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The baby grew. He grew and he grew
and he grew. He grew until he
was two years old, and he ran all around
the house. He pulled all the books
off the shelf. He pulled all the food
out of the refrigerator and he took his
mother's watch and flushed it down the
Sometimes his mother would say,
"This kid is driving me CRAZY!"

But at night time, when that two-year-
old was quiet, she opened the door
to his room, crawled across the floor,
looked up over the side of his bed;
and if he was really asleep she picked
him up and rocked him back and forth,
back and forth, back and forth.
While she rocked him she sang:

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 气死我了,my watch was in toilet this morning. 我儿子怎么每天都要弄出一点事来。 到了外面, 安静的不象话, 家里就称王称霸到处淘气。
    • 很好的机会用来测试手表性能。
      • 差点就冲了走了, 还是从我抽屉里拿出来的
    • 正常正常, 我的手表还被儿子扔到热水壶里著了一会儿,拿出来照样准, 这里为雅确表作下广告, 也8知道这个牌子还在不在拉
      • 塞到热水壶里好像技术难度更高一些, 还是小雁比较厉害.
        • 这MP拍的,啧啧...
      • 你不要告诉我们你家热水壶是空的,这样的脑筋急转弯--头疼。。。
        • 实打实地放在电炉子上正烧着呢。 我一低头, 看见壶底亮闪闪, 还以为是水里长出了钻石, 结果是我的表躺在里边沉思, 我儿子在旁边观察, 我晕。
          • 你这哪里是在夸儿子,分明是在夸表,MSSD,好表。。。
    • 孩子就是这样长大的。
    • 为了小兔子的这点爱好,俺都成通马桶专家了。。。 你知足吧 :)
      • 把花盆塞进去?
    • 我们家手提电话被扔马桶两回了。
      • Good quality. Mine is dead after my son put it in toilet once.
        • 哪里, 两个无绳的电话。现在我们家只用那种有线的
    • make sense
    • 想起了常给儿子念的歌谣:
      The baby grew. He grew and he grew
      and he grew. He grew until he
      was two years old, and he ran all around
      the house. He pulled all the books
      off the shelf. He pulled all the food
      out of the refrigerator and he took his
      mother's watch and flushed it down the
      Sometimes his mother would say,
      "This kid is driving me CRAZY!"

      But at night time, when that two-year-
      old was quiet, she opened the door
      to his room, crawled across the floor,
      looked up over the side of his bed;
      and if he was really asleep she picked
      him up and rocked him back and forth,
      back and forth, back and forth.
      While she rocked him she sang:

      I'll love you forever,
      I'll like you for always,
      As long as I'm living
      my baby you'll be.
      • 我儿子小时侯,大概两岁左右,那时刚脱掉尿片不久,一天晚上去幼儿园接孩子,阿姨投诉说他把幼儿园的厕所弄堵了,原因是上完厕所后把自己的短裤也仍进去冲了,还站在旁边一直看,后来阿姨才发现。
      • 你英文水平咋就那么高呢.我从没给儿子念过英文歌谣.你儿子能听得懂英文歌谣?
        • 汗一个,你们不给孩子story time啊?我是两个孩子,从半岁开始每天哄睡觉读书啊,一般时间中文一半时间英文,图书馆借的。开始英语发音可笑反正孩子小不笑话,孩子大些我读多了发音慢慢好了,念书和说话不一样,念书可以念得很标准。
          • 很明白你呀,我也如此的干活。
      • 看这个歌谣好感动人啊! 当父母的真不容易啊。
      • 是啊,i'll love you forever,
    • 正常。我儿子还经常到马桶里去洗洗头!!!
      • 我儿2岁更厉害。拿自己的牙刷蘸马桶里的水刷牙,牙刷好像已伸进嘴里,我很是抓狂,赶快给他洗洗嘴巴,可惜儿子还不太会吐口水 。。。
        • OMG!
      • 我两岁的女儿也是,昨天被我抓到正在马桶里洗脸.
        • :))) 2岁的孩子咋都这么可耐呢...
      • 每个孩子都干过这事.我堂哥的孩子小时候就到马桶里去洗手(别的龙头够不着),等我有了宝宝发现,小家伙也去那里撩水玩.后来听到LG妹妹的孩子也有这恶习.
      • 是不是你的小孩用pot呀?俺丫头从没用过pot,一岁多开始坐马桶(加个小垫),所以她一直躲那玩业儿,不爱坐。
      • 太危险了.我总是一有机会,就不厌其烦,非常严肃地告诉小儿.那里太危险,太臭,绝对不能碰的地方.小儿好象接受了这一事实.
      • 哈哈后,我女儿这事常干!
    • 我家女儿这都是小意思。我以为这就是孩子的可爱之处,做我们不可能做的事。要明白他的出发点,弄明白他们为什么会这样做或那样做,相信多数孩子只是出于好奇,好玩。要耐心给他讲道理,希望你当时没有训斥你家娃。
    • 你家孩子只给自己惹事,俺都写出几张赔款支票了
