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let us to analyze this sentence, (a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution by at least a two-thirds majority. ) divided it to 2 parts:

(1).a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution; (2).by at least a two-thirds majority;

the former is the main part and tells us the main idea that a quorum must pass the resolution. we know that the quorum must be at least half of the 20 directors. the verb is not " present" but "pass", so, the "a quorum" passes the resolution, but, not present the vote meeting;

the latter is telling us a way in which the resolution will be passed, and this way is a necessity, a requirement must be met. at least a 2/3 majority. meaning those directors who pass the resolution must be more than 2/3 of the totle directors who pass, refuse or give up the resolution.

the above is my personal cognition.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / HELP! Dear All, please show me the meaning of the following sentence:
    At Comsolidated Foundaries, for a resolution to become policy, a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution by at least a two-thirds majority.

    • 我的翻译:
      At Comsolidated Foundaries, for a resolution to become policy, (这部分没什么好翻的吧)a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution by at least a two-thirds majority. (20个董事至少有一半出席会议(投票),且出席会议的董事2/3多数通过才有效。)
      • I got your correct answer. Thanks a lot!
      • doubtful, I think that 1. 20个董事至少有一半通过(=>10); 2.2/3多数通过(some people pass, some peples reject and some people may give up); the two premises are together to meet the requirement of making policy.
        • 吐血兄,这句话中最重要的词是quorum (the smallest number of people who must be present at a meeting for official decisions to be made),就是指法定最低出席人数,所以我确信我的翻译是对的。 :)切磋切磋。
          • let us to analyze this sentence, (a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution by at least a two-thirds majority. ) divided it to 2 parts:
            (1).a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution; (2).by at least a two-thirds majority;

            the former is the main part and tells us the main idea that a quorum must pass the resolution. we know that the quorum must be at least half of the 20 directors. the verb is not " present" but "pass", so, the "a quorum" passes the resolution, but, not present the vote meeting;

            the latter is telling us a way in which the resolution will be passed, and this way is a necessity, a requirement must be met. at least a 2/3 majority. meaning those directors who pass the resolution must be more than 2/3 of the totle directors who pass, refuse or give up the resolution.

            the above is my personal cognition.
            • Here comes mine:
              From my viewpoint,
              1) "a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors" is the subject, means "at least half of the 20 directors should be present to the meeting and those are the persons who will vote", that is the meaning of the word "quorum" .
              2) "must pass the resolution " is the verb and its object, that is clear.
              3) "by at least a two-thirds majority." is describing how the resolution could be passed "2/3 majority".
    • 在官方文件中英语对对象的指代和限定还是非常明确的, 能否告诉我这个句子的出处?
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