when he loses. It will help him grow.
      4. 遇到想做而做不到的事就会抱怨或跟父母刷赖一会儿.
      Same as item 3. It is hard for him to accept that he is not able to do certain things. Kids at this age in particular, are very easy to get frustrated simply they want to achieve a lot, but physically not able to.
      Be the role module to him. You can pretend that you have a very difficult task at work, (or you can just pretend this kind of conversation with your hobby, and I am sure he will stick his nose in from time to time), and tell him that how u work it out.
      5. 胆小,不敢玩看似危险的游戏,比如水上滑行或爬高爬树之类的活动
      I guess he is good at assessing the risk associated. My son is exactly the same. My son won’t go to a new room if I don’t walk in with him for the first time, even at his friends house.
      I think we just have to accept the fact that he is not a daring kid, not a risk taker. As a parent, rather than looking this as a weakness, we should be thankful that he will seldom put himself into danger and make us worry.
      All we can do is, get him out to the play ground, and let him play, or show him how to play. Try not to label him, not to give him lectures. The best is to find some opportunities, and get him involved in those activities slowly. Eventually he will be abloe to do it.
      6. 带他出去玩,不听话,老是牵着父母找自己喜欢玩的,不跟父母走.
      Normal. I guess you son wants to (or is used to) make decision by himself, or at least he want s to be part of the decision making. This is the leadership potential so be happy. He shows that he is not a follower.
      So give him the chance. Of course, you don’t want him to be too bossy. So you can
      1) every one take turns to decide which direction to go, or
      2) three of u sit down together the night before, write down what are the places everyone wants to be, and make up the map.

      The behavior at school definitely deserves some attention.
      He probably has been experiencing a lot of tension with his teacher. Smart kids are normally very sensitive too. They know who likes them, who don't. They know who they can take advantage on, and whom they could not. Put yourself into his shoes, it won’t easy at all to be a kid in that situation. He may be have built a lot of emotions inside and you need to help him to get it out.
      He now is not comfortable talking about his feeling to the teacher, even to you. Maybe he is worried about the consequences, or maybe he feels that his feeling is negative, or he may feel by the experience before that the teacher and/or parents will take his behavior/concerns/emotions very negatively.
      If you have good relationship with him, u can try to comfort him that you won’t be upset at all, as long as he tells the 100% truth. You can promise that no matter what he says, you will stay cool and calm.
      Or you can get him to see some psychologist, and hopefully your son can feel comfortable to speak out him mind.
      You have a very smart kid, with strong mind and personality. And I can feel you give him a lot of freedom to grow, which is really good. It will require a lot more of your energy and skills to raise him.
      My personal experience as a parent is, try our very best to keep calm, try our best to reflect kids feeling, try not to deny his feeling (this is really very important), try our best to give them the freedom to grow while let them know cleanly where is their boundary. Try our best to make the behavior rules clear and be consistent on it. Try not to label them. Whenever there is an issue, deal with the issue only, avoid emtion blowout.
      And most importantly, set realistic expectation because they are only kids.
      Parenting is the most challenging work in this world, especially if you want to do a good job.
      痛并快乐着.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 鼓掌
      • 说得好,顶一个
      • 十分感谢你的贴子给我的启发, 作为家长,随这孩子长大,为他们的工作不仅仅是吃饱喝足那么简单, 真的是要下工夫认真研究的学问. 再次鞠躬致谢!
      • mark
      • mark 教育孩子.
      • Very good one, thanks for sharing!
      • so good. 6岁小孩教育
    • 这是一种典型的内封闭潜移期。应该马上看心理医生。如不治愈,成年后受刺激,易 有暴力倾向。你孩子应该是内向型,不是上面所说的外向。
      • E文怎么说这个症状的名字? 谢谢.
        • 你真信他的?你的儿子 100% 正常。如果他要是不正常,那么世界上只有痴呆症患者才能算正常了。儿童对什么都好奇。他并不明白 killself 这个词的真正含义,只是觉得好玩而已。不要说他刚刚六岁,就连我,快三十岁的时候还做过类似的蠢事。
          • 因为老师也说了个什么医学术语,我想看看是不是一个词. 另外昨天我跟他谈,他跟你说的一样,就是觉得好玩,不知道是个吓人的词.
          • 对了.另外问一下,孩子对钢琴和小提琴都喜欢,要两个一起学, 都是初学,我觉得这样两个都学不好,你觉得应该怎么办?
            • 我不懂音乐。听说学拉小提琴的前提是听音准确,而弹钢琴则可以训练听力和乐感。
            • 两个都让他踹踹,那个喜欢KEEP那个。
    • “他违反纪律,老师让其他孩子出去玩,让他在教室里反省,回来看到他站在走廊上KISS墙壁,老师问他问什么KISS 墙壁,他说他喜欢墙壁,就还接着KISS. 所以老师说他心理有问题. ”这个老师才有问题,这很明显是逆反心理而已。
      • 这老师让学校给解职了.
        她前天找我谈话,哭诉说因为本本她才落到这个地步,我不太明白, 一个家长是律师,一直在告她精神虐待学生,因为她对每个学生都说你是最差的. 她解释这是她的教育方法,以便刺激每个学生更努力.才10个学生的班级让她弄的鸡飞狗跳的,我的晕了.
        • GOOD AND BAD。GOOD 你儿子原来就没毛病,是茁壮成长的幼苗一支。BAD 记得你儿子是在GIFTED 班吧,看来传说中的GIFTED 老师也有不合格的,也要睁大眼睛看学校和老师水平。
        • 再强调一遍:你的孩子没问题。这个老师有问题,需要看心理医生。你的学校做得对,不能让她继续误人子弟。她被解职后抱怨说是因为你的孩子太淘气导致她被解职,这是对你的骚扰。明确告诉她停止这种行为。
          • 就是。本本娃这些行为太正常不过了,就是一个想与众不同想be cool的聪明shy娃的行为。那个老师应该接受再教育
    • 我觉得你的孩子一定很聪明,也很正常.他不喜欢那个老师.我以前认识一个美国大学老师的儿子也曾经如此.他做的"坏事",怪事"太多了.但他妈妈不认为他有问题,觉得他是在学校没有足够的CHALLENGE.
    • 我儿子有你所举的6项毛病。我不认为有问题。孩子需要教育,但是也需要个性。要是我的孩子的老师和我讲那些,我可能会很过激的对这老师。至少,不依不饶的和他谈话。一定要相信自己的孩子,也要让孩子知道你相信他。