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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

You are totally wrong.

I was born in Beijing. I lived in Beijing and Shanghai before I entered primary school. Also, I graduated from one university in Shanghai, and then I went to Guangzhou after graduated.

Actually, I don't like any small cities I have visited. Also, I don't like ShenZhen. ShenZhen cannot be called “big city” in my opinion.

I know there are a lot of opportunities to earn money. Although I am not rich, I still can live pretty well for a few years in Toronto without income.

I don't like to live in China because I don't like the living environment. Although Toronto is not very good place for live, it is better than each cities in China that I have lived in.

Money means nothing if I cannot live as what I like. After I earn enough money in China, my all life would be ruined there. I cannot have dream if I still live somewhere in China.

Maybe there are fewer opportunities for me in Canada, but I still have dream. Also, that dream is not as far as I cannot touch.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / where to stay?--money + life quality
    i would like to hear you guys' expriences and ideas about where to stay if I want to have a best combination of money and life quality. Options are:

    money life 1.0*money + 1.5*life
    Europe (Egland)
    Europe (other)

    (for me, life is more important although these two affect each other. So I assume an importance factor of 1.5 for life:)

    sorry about my English input! no excuse just can't do it at office now:)

    have a good weekend everyone
    • 基本上是个无解的问题, 因为1. HOW MUCH MONEY IS ENOUGH? 2. WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THE BEST? 每个人的标准和理解不同, 答案一定不同.
    • 钱永远不怕多,最好这辈子怎么花都花不光;但如果钱赚得太辛苦,不要也罢。心里总是有美好的愿望,只可惜我和老公都是懒散的人,也没有有钱的父母,这辈子只好赚多少花多少,不要入不敷出就好。
    • 美 国, 当 然 是 美 国 ,
      如 果 你 能 在 那 里 合 法 住 下 去 的 话 。
      • 西欧不好吗?我一直期望可以在欧洲的某个小城生活。
        • Europe is the best, but is not made for you, unfortunately, and excuse my honesty.
          • 我当然知道这点了。虽然是事实,做做梦总是可以的。况且,等我退休以后,每年去住三两个星期还是有希望的吧。Who knows?
            • Sorry for giving you the straight answer, just forget what I told you.... and.. dream on... :)
              • That's OK. I am not the person who is easy to feel disappointed. I would not be here if I have no dream. :-)
            • 欧洲的城市适合旅游:X住在那里麽,语言问题很大.如果可以,我希望选择维也纳,干净,安静,美丽,浪漫入骨,适合JJMM们的口味:)
              • And being treated like Viets... :)
          • The reason that a Euro small town is the best is exactly because there're no immigrants there...All local. No Brits people live in a small German town...
            • 加 拿 大 也 有 很 多 小 城 很 少 有 ” 闲 杂 人 等“ 。 美 国 也 一 样 , 和 欧 洲 的 差 别 就 是 一 些 建 筑 和 传 统 的 文 化 了 。
              • But they watch CBC, and "shanghai noon", and europeans don't.
        • 别 忘 了 有 很 多 英 法 德 意 荷 。 。 。 国 家 的 人 不 远 万 里 来 到 美 国 甚 至 加 拿 大。 你 听 说 过 几 个 美 国 人 去 别 的 国 家 扎 根 ? !
          • A lot.
          • 首先我不是指欧洲的那些穷国;其次,再除去战争期间来美洲的;据我所知,其他欧洲裔的美洲人都是很早就来美洲的,其中有很多犯人、社会底层的人,当年都是希望来新大陆来找口饭吃的。
            • No, the criminals were sent to Aussi, not America. Americans are Protestants, who were pushed away by the Catholics. You need to read some history books, lady.
              Disclaim: my opinion is just mine, and not that of my employers and anyone else.

              Advice: take it as a joke if it doesn't please the ears of the audiences
              • Thanks, man. When I posted that, I was wondering whether the criminals were sent to America. You're right. I don't like to read history books, I learn the history from novels.
                • Okay, everybody dreams, I think you're smarter than I am when dreaming.... I was in Europe, Japan, HK, US, working (not as students), I've seen it all (except that I'd like to see sg and tw)...
                  I believe the answer is to live in BJ, SH or SZ, if your goal is not limited to just entry level 6 figure salary in North America.
                  • Haha. That comes back to what 饺子 mentioned: WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THE BEST? I like money, but money means nothing if I cannot live as what I like.
                    I lived in three of the biggest cities of China before I came here:Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. I don't like them at all. That's why I choose to leave. I hope I can find the life I want out of China.
                    • Probably because you were originally from a small town I suppose?
                      Then there's not much option for ya. Sorry.
                      • You are totally wrong.
                        I was born in Beijing. I lived in Beijing and Shanghai before I entered primary school. Also, I graduated from one university in Shanghai, and then I went to Guangzhou after graduated.

                        Actually, I don't like any small cities I have visited. Also, I don't like ShenZhen. ShenZhen cannot be called “big city” in my opinion.

                        I know there are a lot of opportunities to earn money. Although I am not rich, I still can live pretty well for a few years in Toronto without income.

                        I don't like to live in China because I don't like the living environment. Although Toronto is not very good place for live, it is better than each cities in China that I have lived in.

                        Money means nothing if I cannot live as what I like. After I earn enough money in China, my all life would be ruined there. I cannot have dream if I still live somewhere in China.

                        Maybe there are fewer opportunities for me in Canada, but I still have dream. Also, that dream is not as far as I cannot touch.
          • 很多美国人不也去了中国么??大山还是个加拿大人呢
        • DOABLE. 比如意大利北部一个非常美丽的小城市(ITALIAN RIVERA), 房租(APARTMENT)US$ 700, 不需要车, 基本生活费也不很高. 找份工作养活自己(回避EU身份), 然后坐火车周游欧洲. 住上几年, 在到别的地方住住
          • Except that 1. I have to learn to say "pronto" instead of "dumpling speaking..." 2. I have to explain to every shop owner that I 'm chinese not japanese 3. I have to explain that I am local not foreign
            4. I have to convince the girls that I am fun too altho I'm not Italian...

            If my points make no sense, just take them as jokes...
            • 几个理由. 1. ITALIAN FOOD实在好吃. 2. 意大利的某些款式的车值得尝试. 3. 手里握着百万里拉, 感觉好歹也是MILLIONARE(^_*). 4. 好在不用住一辈子, 腻拉就利马换地儿...5. 衣服好看又不太贵. 6. 可以开160KM/HR......
              • 1. Italian food is good only for a week, it doesn't please a Chinese tummy for an extended period. 2. "fiet" and "smart" are the most popular but awful cars 3. :)
                4. Once you've got Canadian residence, that's all right. agreed 5. Not really true. It's only cheap if w/o brand names Armani is not cheap either. 6. go to germany, no speed limits.
    • I'm looking for an answer to the same question, and have done some reasearch. Keep in touch and maybe we can exchange our ideas.
      • thank you, and 饺子 and Fionah, for your ideas. maybe by the end, I' d wonder where is my paradise in a large city--would it be--
        where love+marriage+family resides:)
    • 真的是萝卜白菜各有所爱,这个问题不问也罢.
      • Sure, some people love Canada soo much before they have a chance to see it.