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Use mainform invoke method to call subForm.Show() instead of in the thread

For example

Your current code in the method of the thread looks like

public void ThreadMethod()
SubForm form = new SubForm();

Rewrite it to

public void ThreadMethod()

protected delegate void CallFormShowDelegate();
protected void CallFormShowInvoke()

protected void CallFormShow()
mainForm.Invoke(new CallFormShowDelegate(CallFormShowInvoke), new object[]{});

protected void CallFormShowInvoke()
SubForm form = new SubForm();

Hope this could help you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 专业技术讨论 / C# 求助: 如何在线程(不是主线程) 中显示窗体?
    在工作线程中,当遇到某个特定的条件时, 它将创建一个FORM 对象, 并调用的FORM 的SHOW 方法显示.
    但当调用SHOW 方法时, 窗体被冻结住了.
    • 你用ShowDialog()试试
    • Use mainform invoke method to call subForm.Show() instead of in the thread
      For example

      Your current code in the method of the thread looks like

      public void ThreadMethod()
      SubForm form = new SubForm();

      Rewrite it to

      public void ThreadMethod()

      protected delegate void CallFormShowDelegate();
      protected void CallFormShowInvoke()

      protected void CallFormShow()
      mainForm.Invoke(new CallFormShowDelegate(CallFormShowInvoke), new object[]{});

      protected void CallFormShowInvoke()
      SubForm form = new SubForm();

      Hope this could help you.
      • 这个可以工作.
    • You should not show UI on non-UI thread.