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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

俺来试试:the letters from previous employer and current employer的样本

Letter from previous employer or current employer:

To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that Winny Yang started her career at XXXX Co., Ltd. in Jun 1998, working as our Computer Engineer. Her major duties and responsibilites were as follows:

1) Optimization and maintenence of our networking platform and appplications;
2) Customer service, pre- and post-sales technical support;
3) System installation and configuration, trouble-shooting.

Ms. Winny Yang is a creative and aggressive young engineer who has achieved a lot of success in out Computer Division. Further to that, she is also very easy to cope with in the day-in-day-out routines.

Sincerely yours,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 有人能提供有关resume,the letters from previous employer and current employer和户口本翻译的样本吗?如有烦请寄至:xiaowei007@citiz.net,常言道,助人一把胜造七级浮图,好人有好报,小妹真诚的希望得到热心人士的帮助,谢谢!
    • 枫下FAQ:户口翻译
      • 真是谢谢你的热心指点,但除此是否还有人有resume,the letters from previous employer and current employer的样本呢?望再助小妹一臂之力,我将万分感激!!!
        • 俺来试试:the letters from previous employer and current employer的样本
          Letter from previous employer or current employer:

          To whom it may concern,

          This is to certify that Winny Yang started her career at XXXX Co., Ltd. in Jun 1998, working as our Computer Engineer. Her major duties and responsibilites were as follows:

          1) Optimization and maintenence of our networking platform and appplications;
          2) Customer service, pre- and post-sales technical support;
          3) System installation and configuration, trouble-shooting.

          Ms. Winny Yang is a creative and aggressive young engineer who has achieved a lot of success in out Computer Division. Further to that, she is also very easy to cope with in the day-in-day-out routines.

          Sincerely yours,
        • 谢谢硬兄大力支持,小妹能得到如此之多的热心朋友的关心,真是感动得热泪盈眶,常言说患难见真情,我觉得彼此素不相识的人尚可如此,可见浑浊的世界中还有很多尚未人知的真诚所存在,愿上天有灵请帮助那些好人有更多应得的好报。
          • 硬頸是女的!嘻嘻。。。
            • what's your mail address? have something for u.
              • 见伊妹儿!
                • check 侬额
            • 哇,真是有眼不识金香玉,真的是惭愧惭愧!
        • 还剩下resume还有那位有心之人援以相助之手,小妹先在此谢过了。
          • 看不下去! 你老太懒了吧!户口推荐信什么的还有情可原, 还指望别人给你写简历呀!算了, 有人替她吃饭么?怎么咱们中国女人的勤劳朴实等等传统美德全变了味儿了?
            • 未必呢;有时候是老鼠咬鸡蛋、无处下手啊。
            • 你此言差矣!!!
              这位兄台你所言差矣,可见你对本国妇女的传统美德的了解还过于片面,说话也过于偏激,要知道女人办事要比男人有所细心和在乎完美,男人的粗狂不拘小节固然是一种心胸开阔的表现,但还是需要有女人的细腻和周到去相辅相成,才能构成一个整体。我原本有一份自己所写的english resume,但为了在文法和格式上看得比较正规,为了让大使馆的人看得更加舒服,所以才再三希望得到有士之士的帮助,难道只就要让我套上一个传统美德欠缺的罪名吗?阁下是否说话有欠公平。
              • Email your draft to me? I'll try to revise on top of it. Hate to start from scratch...
                • 没有呀,想必这位大哥看错了,我感谢你在一旁公正得看待问题,那里会说你呀,不管怎么样小妹十分感谢你的关心。
              • 因为 Deepblue 就是一个有着中国传统美德的好同志。:-)
    • 救人一命才能胜造七级浮图,助人一把也就一到三级浮土。
      • 付出不是为了更多的收获,如此它就失去了它本身应有的价值,是为了值得而付出,是为了一个真正做人的道理,是为了留存世间的一片净土。
        • 真没见过像你这样振振有词,教训别人要付出的。怎么听上去好像你不是来这里求助,而是你在帮助人家?这什么世道。。。想帮你的人,早被你吓跑了。。
          • 兄台,小女子哪里敢教训,这只是本人发自心底的一种真实的想法,如有在无意之中冒犯了谁,还望见谅,我本无心,只是感慨。
        • 多谢大虾指教. 您对我等在思想上的帮助, 已经使你造了6.5级浮屠了.您这种无私的付出绝对值得, 彻底净化了我们的心灵, 肯定使我们见到了一片净土.
          • 真是哪里的话,小女子何德何能,请勿误解!!!
    • #339826就是写给你看的。你让我想起了大话西游里面的唐僧。