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你娃被SUSPENDED了,说明犯的不是一般的错误.这里的学校对VIOLENCE是ZERO TOLERENCE的.这种SUSPENSION可能会记档案的.我觉得你应该去和学校交流交流,问问怎么处理更好.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛III Suspension and Expulsion of Students
The Education Act and its regulations indicate that the principal, subject to the authority of the appropriate supervisory officer, is in charge of the discipline of students in the school. Specific disciplinary action by the principal or the school board resulting from a violent incident is therefore not dealt with in this document.

The following suspension/expulsion provisions, which are found in section 23 of the Education Act (as amended by Bill 4, which received Royal Assent on July 29, 1993), are provided for informational purposes only. It should be noted that, while principals may suspend students, only school boards have the authority to expel students or to readmit students who have been expelled.

A. Suspension
1. Subsection 23(1): Suspension of Pupil

A principal may suspend a pupil because of persistent truancy, persistent opposition to authority, habitual neglect of duty, the wilful destruction of school property, the use of profane or improper language, or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school or to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school.

2. Subsection 23(1.1): Period of Suspension

A suspension is for a period fixed by the principal but not exceeding twenty school days, or a shorter period established by the board as the maximum period for suspensions.

3. Subsection 23(1.2): Notice

When a pupil is suspended, the principal shall,

a) notify in writing the pupil, the pupil's parent or guardian, the pupil's teacher, the board, the appropriate school attendance counsellor, and the appropriate supervisory officer of the suspension and the reasons for it; and

b) notify in writing the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian of the right to appeal the suspension under subsection 23(2).

4. Subsection 23(2): Appeal Against Suspension

The parent or guardian or adult pupil may, within seven days of the beginning of the suspension, appeal to the board against the suspension. Whether or not there is an appeal, the board may remove, confirm, or modify the suspension and, where appropriate, may order that the record of the suspension be expunged.

5. Subsection 23(2.1): Effect of Appeal

An appeal under subsection 23(2) does not stay the suspension and, if the suspension expires before the appeal is determined, the board shall determine whether the suspension should be confirmed or whether the record of the suspension should be removed or modified.

6. Subsection 23(2.2): Review of Suspensions

If the pupil is suspended for the maximum period or more than once during a school year, the board shall ensure that a guidance counsellor or other appropriate resource person employed by the board:

a) reviews the circumstances of the suspension(s), and

b) where appropriate, informs the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian (if the pupil is not an adult) of services that are available from the board or elsewhere in the community to assist the pupil.

B. Expulsion

1. Subsection 23(3): Expulsion of Pupil

A board may expel a pupil from its schools on the ground that the pupil's conduct is so refractory that the pupil's presence is injurious to other pupils or persons, if:

a) the principal and the appropriate supervisory officer so recommend;

b) the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian have been notified in writing of:

i) the recommendation of the principal and the supervisory officer, and

ii) the right of the pupil (if an adult) or the pupil's parent or guardian to make representations at a hearing to be conducted by the board;

c) the teacher(s) of the pupil have been notified; and

d) such hearing has been conducted.

2. Subsection 23(5): Readmission of Pupil

A board may, at its discretion, readmit to school a pupil who has been expelled.

C. General

1. Subsection 23(4): Parties to Hearing

The parties to a hearing under section 23 of the Education Act shall be the parent or guardian, the pupil, if an adult, the principal, and, in the case of an expulsion, the appropriate supervisory officer.

2. Subsection 23(6): Committee to Perform Board Functions

The board may, by resolution, direct that the powers and duties of the board under subsections 23(2) to (5) be exercised by a committee of at least three members of the board named in the resolution or designated from time to time in accordance with the resolution.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 孩子上一年级,在学校犯了错误:
    • 父母是孩子的第一任老师, 唉, 养不教, 父母之过啊!
    • 你娃被SUSPENDED了,说明犯的不是一般的错误.这里的学校对VIOLENCE是ZERO TOLERENCE的.这种SUSPENSION可能会记档案的.我觉得你应该去和学校交流交流,问问怎么处理更好.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛III Suspension and Expulsion of Students
      The Education Act and its regulations indicate that the principal, subject to the authority of the appropriate supervisory officer, is in charge of the discipline of students in the school. Specific disciplinary action by the principal or the school board resulting from a violent incident is therefore not dealt with in this document.

      The following suspension/expulsion provisions, which are found in section 23 of the Education Act (as amended by Bill 4, which received Royal Assent on July 29, 1993), are provided for informational purposes only. It should be noted that, while principals may suspend students, only school boards have the authority to expel students or to readmit students who have been expelled.

      A. Suspension
      1. Subsection 23(1): Suspension of Pupil

      A principal may suspend a pupil because of persistent truancy, persistent opposition to authority, habitual neglect of duty, the wilful destruction of school property, the use of profane or improper language, or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school or to the physical or mental well-being of others in the school.

      2. Subsection 23(1.1): Period of Suspension

      A suspension is for a period fixed by the principal but not exceeding twenty school days, or a shorter period established by the board as the maximum period for suspensions.

      3. Subsection 23(1.2): Notice

      When a pupil is suspended, the principal shall,

      a) notify in writing the pupil, the pupil's parent or guardian, the pupil's teacher, the board, the appropriate school attendance counsellor, and the appropriate supervisory officer of the suspension and the reasons for it; and

      b) notify in writing the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian of the right to appeal the suspension under subsection 23(2).

      4. Subsection 23(2): Appeal Against Suspension

      The parent or guardian or adult pupil may, within seven days of the beginning of the suspension, appeal to the board against the suspension. Whether or not there is an appeal, the board may remove, confirm, or modify the suspension and, where appropriate, may order that the record of the suspension be expunged.

      5. Subsection 23(2.1): Effect of Appeal

      An appeal under subsection 23(2) does not stay the suspension and, if the suspension expires before the appeal is determined, the board shall determine whether the suspension should be confirmed or whether the record of the suspension should be removed or modified.

      6. Subsection 23(2.2): Review of Suspensions

      If the pupil is suspended for the maximum period or more than once during a school year, the board shall ensure that a guidance counsellor or other appropriate resource person employed by the board:

      a) reviews the circumstances of the suspension(s), and

      b) where appropriate, informs the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian (if the pupil is not an adult) of services that are available from the board or elsewhere in the community to assist the pupil.

      B. Expulsion

      1. Subsection 23(3): Expulsion of Pupil

      A board may expel a pupil from its schools on the ground that the pupil's conduct is so refractory that the pupil's presence is injurious to other pupils or persons, if:

      a) the principal and the appropriate supervisory officer so recommend;

      b) the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian have been notified in writing of:

      i) the recommendation of the principal and the supervisory officer, and

      ii) the right of the pupil (if an adult) or the pupil's parent or guardian to make representations at a hearing to be conducted by the board;

      c) the teacher(s) of the pupil have been notified; and

      d) such hearing has been conducted.

      2. Subsection 23(5): Readmission of Pupil

      A board may, at its discretion, readmit to school a pupil who has been expelled.

      C. General

      1. Subsection 23(4): Parties to Hearing

      The parties to a hearing under section 23 of the Education Act shall be the parent or guardian, the pupil, if an adult, the principal, and, in the case of an expulsion, the appropriate supervisory officer.

      2. Subsection 23(6): Committee to Perform Board Functions

      The board may, by resolution, direct that the powers and duties of the board under subsections 23(2) to (5) be exercised by a committee of at least three members of the board named in the resolution or designated from time to time in accordance with the resolution.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这是学校的policy, 犯了某种错误自动停学. 好好管教把. 学校还有屡教不改开除的policy呢
    • 我孩子学校的一个中国孩子把另一个孩子的脸部眼睛下方划伤,缝了三针,也是一星期不能上学。此肇事孩子经常干坏事. You'd look at your kid's problem first.
    • 一周不能上学是大问题,但是你的孩子还高兴就是更大的问题。
    • 教育不只是学校的事情, 父母更有责任的.
      这里的学校表面上看上去对学生很放任, 但对某些纪律的执行是非常严格的. 先要让你儿子认识那些行为是错误的, 不管他是有意的还是无心的, 如果觉得学校的处罚过重, 可以再找校长.
    • 记得ESL的一位老师说过,学校老师只负责各个学科的教育,至于学生的品德,行为方面,应该由家长教育。
    • (ZT)家庭塑造人(李子勋)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛(ZT)家庭塑造人(李子勋)



      我有一个朋友,她出身于一个开明的知识分子家庭,崇尚自由、平等与博爱。她的丈夫却是东北人的后代,夫权意识明显。他们在大学相识、相爱。恋爱时节,两人尚能平心相容、克己相待。结婚后,角色变了,尘封多年儿时耳闻目染的陈规陋习似乎顺理成章地来了个借尸还魂。家庭中优先权之争给这段原本美满的婚姻画了个句号。家庭两个字在中国人乃至全世界的华人的心目中都是至高无尚的,这似乎是中华民族几千年来精神和文化沉积,一种荣格笔下的集体无意识。但家庭常常也在伤害人,可以不夸张地说,一个人的品行问题、心理问题、社会适应问题主要植根于家庭教育,而非社会之责。例如,喜欢把爱作为砝码来使孩子臣服就范,孩子就学不会怎么去爱和被爱;不能变换角色平等地和孩子相处,孩子就无法学到怎么与社会相处;以为批评和大棒就能给你的孩子一个好品质,恰恰你给予孩子的是精神和肉体都倍受折磨的自悲和自贬。溺爱与苛求是教育孩子最可怕的两个极点,但遗憾的是这两个极端常相伴而行。教育孩子之难,难在双亲自己是否人格完整,是否乐于宽容与变通。要把孩子教育好,首先父母自身必须成为一个好的模范,不然,上行下效、承先启后,受苦的永远是下一代。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Let him do a lot of homework at home, no TV, no snack. Let him feel it's even worse to stay home.
    • 问题严重 - 就在于你没认识到它的严重性. 你从来没和儿子谈过该怎么和小朋友玩吗? 如果学校没有Suspension, 估计你还认为是学校的责任呢.
      It is a typical bully behaviour and there is zero tolerance policy in place in school. It could be worse.
    • 在加拿大我还头一回听说有不愿意上学的小孩。
    • 学校这样的处理方式很不好,类似你这样的家长反应也时常见诸报端。这是加拿大教育体制上的一个缺陷。