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New car? Let's do some calculation.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First let's assume that you're paying $1800/year for insurance

Option 1,Claim
repair cost $500 (dedutible)
insurance cost 2nd year=1800*170%=3060 that's=3060-1800*90%=1440
........................3rd...........about 2700.....................2700-1800*95%=990
.................................................................................................about 450
in fact,there are more to come.But we only calculate 3 years and the "claim and repair will cost you 500+1400+990+450=3380, but, the increasing wouldn't stop until more years to come.

Option 2 you pay for everything now

Answer? We don't have to tell! Want to get a more accurate figure? Check this guy "www.kanetix.com" ,get a quotation for no-claim driver and get one with at-fault record driver as well.You can tell by the two quotations that how much insurance increasing would be. Don't forget to tell us your result.

Just so suggestion. We don't pretend to be right for everything.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 撞车! 心情狠不好啊.... 晚饭都吃不下!请各位大侠帮忙!
    今天在停车场back in 时太大意,撞到parking meter 的柱子上。

    后bumper撞裂了一条20CM长的缝,后车角狠狠地撞凹了一块,电镀层都掉了。 5555555555


    1,如果修,大概要多少加元啊? bumper是塑料的,裂了是不是就得整个换?

    2,parking lot 的事故,保险公司赔吗?


    心情狠不好啊.... 晚饭都吃不下!
    • bumper是整个换的. 我以前换过, 300$的件, 300$的工钱和RENTAL CAR REPLACEMENT(92年的旧车)
      • 谢谢!我的车是02年的别克,会不会新车的零件便宜一点啊?
    • Don't go through insurance! Don't even ask for advice from your broker or insurance company.
      New car-------new parts used car------used parts
      Buying parts and replace them is cheaper than body work.
      • I agree, it's not worth the trouble, pay the damage out of your own pocket will save you a clean record of claim. Recall insurance firms are trying to make a profit
    • 查下保险单有没有买COLLISION,再看DEDUCTIBLE是多少(多半儿是300),自己搞定算了
      • 完了,我的collision deductable是500。 就是不知道撞坏的后车身要花多少钱修。。。 很尖锐的撞伤,连镀层都脱了....
        • 凹痕大不大? 如果只PIANT不校的话应该在600~800元左右, 因为要把后侧面那半部整个拿下重新喷过, BUMPER换一个应该也是这么多钱. DEDUCTIBLE 500元的话自己处理完事
          • 有碗口大啊,正好在车尾箱盖的旁边, 而且撞口很尖锐地凹进去,因为是被parking meter 的棱角撞上的。
    • 这里哪是修车, 就是换零件, 起码要1000元. 保险公司赔不赔主要看你所购买的保险险种, 以及如何向保险公司报告事故(嘿嘿, 这可是有点技巧). 至于长不长保费也根据是否是你的过错.
      • 绝对是我的过错啊!空空的停车场上只有我一辆车,很大意地很用力地一撞!555, 一想就伤心啊。还有,交报告怎样个技巧法啊?
        • 哇塞, 这都能撞上啊, 俺简直对您PF得五体投地了 B-)
          • 我打赌他明天不会再来了
            • 我? why 不来呢?
              • 我...你...你撞一次不够本儿还要再来一次?
                • 误会啦! 我以为是说再来rolia。这里有这么多热心朋友,怎么舍得不来呢。
        • 你看看是否可以报告说有人hit and run. 那么过错就是对方的了. :P
      • 那我说不应该涨: 因为过错在咪表, 它不应该象杆子似地立在那儿不动, 没瞧见人家小虫虫车都开过来了嘛!
    • 你是不是来加拿大时间不长呀?你这点小事故,一个是保险公司在一定金额内不赔,另一个是即使赔的话,别人还巴不得自己解决呢。不然保费的损失比维修费高多了。
    • "明年保费估计非长不可了,会长多少啊?"6 years increasing and a bad record on your file for several years--How about that. So, don't,don't go through insurance if the total cost is less than $2000-$3000.
      • 看来两个月的工资是没了。大家一定要以我为教训啊,没车时也大意不得!
        • 你有没有搞错,Yukon都已经告诉你了,换个BUMPER最多几百块钱,怎么会是你两个月的工资呀?
          • 让人家保留一点阴私嘛......其实我也很好奇, 不过憋着没问
          • 还有车身呀。。。
        • 换前保险杠是我见到的最简单的活,不知后面的怎样,试着买一个自己换吧。
          • 这个东西自己换?你真的好厉害。bumper买来的件是没颜色的,要配色,喷漆,烤干,你家里开车行都可以了。
            • sorry,我只把保险杠拆下来,放在手心揣摩了一下又按了回去,所以感觉简单,并不知原来还得上色,炜烤一下
        • New car? Let's do some calculation.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛First let's assume that you're paying $1800/year for insurance

          Option 1,Claim
          repair cost $500 (dedutible)
          insurance cost 2nd year=1800*170%=3060 that's=3060-1800*90%=1440
          ........................3rd...........about 2700.....................2700-1800*95%=990
          .................................................................................................about 450
          in fact,there are more to come.But we only calculate 3 years and the "claim and repair will cost you 500+1400+990+450=3380, but, the increasing wouldn't stop until more years to come.

          Option 2 you pay for everything now

          Answer? We don't have to tell! Want to get a more accurate figure? Check this guy "www.kanetix.com" ,get a quotation for no-claim driver and get one with at-fault record driver as well.You can tell by the two quotations that how much insurance increasing would be. Don't forget to tell us your result.

          Just so suggestion. We don't pretend to be right for everything.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 谢谢这位大侠!现在我很清楚了, 还是得悄悄地修好算了。
            • Yes
    • 塑料的当然要整个换啦。不报保险公司就不会涨保险(当然你撞别人车时十有八九别人会报保险的,你也就不得不报了),ANYWAY,你没把METER的柱子撞坏吧
    • 我有同样经历, 新车才一周在车库撞柱子了. 心里别提有多懊恼了. 我不敢拿到小车行去修怕被换零件., 去Toyato的body shop花1050修好, 没敢报保险, 花钱买个教训.