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"Schulich School of Business Business Administration and International Business Administration 1st year entry is available for current high school applicants only
2nd year entry (delayed entry for BBA only): one year of university completed through full-time studies with a minimum overall average of B including Math, Economics and Statistics (and no failures); or a 3-year college diploma completed through full-time studies including 2 semesters of Economics, Math and Statistics at the second or third year college levels with a minimum overall A average (and no failures) "

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / YORK的BBA从第一年念起,只接收高中在校生?请见内:
    "Schulich School of Business Business Administration and International Business Administration 1st year entry is available for current high school applicants only
    2nd year entry (delayed entry for BBA only): one year of university completed through full-time studies with a minimum overall average of B including Math, Economics and Statistics (and no failures); or a 3-year college diploma completed through full-time studies including 2 semesters of Economics, Math and Statistics at the second or third year college levels with a minimum overall A average (and no failures) "
    • 这样的话,转专业来读,从第一年念起,岂不是没戏了吗?请各位赐教!