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A nice getting away for few hours!

Kortright centre ( 9550 Pine Valley Drive, 2
> km west of Hwy 400, south of Major Mackenzie Dr.
Tel: 905 832 2289) for a few hours of getting away, and a
> fun tour in the traditional Canadian ritual of maple
> syrup making?
> suggested agenda:
> Leaving: 11:00 am Saturday 24th
> Tour and lunch there: a great selection of
> traditional syrup foods such as pancake, sausage,
> bacon, seasoned patato.. ( price ranging from $5-10)
> more to do in the bush and visitor center
> after...coming back around 4:00pm.
> Fees: Adult $6.00/kids $4.00/parking$2.00 ( not
> including the lunch which will be around $5-10)
> Your friends are also very welcomed, as long as you
> could arrange the transprotation.
> Have another fun weekend!
> Cheers,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / when is it? i am planning to go for Maple Syrup festival this saturday, you guys are all welcomed.
    • hi, pisces, where is the maple syrup festival?
    • please share with us. Thanks a lot.
    • My wife has been there in last spring. You can try some ample syrup pancakes. But I prefer waiting for those cookies baked by you.
      • I'd like to join in. Please tell me the detail.
      • egg ate all the cookies i baked last time for you. but will do it again after i come back from Cannes, first of second weekend of Apirl. Meanwhile, enjoy this saturday's hot & spicy taste!
      • egg ate all the cookies i baked last time for you. but will do it again after i come back from Cannes, first of second weekend of Apirl. Meanwhile, enjoy this saturday's hot & spicy taste! -pisces(pisces); 12:23 (#35563)Reply
        • Thanks. But Egg is innocent, I got those cookies. Maybe I am too greedy. :-)
    • Tell us more about this Maple Syrup Festival, I want to join it.
    • Pisces, the most I could find about this is the URL attached. What's your plan on it? Share with us, I do want to join. Thx
    • A nice getting away for few hours!
      Kortright centre ( 9550 Pine Valley Drive, 2
      > km west of Hwy 400, south of Major Mackenzie Dr.
      Tel: 905 832 2289) for a few hours of getting away, and a
      > fun tour in the traditional Canadian ritual of maple
      > syrup making?
      > suggested agenda:
      > Leaving: 11:00 am Saturday 24th
      > Tour and lunch there: a great selection of
      > traditional syrup foods such as pancake, sausage,
      > bacon, seasoned patato.. ( price ranging from $5-10)
      > more to do in the bush and visitor center
      > after...coming back around 4:00pm.
      > Fees: Adult $6.00/kids $4.00/parking$2.00 ( not
      > including the lunch which will be around $5-10)
      > Your friends are also very welcomed, as long as you
      > could arrange the transprotation.
      > Have another fun weekend!
      > Cheers,
      • Who wants to go, please follow pisces' post. I'd like to, if some one can give me and my daughter a drive.
        • Hey Bloor, Since I am going to NY for a few days, I don't know if I can make it or not depends on my ticket schedule. I will give you a ride if I can make it.
          • Thx, soup. If you could make it, let me know. Email me, or post here.