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The test was conducted by two school board appointed psychologists.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The test was conducted by two school board appointed psychologists. As parent, we are informed when the test will be conducted, but was told not to prepare for it, as it is not a knowledge test. The method they used is something like (really sorry, I forget the exactly name) Child Intelligence Evaluation Canadian Edition. The psychologists first watched my son’s classroom behavior without his knowing of their presence (watched from outside classroom). Then they chat with my son about his family, his sibling, and his hobby, and asked some math and language question (I don’t know what are those questions). Then they wrote a detailed report and recommendation, in the report it describe his response to the evaluator but did not mention his knowledge. My feeling is they pay attention to how kid response the question (confidence) and they seem do not care whether the answers are right or wrong, or the question may not have a right or wrong answer
Here is some questions they asked my son (I read this from the report)

Q: Do you have sibling? (They already knew he has a big sister)
A: yes, a sister, her name is ..., she is .... yrs old
Q: what is the most interesting activity you do with her
A: Doing her homework
Q: How so
A: Her homework is much more difficult than mine. It is fun to solve her homework before she does

Q: Do you feel nervous now?
A: not at all
Q: Do you feel tired?
A: Yes, A little bit
Q: Do you want take a break
A: No, I am fine, if you want to take a break, that is also fine for me
(no break, as recorded in the report)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 听说孩子在3年级需经过考试,才可以进天才班,不知哪里有先可以进行这方面的测试, 看看孩子究竟还有哪些需提高才有可能进天才班?
    • 如果天才都是在家拼命用功努力的,就不叫天才了。每个人都可能成材,但不是每个人都是天才的。不知道有些家长为什么把自己弄得那么累,把孩子也弄得那么累。
      • 1-天才班里中国孩子最多;2-中国孩子都是被家长逼着在家拼命用功进天才班的。3-将来孩子跟他们的家长一样高分低能。
        • obviously you don't have a child in gifted program and know nothing about it.
          • 有些父母正在把加拿大变成第二个中国, SIGH!
            • 天才班里中国孩子不多,也可能华人密集的地方,华人孩子多也正常的. 课程不是跟中国的灌鸭, 更侧重知识面的延伸和自我学习研究的能力, 对表达写作的能力要求也很高.
              • 本人没进过天才班, 有些话, 不说, 也罢.
              • 哈哈,我可知道有专门辅导天才班的老师。结果还真行,把半痴的还真弄进天才班了。
                • 搞差了吧. 有辅导UTS入学考试的, 天才班是心理测试, 怎么辅导?
                  • 但是就看到有辅导的了。高吧。
                • Really? That is interesting. As I know, in most school,
                  As I know, in most school, you can’t even request to take the test; only teachers and principals can recommend the test (and I know everyone passed the test, once recommended by school, as they only recommend those they know well). I heard in some schools (I never know any particular school), you can ask for the test and pay the test fee, if this is true, I guess you can tutor kid
          • agree with nimda . My son is in gifted . education quality is here ....my opinion ...
            for education quality ,
            first is private school ( $10000-30000 a year )
            second gifted program + IB or AP program in public school
            third is public school .

            Of course there are good studends in public school and weak ones in private school , but over all private is better . ( If not , why people pay after-tax cash to them ? )

            If the student didn't get enough education in high-school , they will feel difficulty in University .
            • agree with lamr , have you guys heard of these schools ?


              There is sky outside of the sky .
              Don't tell me you don't care what kind of job your child will do when he grow up .
              • a Chinese family send their child to a $18000/year school and they choose to live in condo .
                I know another local Canadian family send all their child to P-school and choose to spend less on their own .
        • 嫉妒?
    • 天才班有它的问题, 学生竞争和压力都比较大,PROJECT特别多, 累. 所以不必刻意准备,孩子素质好,去了还行.如果勉强的话,孩子遭罪.
    • It's a waste of time to prepare for gifted test. Gifted child is born to be gifted, not through education.
      • 有没有数据表明进医学院的来自天才班的百分比是多少?
        • 1). My son's gifted class has 3 chinese students out of total 22 students, the ratio is not as high as you claimed. 2 ) Gifted class is not meant
          to go to medical school or any other specific school, gifted class is to keep gifted students motivated. In my case, my son felt bored from G1-3 as he is more advanced than his peers (I do not claim he is gifted, just a little bit more advanced). Since G4 (gifted program), he starts to like to go to school as it is more challenged, he feels now he is learning. As parents, I do not expect he becames super due to the gifted program, but keep him motivated is very good. I don't feel competition is strong among gifted students as other claimed, they are just normal kids, likes to play more than to study, the only differnce in my son's case, his teacher challenges them a lot to keep them motivated. Just my two cents
          • 能问一下那个考试具体考什么方面的内容么?不想太push孩子,但是也不想因为大人的过失而使孩子失去一个更好的机会。想了解一下考试内容(范围),也只是想知己知彼而已。谢谢。
            • The test was conducted by two school board appointed psychologists.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The test was conducted by two school board appointed psychologists. As parent, we are informed when the test will be conducted, but was told not to prepare for it, as it is not a knowledge test. The method they used is something like (really sorry, I forget the exactly name) Child Intelligence Evaluation Canadian Edition. The psychologists first watched my son’s classroom behavior without his knowing of their presence (watched from outside classroom). Then they chat with my son about his family, his sibling, and his hobby, and asked some math and language question (I don’t know what are those questions). Then they wrote a detailed report and recommendation, in the report it describe his response to the evaluator but did not mention his knowledge. My feeling is they pay attention to how kid response the question (confidence) and they seem do not care whether the answers are right or wrong, or the question may not have a right or wrong answer
              Here is some questions they asked my son (I read this from the report)

              Q: Do you have sibling? (They already knew he has a big sister)
              A: yes, a sister, her name is ..., she is .... yrs old
              Q: what is the most interesting activity you do with her
              A: Doing her homework
              Q: How so
              A: Her homework is much more difficult than mine. It is fun to solve her homework before she does

              Q: Do you feel nervous now?
              A: not at all
              Q: Do you feel tired?
              A: Yes, A little bit
              Q: Do you want take a break
              A: No, I am fine, if you want to take a break, that is also fine for me
              (no break, as recorded in the report)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • thanks
    • 为什么要人工饲养成天才?
      • 有同感,这样的就不应该叫‘天‘才了
      • 往别人伤口上撒盐,不厚道,呵呵
    • 借地方同问一下。
    • 理解做家长的心情. 查了一下女儿的报告, TDSB从今年起用的标准是: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). 不清楚到底测了什么, 我也是拿到报告才知道用的这个标准.
      不过不要push孩子, 否则孩子紧张反倒测不好. 如果在tdsb上学, 争取到老师推荐是最重要的.