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Microsoft Support Centre: Do Not Disk Duplicate Installed Versions of Windows (Q162001)


Microsoft provides several methods for the proper deployment of the Windows operating system. The use of a supported method is very important to ensuring the security of the systems running Windows is not compromised.

Computers running the Windows operating system use a Security ID (SID) to uniquely identify themselves. When you use disk-duplicating software, it is important to take steps to ensure the uniqueness of these Security IDs. This article briefly describes the SID and supported methods for cloning or duplicating a Windows installation.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 把Win2000、WinXP从一台机器搬迁至另一台硬件配置不同的机器,用什么方法最好?用Windows内带的Backup/Restore估计是不行的。重装太烦了。
    • 重装是最省事的办法,走捷径会让你付出惨重代价的
      • it's very simple to reinstall
    • 没办法,只有辛苦辛苦了
      • 请教,你有ORACLE 8i SIMULATOR吗?#313123
        • 你说的那是什么东西?
          • ORACLE 8I的一种模拟器,用来模拟各种情况并提出解决方案。因为我没有实际的经验,所以我想用这个东西学一下。
            • 抱歉,没有这个东西
            • Sorry, I have no idea about it.
    • Ghost最好最快。系统在新配置下第一次启动慢,查找新硬件,以后就正常了。不过,从双cpu到单cpu迁移很麻烦。
      • 我从双cpu到单没遇到问题, 倒是单到双在nt4下碰到问题
        • 单到双,nt4 recourse kit有个迁移工具,win2k自己集成了这个工具,双到单迁移有两个选项,搞错了2k就歇菜。
      • Microsoft Support Centre: Do Not Disk Duplicate Installed Versions of Windows (Q162001)

        Microsoft provides several methods for the proper deployment of the Windows operating system. The use of a supported method is very important to ensuring the security of the systems running Windows is not compromised.

        Computers running the Windows operating system use a Security ID (SID) to uniquely identify themselves. When you use disk-duplicating software, it is important to take steps to ensure the uniqueness of these Security IDs. This article briefly describes the SID and supported methods for cloning or duplicating a Windows installation.

        • 不关微软怎么说,我已经试过了,方便快捷,他怕的是软件盗版。
    • 有想办法的时间已经重装完了