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Definitely I'll go to the school board sponsored Gifted Class Open House at new school. Yes, the unknown is alway scary.

My kid is kinda shy, not easy to become part of a team, her typical 1st reaction to the new staff, like new sports, is " I don't want to if I don't have to". I would like her to be a happy& healthy kid first, a gifted student second. So I'm afraid I'm pushing her too hard, especially she is pretty happy with the current school, with a limited number of best friends around. Actually she cried every time I mentioned she probably had to go to the new school, and said " being gifted is like a curse, why I have to be gifted in the 1st place? It's not fair" bla bla bla .. \
However, as april mentioned above, "you never know if you don't try", if I want to move her up to the next level, to get her potentials fully developed, and if the self-contained class does provide nurturing positive attitude, team-work, contributing etc. I'll find them out before making final decision.

Thank you all for for your insightful comments.

Sorry for not using Chinese at work.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请大家帮忙出出主意,是否值得去上Self-Contained Gifted Class?
    我小孩最近被Peel School Board推荐去Mississauga 西边的Thornlodge P.S. 上Self-Contained Gifted Class. 需乘校车。小孩很不愿意,说去新学校没有朋友,提了几次都哭了。其实在原校也有In-School Enhanced (Gifted) Program, 也是分开上课的,原来的同学也在身边。请问有类似情况的家长,你们是如何选择的?是否确实有优点,值得说服小孩去? 谢谢!
    • 那你问问老师,原校有为什么要到新学校去呢?是不是新学校的program确实好一点呢?

      • 例子不错,这周末带孩子们去Subway体验体验。:-)
        • 饱汉不知饿汉饥,那是因为我当时不会开车,只好“苦中作乐”啦。
          • 这个例子说得很痛苦,好像在说一个人没有永远的朋友:-(
      • 谢谢april,例子很生动. 校长推荐说,机会难得,新校是Peel School Board 办的,名额有限, 会有更多的挑战来开发小孩的潜能.
        但小孩的老师觉得在原校挺好。我个人倾向于能有更多发展social skills机会的原校,高IQ低EQ没用。就是担心错过机会,或原校program 的质量比School Board的有大的差距,给小孩今后的发展带来限制。
        • 不清楚你说原校“有更多发展social skills机会”的原因。不过就你说的情况,如果是我自己的孩子,我会送他们到新的学校去。
          在儿童教育上,如果不清楚该不该move them up to the next level时,最好选择是。因为这样多给孩子一些机会发掘他们的潜能。如果发现不合适,最坏的打算就是回到原来的水平/起点,也没什么坏处。大人们常说,you never know if you don't try。对小孩也同样适用。

          我也不觉得好的gifted program会对小孩的EQ培养有什么直接的消极影响。有人对gifted children有偏见,觉得他们太要强,不会为人处事。但至少从我自己孩子的反馈及老师经历来说,恰恰相反。他们认真积极,勇于contribute, 善于合作,不像普通班上的同学有的很懒散。
        • 我家孩子也曾有这样的问题。可以留在原校上一两年(5,6年级),初中再到Self-Contained Gifted Class。我觉得小学阶段的课程不那末要紧,孩子的感觉更重要些。
        • 新学校那里现在有gifted班吗?有的话,可以要求去参观一下,让孩子看看感受一下。对未知的总有点紧张,去看了也许就踏实了。要是教育局能组织得到推荐的孩子们和家长一起去,也许能碰上趣味相投的未来的同学,那孩子就会高高兴兴地去了。
          如果坐bus超过十分钟的路,建议问清楚都什么人坐bus。我听一家长讲过,一条bus线上所有special education的学生都坐一个bus。special education的学生有各种情况。有的小孩是有behavior problem的,很坏,bully小的或老实的。
          • Definitely I'll go to the school board sponsored Gifted Class Open House at new school. Yes, the unknown is alway scary.
            My kid is kinda shy, not easy to become part of a team, her typical 1st reaction to the new staff, like new sports, is " I don't want to if I don't have to". I would like her to be a happy& healthy kid first, a gifted student second. So I'm afraid I'm pushing her too hard, especially she is pretty happy with the current school, with a limited number of best friends around. Actually she cried every time I mentioned she probably had to go to the new school, and said " being gifted is like a curse, why I have to be gifted in the 1st place? It's not fair" bla bla bla .. \
            However, as april mentioned above, "you never know if you don't try", if I want to move her up to the next level, to get her potentials fully developed, and if the self-contained class does provide nurturing positive attitude, team-work, contributing etc. I'll find them out before making final decision.

            Thank you all for for your insightful comments.

            Sorry for not using Chinese at work.
    • 不HAPPY就不要去了,如果现在的学校老师和同学都很NICE的,不必冒这个险.