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Straight out, this kind of comparison is a little bit tricky. I go for Taurus just because I pay more interesting at driving fun. At the meanwhile, Ford's quality climbs up very fast in the recent years.

1. Compare some features of Taurus (such as driving fun) with Corolla is unfair to Corolla. They are not within the same class. T is full size sedan and C is compact car only.
2. Compare the reliability of second hand T with brand new C is unfair to T. How could an used car's reliability go beyond a new one? Vice versa, will an used C be trouble-free even more longer than a new T? I don't think so.
3. Gas saver, driving fun, high resale value, larger size with higher safety, forever reliability... cannot be combined at such price class as new Corolla or used Taurus. Indeed, maybe never, ever...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 新COROLLA还是二手TAURUS?
    三口之家, 选什么车为好? 新的TAURUS超过负担能力.
    • I will go for TAURUS. High reliability, very smooth driving, nice car.
      • Used Taurus(should be as of 1996). That is much better than brand new corolla. Corolla is just a transportation tool and you sure feel convenient to do most things in toronto by driving it, except of fun and confort.
    • TAURUS有那么好吗?
      我有一2000 COROLLA, 同单元住的邻居有一97 TAURUS, 是在美国买的
      US $6000, 看上去还挺新的, 那车大重, 比我的COROLLA费油多了, 都说美国车三年后就成garbage, 要买旧车就买美国车, 便宜.
      • 美国车比日本车要便宜而且安全系数高,日本车经济实用但是实在是太贵了
        • 既然日本车贵,又怎么叫经济呢?是指省油吗?
          • 由于这里的大部分人都认日本车,所以日本车比较保值,将来可以卖出一个好价钱,其二是省油。美国车的二手车的价钱很低的
      • COROLLA有那么好吗? 说老实话,这里油有不贵。COROLLA是不是保险还要贵点?
      • 开了几年美国车, 已经习惯了它们的SIZE, 坐朋友的COROLLA, 总有些局促的感觉,
        此外, 在高速上, 小车不太稳. 重车可能好些. 我的第一辆二手车是PONTIAC6000, 原车主居然还认为不够重, 在TRUNK中加了两个50磅的沙袋压车,不过在冰雪天的确好开.
        工资太低, 只能负担新COROLLA或旧TAURUS这一水平.
        BTW, 现在加拿大的GAS PRICE是多少, 这里0.92$/GALLON=0.24$/Liter,所以费不费油问题不大.
        • The quality of Ford cars is very unstable. Some can run 200K miles without problem. Some need to go to garage every 3 months. If you choose 2nd hand Taurus, be prepared the maintenance / repair fee
          • Straight out, this kind of comparison is a little bit tricky. I go for Taurus just because I pay more interesting at driving fun. At the meanwhile, Ford's quality climbs up very fast in the recent years.
            1. Compare some features of Taurus (such as driving fun) with Corolla is unfair to Corolla. They are not within the same class. T is full size sedan and C is compact car only.
            2. Compare the reliability of second hand T with brand new C is unfair to T. How could an used car's reliability go beyond a new one? Vice versa, will an used C be trouble-free even more longer than a new T? I don't think so.
            3. Gas saver, driving fun, high resale value, larger size with higher safety, forever reliability... cannot be combined at such price class as new Corolla or used Taurus. Indeed, maybe never, ever...
            • I know it is a little bit ridiculous to compare brand new Corolla to used Taurus. There is a lot of difference between them.
              So it is difficult to choose one from them. If I found a permanent job, I would go for a brand new Taurus, definitely.
        • Of course they can compare, because 2001 taurus used car has the same price as the new corolla.
          I am driving a new corola now. I really regret I wouldn't have bought a used taurus with the same price. As my opinion, choosing a car should use the following priority: safe, driving feeling, reliability and resale price, so the used taurus 2000 or 2001is much better the new corolla.
          • By the way, the insurance monthly payment of used taurus 2001 is $40 less than corolla 2002 based on my condition. It's bigger than their gas fee difference.
    • You must know ford have so many trouble recently. You never hear toyota has any problem. Corrola made in canada. So, it's cheap. and you can count on the parts after 20 years.
      For most of us, we use it as a tool. Reliable is the first thing. Why american car lost price fast, they only reliable within worranty. Beyond that, they expect it fail. Others, they can't do business. That's their logic.
    • Of course they can compare, because 2001 taurus used car has the same price as the new corolla.
      I am driving a new corola now. I really regret I wouldn't have bought a used taurus with the same price. As my opinion, choosing a car should use the following priority: safe, driving feeling, reliability and resale price, so the used taurus 2000 or 2001is much better the new corolla.

      By the way, the insurance monthly payment of used taurus 2001 is $40 less than corolla 2002 based on my condition. It's bigger than their gas fee difference.