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UTS是什么样的学校? UTS高中的法语教学

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛高中学生的成绩单上的法语成绩约50%以上直接来自听和说, 约20%来自Essay and Book Report, 约20%是Grammar and Spelling, 5%是Homework, 还有个百分之几是contributions to class activities.

占50%以上的听说是这样的, 期末考试分Major written test和one to one interview, Major written test占最终成绩的10%, one to one interview占最终成绩的20%或25%. one to one interview 一般是看一部电影或是读一本小说, 或是”View the film and compare with the book”, 老师让学生分析人物情节和故事的社会背景. 当然, 是法语的电影和小说和Interview.

多数单元考试,听力占35%到45%, 听的内容听力考试的标准形式到新闻和电影剪辑.

平时上课, 不用说, 只能用法语. 用法语提问和回答, 分析文章用法语, 解释单词的意思也只用法语.

所以, 每年有许多UTS的学生在11年级或12年级的时候5分通过AP French, 包括”The Enriched Special Core French” 和”The Enriched Core French”的学生.

一般的学校不容易有这样水平的老师, 就算有这样的老师, 又哪里去找一班这样的学生呢?

法语教学的目的, 在UTS是这样描述的, 就是让学生有机会”to discover the francophone world, its writers and artists, discuss controversial issues, enjoy French cinema and plays”. 基于这个目的, 听说受到特别的重视.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / UTS是什么样的学校? UTS学生的2006年(Some of the student achievements in Year 2006)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Some of the student achievements in Year 2006

    July, 2006
    UTS students won gold, silver and bronze medals at the International Chemistry, Physics and Biology Olympiads
    1 gold medal and 2 silver medals in the 38th International Chemistry Olympiad in Korea, July 2-11
    1 bronze medal in the 37th International Physics Olympiad in Singapore,July 8-17
    1 silver medal in the 17th International Biology Olympiad in Argentina July 9-16

    UTS students won 1st place and 2nd place in the Core French Plus Category of the University of Toronto French Contest,
    Core French Plus Category is for those students who are not in an Extended or Immersion program.

    UTS team wins 2nd place at the Reach for the Top Nationals!

    June, 2006
    A UTS student won 2006 Robert Bateman Writing & Art Contest, the prizes was received at the award ceremony in Ottawa on Friday, June 9th

    UTS wins a Silver medal at the Toronto District Tennis Tournament!

    Eight UTS students won Millennium Scholarships from the government of Canada.

    May, 2006
    UTS wins gold and silver medals at the National Concours d'art oratoire on Saturday, May 28th at the University of Ottawa.

    UTS placed first in Canada’s National Biology Competition, receiving the results on Thursday, May 17th.

    UTS students won two Silver medals at Track and Field Metro Finals on Thursday, May 25th.

    UTS students succeed at Begbie Canadian History Contest, an annual competition open to all senior high school students across Canada.
    One student placed seventh overall in the country.

    UTS students sweep Provincial German Contest at Trent University.

    UTS Foundation Swim team winners at Swimming Championships, They had an incredible meet and finished first overall in a field of 22 teams!

    One UTS student won a Silver medal at the National Science Fair in Quebec for his project Harnessing Wind Energy on the weekend on Saturday, May 20th

    UTS won 3 Gold medals and 1 Bronze at the Provincial Concours Oratoires On Saturday, May 13th.

    One UTS student won second place at National Latin Competition

    UTS debaters placed 2nd and 4th in the Junior Division at the Fulford League Debate Tournament on Saturday, May 6th

    April, 2006
    UTS team won Metro Toronto Regional Envirothon on Tuesday, April 25th.

    UTS students winners at Junior National Debate Championship

    UTS students's video artwork has been rewarded with a nomination as a finalist in the 2006 Toronto Student Film Festival.

    A UTS Student Wins First Place at Toronto Regional CanWest CanSpell Competition,
    she was one of the 4 canadian finalists in the 79th Scripps National Spelling Bee Competition in the States.

    A UTS student won the Gold in the International Brain Bee Competition, held by the University of Maryland, this year!
    Last year, another student won second place in the very tight competition.

    A UTS student was one of the winners in the World Piano Competition, performing at Carnegie Hall
    in Manhattan,New York City on October 22nd, 2005. All winners were invited to perform at the Moscow Conservatory, Russia.

    A UTS student was awarded national second place overall in strings at the 2005 National Music Festival in Kamloops, B.C.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 师资应该不错,而招生门槛高肯定也是一大因素。报考与录取比例达十比一,且学生都来自愿意支付(相对)高额学费的家庭。良性循环。
    • UTS是什么样的学校? UTS高中的法语教学
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛高中学生的成绩单上的法语成绩约50%以上直接来自听和说, 约20%来自Essay and Book Report, 约20%是Grammar and Spelling, 5%是Homework, 还有个百分之几是contributions to class activities.

      占50%以上的听说是这样的, 期末考试分Major written test和one to one interview, Major written test占最终成绩的10%, one to one interview占最终成绩的20%或25%. one to one interview 一般是看一部电影或是读一本小说, 或是”View the film and compare with the book”, 老师让学生分析人物情节和故事的社会背景. 当然, 是法语的电影和小说和Interview.

      多数单元考试,听力占35%到45%, 听的内容听力考试的标准形式到新闻和电影剪辑.

      平时上课, 不用说, 只能用法语. 用法语提问和回答, 分析文章用法语, 解释单词的意思也只用法语.

      所以, 每年有许多UTS的学生在11年级或12年级的时候5分通过AP French, 包括”The Enriched Special Core French” 和”The Enriched Core French”的学生.

      一般的学校不容易有这样水平的老师, 就算有这样的老师, 又哪里去找一班这样的学生呢?

      法语教学的目的, 在UTS是这样描述的, 就是让学生有机会”to discover the francophone world, its writers and artists, discuss controversial issues, enjoy French cinema and plays”. 基于这个目的, 听说受到特别的重视.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我们中国移民的后代英语学好才是重要的。学那么好的法语是浪费精力,毫无益处。一家之言,不必认真。
      • 补充, "Core French"的学生读的读物是原著的简写本, one to one interview之前无论是电影还是小说都要经过写report课堂presentation和讨论, 老师点评和讲解, interview就不难了.不是自学.
      • 同其他高中一样, UTS也有不少孩子过了九年级就不再学法语了.
      • 对九,十,十一年级录取的学生, 老师都会课后给开小灶, 给予特别指导和关照,没有赶不上的. 不信, OPEN HOUSE的时候问一下.
    • Very interesting info from "fishandwine". I agree with rollor that the more important factor is the excellent student pool.
    • UTS是什么样的学校? UTS的labs and equipments
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛星期一, 才上班, 签个到, Good Morning, everyone!

      Dreamcomingtrue的观感和想法和我几年前UTS OPEN HOUSE时的接近.

      “just back from UTS open house, feel disappointed. 1. The labs and equipments are very old. 2. students are same as our children, not very polite as some people say. 3.it is a completely private school now,
      tuition will be $15,000 next year. 4. Only a few students get admissions from top us universities each year. Admission rate is very low. Most students go to UT after their parents pay almost $20,000 fro them each year. Not worth it. 5. So many chinese students.” ----- by dreamcomingtrue (dreamcomingtrue) at 2006.10.21 11:59

      “The labs and equipments”

      就象Rosedale的OPEN HOUSE, 拥有一个老property的人们总是乐于向人炫耀的是这栋建筑的历史和里面的古董. UTS的OPEN HOUSE也是基于一样的积习.

      其实, UTS的实验室的设备和条件该算是最好的之一了, compare with other high schools in this planet.

      举例说明, 高中物理的第一个实验, 研究的是”Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration”, 在UTS, 全班20个人分组,每组成2-3人,使用8台NOTEBOOK PC with Ultrasound motion sensor, 分析软件包是Data Studio, Ultrasound motion sensor每台都有不同的频率特征, 不会互相干扰, 收集的数据是三维的, 在走廊上跳一下可以得到XYZ三方向的Acceleration的file. 因教室空间不够同学走动, 有的组在走廊上做. 这个实验, 不要实验报告, 老师说“no marks, just for fun.”

      对照组, 一个公立高中的Gifted Program的同一实验, 用的是TI-83 Graphing Calculator with handhold motion sensor, 2人一组, sensor要对着object, (so I guess it gets results only from one direction). 记分情况不详.

      再说一个计分的实验, UTS第一年物理期末的massive project, 占最终成绩的10%, 老师给每人一把电线, 学完了Lenz law, 每人做一个直流generator. 有实验报告和
      Presentation. 我的对照组没有对应的实验.

      再说化学和生物, 期末考试都要考实验, one by one, 各占最终成绩的8%, 考的是performance assessment, 打分很严, 靠平时大量课堂动手实验的积累, 不好复习准备.

      我知道从公立学校出来的孩子在实验条件上差点儿, 有心人可以继续求证. 重要不是设备差, 还有实验指导老师的水平和经验.

      Dreamcomingtrue还说 “The school charges higher and higher tuition fees, partly should be paid to upgrade these labs and equipments”. 和您说句悄悄话心里话, 俺比您更惦记着俺那些个白花花的银子都去哪儿了. 在这疙瘩, equipments这些玩意儿cheap着呐. 哪天学校不乐意了, 把那8台NOTEBOOK PC with Ultrasound motion sensor全换了, 花费也就是多收一个人, 就靠这一个人, 在以后的六年里, 8台PC每年换一茬. 俺那银子大多半去了那些个先生的口袋里了, 这世道, 没银子就聘不到好先生呐.

      说到银子, 俺得干活了, 也得对得起老板给的人工, 下班时在免费多干20 minutes, 再聊.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 您这口散装中文加散装英文该去学校回回炉了
        • 如有不便, 非常抱歉.
          • We support you, fishandwine. Go ahead sharing with us more of your experience and stories, be they sweet or bitter... we tend to focus on the essence, not the form of languages.