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kids less than 3 years old will be sick easily if he/she in daycare and how your kids will feel is important....

two real live example:
1. my colleage quit current job because her daughter. her daughter is 2.5 years old in daycare. she was sick for couple of time. my colleage used all her vacation and sick day and can not afford it anymore. So she quit.
2. One kid now 7 years old. his mom work and father also busy. one day, he wanted to have a talk with his mom. Guess what he said: CHILD IS IMPORTANT THAN MONEY. Kids need care and be with them. if one day, your kid say something like this, what kind feeling you will have.

I knew a Chinese lady. she finished her University here and stay home to look after her two kids by herself. the little one is 6years and now she is looking for job. Be confident.

So that is my two cents.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 诚心请教全职上班单身妈妈,或先生不在这里,自己在这里上班又带孩子的妈妈提供您的经验,给些建议。
    本人全职上班妈妈,自己独自带两个孩子2岁和6岁,现有老人帮忙还行. 老人很快要回国,到时候一个人要上班又要照顾两小孩不知能否行。老人想带小的孩子回国,但除非实在没有办法否则不考虑。不太习惯请住家保姆,而且费用也高。如果辞职回家自己带,是没有了接送小孩和照顾家庭的顾虑,但又舍不得自己的工作, 辞职容易, 以后再找工作怕难有机会.
    现考虑送小的孩子入托儿所,这样每天要赶点接送两小孩,面对工作压力,回家后要做饭,喂饭,洗刷,备好第二天早午饭,小孩梳洗,家里的一切一切...而且最重要的是孩子还不能生病。 恳请你们提供些经验和建议, 你们都是如何应付过来的?Any information and experience you provided are greatly appreciated.
    • 首先想向您表示真心的敬意, 您太能干啦.再,就是真心的怜惜, 那是除了累, 不会有其它感觉. 不知道除了俺姥姥那辈人, 咱们, 行吗? 我是肯定趴下啦---
      • 有一点的经验, 这里的小孩子不大容易生病---相比国内.(当然, 我小儿子也比较皮实). 孩子们找伙食好的DAYCARE送, 您的工作量就会少好多. 职业女性处理家务也做好计划, 应付过三年就会好一些.--我也是舍不得孩子, 不过, LG还算称职爸爸.
    • 很难很难很难。你会累垮的。 我太太一个人全职带两个, 2岁半 和5岁半。不是说你把他们送到幼儿园就完了。要有心理准备
    • My suggestion: 1. Move to a convienent (better have daycare) appartment that's close to your company; so that less time on the road, and you may have time to cook at lunch break;
      2. Pay for the house cleaning daily or weekly;
      3. Buy half cooked or fully cooked food (of course healthy is important) when possible;
      4. Reduce the "quality" a bit, the kids can be messy or crying sometimes, they can also play by theirselves; it is important you are not too tired.

      My friend was alone with a one-month old boy, she felt fine.
    • 如果你的工作可以混,切没有压力 (不一定不高薪), 你本人也比较能干, 可以
      比如,工作上你应付自如,基本上不需要再学习,上班晚点,下班早点,也不太要紧, 孩子经常生病有活动,你能随便休假或WORK FROM HOME, .. 你自己管孩子,做家无本之木做饭,对你都不难,你可以, 否则,..

      建议,即使如此, 如果短期还可行,长期不好, 逼近太忙, ..
      • 如果工作还有压力, 可能比较难. 如果上班对你来说是休息, 还可以.否则, 24小时都那么辛苦,怎么受得了?
    • 孩子的生活安排要有规律,老人走之前开始安排,几点干什么,怎么干都安排好.给孩子机会让他们感觉自己predict and in control,他们很自豪你也很轻松.楼上千江月的建议很好...还有,个人体会,孩子一定要多活动早睡觉,多活动锻炼身体,累了晚上睡觉容易,休息好了就不爱生病.
    • kids less than 3 years old will be sick easily if he/she in daycare and how your kids will feel is important....
      two real live example:
      1. my colleage quit current job because her daughter. her daughter is 2.5 years old in daycare. she was sick for couple of time. my colleage used all her vacation and sick day and can not afford it anymore. So she quit.
      2. One kid now 7 years old. his mom work and father also busy. one day, he wanted to have a talk with his mom. Guess what he said: CHILD IS IMPORTANT THAN MONEY. Kids need care and be with them. if one day, your kid say something like this, what kind feeling you will have.

      I knew a Chinese lady. she finished her University here and stay home to look after her two kids by herself. the little one is 6years and now she is looking for job. Be confident.

      So that is my two cents.
    • 送私校如蒙校之类的,2个小孩的上下学时间一致,谁然贵点毕竟多学了东西,只要比工资低就划得来。
      • 多说一句现在就得去daycare适应了,要不然孩子哭又生病的应付不来。
    • 我太太就是这样两年。应付得很好。在住家附近看看有没有可以临时接孩子的,你如果下班来不及就请她接。从前我们找的是个香港妇女,一次收10快钱。
      • 这几天忙,没有上网,刚看了所有回贴,非常感谢大家的回复!我再好好考虑一下。Thanks.