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My daughter is turning 2 in a couple of days. She can only speak a few words. she doesn't pay attention at all when I read books for her.

when I ask her where is her nose, ear, eye,or mouth, she always point nose. she seems understand lots of stuff such as sit down and put your shoes on, get the remote control for mum, go get your milk... but she won't talk. she points a lot, and she will pull my hand to where she wants to go, she is very active and always happy. she gives me big hug and kiss all the time. but when I show her the family picture or ask her where the little bunny is in the book, she shows no interest. she only likes to flip the pages. she doen't repeat when I try to teach her a new word. she doesn't know shapes though I've taught her a few times. she try to put a triangle into every kind of holes on the toy. I was worried that she has DUODONGZHENG or something like that because lots of time I found that she doesn't listen when I try to teach her. but she can sit on the sofa watch babyeinstein for half an hour which means she is able to concerntrate. it's frustrating.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 这里有没有育儿专家, 想请教一下. 家有小儿十四个多月了. 总觉得平时对他讲话他不认真听, 根本就没PAY ATTENTION. 总是玩他自个的.我很担心这是不是有问题. 有没有经验的父母给我点建议. 多谢.
    • 不是育儿专家,但就你家孩子的年龄来说,完全正常,
      • Thanks, he is approaching 15 months old. The thing is he couldn't follow simply instructions like: come here or pass this ball to daddy. Looks like he always concentrates on something else and hardly listens to you.
        Other kids like his age can do a lot of things and understand a lot of things. That's why I am worried. BTW, he doesn't have hearing problem.
        • 对他有兴趣的事你跟他说,比如让他来玩,吃好吃的什么的,他也跟听不见一样吗?我觉得还是多注意观察好.一岁多不会说话正常,但多数听懂很多,而且对语言不反应是不正常的.他平时的语言环境如何?多种语言的话,小孩可能会反应慢一些.
          • Thanks, I think you got the point. I feel that he makes little response to language. If I wave to him with something on my hand that he likes, of course he will smile and come to get it.
            He points to things that he likes and wants you to get it for him.But if I say something like “xx, pass this paper to Daddy.”, his response is mostly just throw the paper on the floor. He enjoys “reading” all sorts of books. But if I ask him where is the butterfly book, he makes no response. A lot of times I show the family picture to him and tells him who is mom and who is daddy, he smiles but then turn around to do other things.
            His language environment is 90% Chinese, I would say. Because everybody speaks Chinese to him in my house, but sometimes he watches show on TV which is in English.
            He doesn’t have hearing problem; I wonder what’s wrong with him. By the age of 12 month old, I notice something is wrong. But my friends always says he is fine, just wait till he grows up a little bit. Now I feel I should take some actions, but how?

            I am asking for all advices from all parents. Thanks in advance.
            • Do not let him watch TV any more, until he is 3 years old.
    • 我记得小孩子不同时间的注意力的集中时间长度是不一样地, 从几分钟, 到10几分钟, 然后到上学的时候才有半小时左右8
    • He is still young.Watch his language developing,if he can't speak until 2 years old,you have to bring him to see doctor.
      • Thanks. Most people say that, but I feel if there is a problem, I want to know earlier and give him proper treatment.
        • Can you answer my questions below?Can you tell me what kind of disease you suspect him?
          • Thanks, I already answered your questions. I don't know what problem he has, I don't know if he has any problem at all.
    • Did he has any reaction when you call his name?How about eye contact when you speak to him?Did he point object when he needs something?
      • First question is yes most of the time. But if I call somebody else' name, he look at me too. Second question is he makes a little eye contact, but not very long.
        Third question is yes, he points to things that he wants.

        Thanks a lot.
        • He seems ok at his age.He can communicate with others by pointing. He may has a little bitter development delay,
          but at this young age ,doctor won't give him any diagnose except he has very classic behavior disorder.You have to wait for couple months,see what happens.
        • PS.
          Label the objects as often as possibal.Always speak to him with simple and short sentences.Pronounce the word clearly.When you speak to him,try to let him see your eyes.
    • 建议你去带他查一下眼睛和听力,排除了这两方面,就放心了,慢慢来。
      • 检查过了, 没事. 我现在就担心有什么智力的问题.
    • 不是自闭症就好。
      • I don't know if he has though. By what time can I know if he has zibizheng?
    • 希望不致引起惶恐!曾经遇一小儿,长得眉清目秀。
      • Thanks, that's actually what I am concerned. My son is happy when he sees me, but whenI try to teach him things, lots of times, he didn't pay much attention.
        How can I know if he has problem? How to treat it, there is no effective way to treat zibizeng, I am afraid.
        • 你怎么TEACH,TEACH他什么呢?建议你先带孩子去看一下医生,听听专业人员的分析.另外再找本书看看,这个年龄段的孩子的特点,PARENTING的SKILL以及智力开发的方法.图书馆此类书很多..
          • To be honest, I am very disappointed with doctors here. The answer I got from them is always wait and see.
            • your kid maybe just fine. Every kid has different pace and style to learn. Don't push too hard. The bottom line is he communicates, not necessarily using language.
              Be patient and guide him to learn the importance of language. If he wants something, teach him how to say the word, the request. When you say something, you may try to show him what you mean by doing it, like other friends suggested. Keep doing it for a while. See if he improves or not.

              We don't know you and your kid. All the judgements are made from your description. If your observation has bias, we could be all wrong.
              • Thanks. I totally agree with what you've said. I don't jump into a conclusion that my son has a problem. I just want to collect information from other parents like you for some advices.
                especially those that has a similar situation.
        • 如果日常生活无异常,建议您不用太担心。我儿子一岁刚过时参加任何活动注意力都不持久,特爱动。过了两岁明显好多了。现在的表现是偏爱音乐(两岁半哼梁祝和黄河),
    • 简单一点的,比如灯在那里?电视在哪里?有没有反映?一岁多应该听得懂。
    • 首先,我认为你家孩子完全正常,不需要担心.
      每个孩子都是不同的.这里的中国孩子大多说话晚,电视,有声玩具,逛商场等都会使他产生语言混淆,这并不是坏事,孩子的语言能力在提高,将来学别的语言时会容易.我儿子马上2岁了,只会很简单的词,我也曾经担心,因为他1岁左右就开始象是想学的样子,"的的"的发音一直到现在,基本没进步.我也一直以为他的语言环境基本是中文,后来有一天我发现他竟然根着玩具发了一个很清楚的英文单词,就一次:-) 我才明白孩子其实一直在学习,大人没发现而已. 试着降底语速,多跟他说,对他会容易些. 你家这个年令应该能听懂一些简单指令,但有的孩子不是很喜欢FOLLOW YOU,多陪他玩回好些. 可以换个办法,2个人一起,妈妈和他坐一起,爸爸离开一点,然后爸爸说"把纸递给爸爸", 妈妈重复说,然后教他拿纸, 和他一起走到爸爸处,教他递给爸爸. 他会觉得很有趣而喜欢做. 记住,别PUSH 孩子.也别难为自己. :-)
        • Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your advice. I'll give him more love and cuddle and attention. That is all what I can do. Even he has problem, doctors won't do anything at this point.
    • My daughter is turning 2 in a couple of days. She can only speak a few words. she doesn't pay attention at all when I read books for her.
      when I ask her where is her nose, ear, eye,or mouth, she always point nose. she seems understand lots of stuff such as sit down and put your shoes on, get the remote control for mum, go get your milk... but she won't talk. she points a lot, and she will pull my hand to where she wants to go, she is very active and always happy. she gives me big hug and kiss all the time. but when I show her the family picture or ask her where the little bunny is in the book, she shows no interest. she only likes to flip the pages. she doen't repeat when I try to teach her a new word. she doesn't know shapes though I've taught her a few times. she try to put a triangle into every kind of holes on the toy. I was worried that she has DUODONGZHENG or something like that because lots of time I found that she doesn't listen when I try to teach her. but she can sit on the sofa watch babyeinstein for half an hour which means she is able to concerntrate. it's frustrating.
      • Go to see speech specialist if possible. My son has the same problem. After checking with a speech specialist, we learnt a lot.
        Now he is 4, Speech specialist comes to see him once a week for one hour. Government payes the money. Daycare applied the money for him.
      • I feel your girl is normal, at least compared to my son. She understand things, just don't want to pay attention to things that she is not interested. My son doesn't understand what I said to him most of the time.
        Plus he pays no attention to me.
    • 每个孩子不一样, 你儿子应该没问题。
      我儿子三岁多了,幼儿园都上一年了,得到的老师评价总是“not trying, not listening”。三岁的时候还基本不会说话,就这几个月,忽然啥都会说了,虽然在幼儿园依然是不合群,但我知道他很聪明,拼图比我玩的快多了,50片,60片的他几分钟就拼好,总是拼成很完美的一张图等我表扬;他自己挑选的玩具买回来会玩的饭不吃,觉不睡。喜欢积木,他搭的东西不许有一点歪。我想每个孩子关注的东西不一样,我儿子就不喜欢老师的指令,更愿意自己玩。孩子小,先让他自由发挥, 而不要跟别人比吧。