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I think it's lucky that you can have someone you love so much in this world now.

Of course you need the feelings she loves you as much as you do in return.

You need to trust her, by doing that, you will earn her love in a great deal.

Without the innocent mistake, would you love her all the time, if so, should it not bother you so much?

If I were you, I will calm down, let the angry go first, then talk to her:

"I am still very upset for what happened, but I think it over, I love you, if you want to talk, I will listen, if you don't, I trust you"

Again, saying is alwasy easier than doing it.

Good luck.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 女人的心如何能懂?如果夜里女友对着你叫另一个男人的名字,你会怎样?难道全心全意地爱一个人就是这种结果吗?
    • take it easy. 没准那个男人欠你女友若干money, 让你女友总惦记着呢?
      • no
    • 没准那只是一个小朋友的名字或者是女友的恶作剧,逗你玩玩儿。我知道的一对夫妇就开过这种玩笑,彼此还互相揶揄呢。
      • 不是。到底是不是开玩笑我能分得清。她说出以后才醒悟,却不想解释。也许你无法感受到我的心情,我不知道怎样再和她继续下去。难道她一直把我当作别人?我们都是有自尊的。
        • 不行就分手吧。
          • 想干嘛?
            • 不干嘛。:P 看他们俩已经有信任危机了,这个裂痕不是那么好弥补的。再说,不还在女友的程度么?又没结婚。
        • 谁叫你全心全意来着?
          • 全心全意地爱一个人没有错啊
            • 那就继续。。。爱呗。。。
        • 先别想太多吧,她大概只是一时粗心。
          • 如果事情发生在你身上,你会接受他的这种一时粗心吗?未必吧
            • 你和她都不一定有必要对对方交待清楚所有以前的事情。那取决于你们互相之间的expectation。你要是自己觉得不能接受,那么就做你自己的决定好了。别人没有这样的经历,的确无法完全体会你的心情,只能安慰和劝解了。
              • 谢谢你
          • suis怎么回事?你总和懒猫同时挂网上?我怀凝你们俩个。。。
            • 今天
              • 我怀凝你们俩的ID是一个人。
        • 不想解释也许只是觉得没必要,根本没什么,怕越描越黑而已。有很多矛盾其实就是从误会开始的。
          • 你是说我应该忘记这件事情吗?人是不应该有感情的,没有感情也就不会被伤害。也许我做得不够好,可是到底应该怎样做啊?要怎样爱她才对啊?我觉得害怕。
      • 那一定是一对心态特好的夫妻。你和你LG肯定有这个水准。
    • Easy to say, hard to do, but:
      Since you love her, try to cherish her, endure her.

      Even she loved someone else, still have the person in mind while being with you, but she IS with you now, you should feel lucky of it.

      It's an innocent mistake, you don't need to punish her or yourself.

      When she feels your love, she will talk to you, if not, does it really matter?
      • thanks. i'm not gonna blame or furnish her, it's not neccessary. all of what i want is just to get the a kinda balance. I know right now i'm losing the balance in my mind.
        • I think it's lucky that you can have someone you love so much in this world now.
          Of course you need the feelings she loves you as much as you do in return.

          You need to trust her, by doing that, you will earn her love in a great deal.

          Without the innocent mistake, would you love her all the time, if so, should it not bother you so much?

          If I were you, I will calm down, let the angry go first, then talk to her:

          "I am still very upset for what happened, but I think it over, I love you, if you want to talk, I will listen, if you don't, I trust you"

          Again, saying is alwasy easier than doing it.

          Good luck.
          • admire
          • thanks for your kind help, and your words. I know we need to talk about this, instead of avoiding what has happened.
            I love her without any reserve, how can I give up so easily? I believe love never dies, thank you, my friend.
    • 肯请版主把这个主题删除。多谢各位的开导,知道该怎样做了。thanks, everyone, thank you mssg.
      • you are welcome. Good luck!
      • Why? For privacy?