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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


if you tell your insurer "I'm a new driver and I will drive at least 25km per year for work with a new car", you will be considered a high risk. Annual Premium will be easily upto $3,000: You will have no choice but to buy comprehensive coverage, because most likely you would like to go finance to buy the car.

Generally speaking, woman tends to be nervouse and maybe too nervouse to see a minor accident. Unfortunately, it's for sure that every driver has at least one accident sooner or later. It's a heart attack to her. And, because she has a brand new, she cannot tolerate an old car parking close to hers. She cannot tolerate tiny dirt resting on it. She cannot tolerate a small scratch in the body...The worst of all, her substantial the other half is always the one being blamed for all above!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 最近想买辆新车,车型调查的差不多了,还有一些问题请教各位:
    1. 和DEALER定完价格后的具体程序是否如下: 我去办保险和车牌.车牌是去交通部门办吗?
    3. 车价除了车本身的外,还有如下: 空调税100, GST, PST. 还有其他费用吗?
    2.如LEASE车,也需要砍价吗?由于我上班比较远,估计一年要开25K左右,那LEASE是不是不太值得? 我看NISSAN网站LEASE一年是24K的限制.
    • 1, you do the insurance, dealer does the plate for you. 3, A/C tax 100, fuel tax 75; 2, everything is discussable excets tax. You may pay extra kilometers in advance for a lower price.
      • Thank you.
    • I'm in Toronto
    • 1. 应该有一条龙服务; 2. 没有特价的时候至少还有运费; 3. 当然砍, 何乐不为? LEASE当然用足里程合算唠; 反正不是自己的不心疼, 何况你们还可能MOVE过去; P.S. 最近开车, 不开拖拉机啦?
      • I'll take the road test on Jan 15th and I feel I am still a bad driver. I need more and more practice. I don't have time to play Tuolaji.
    • Final Price = (Base Price + Fuel Tax + A/C Tax + Delivery Fee + Administration Fee / Document Fee) * 1.15 + plate ( + A tank of Fuel)
      A easy way is to neogiate on the price on road, which includes everything above except plate.
      • Thank you very much. And How much are the Administration Fee and plate fee generally?
        • Generally, the administration fee is arround 200 to 300, but different brand and dealer may has seperate price. And, for Toyota, no administration fee.
          The plate fee is calculated by your birthday. In other words, you buy your plate from the day you buy your car, to your next birthday. For me, it's about 2 months, and it's 48.5.
    • 是新手的话还是买二手车吧, 省钱省心. 阁下要是位女士的话就更应该买二手车
      • why?
        • 他是比较不太相信女士们的技术
        • BECAUSE:
          if you tell your insurer "I'm a new driver and I will drive at least 25km per year for work with a new car", you will be considered a high risk. Annual Premium will be easily upto $3,000: You will have no choice but to buy comprehensive coverage, because most likely you would like to go finance to buy the car.

          Generally speaking, woman tends to be nervouse and maybe too nervouse to see a minor accident. Unfortunately, it's for sure that every driver has at least one accident sooner or later. It's a heart attack to her. And, because she has a brand new, she cannot tolerate an old car parking close to hers. She cannot tolerate tiny dirt resting on it. She cannot tolerate a small scratch in the body...The worst of all, her substantial the other half is always the one being blamed for all above!
          • It makes sense.
            • 结论是: 买旧车!
          • It depends...
      • I know old car will save my money. However, I don't think it will 'Sheng Shi'.
        • Yeah, you're right;
          New cars within warranty eliminate a lot of your service troubles. Regarding the higher insurance policy as an investment and driving carefully, a good record will help you to build up accredited driving history and utimately help you save money anyhow.